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Submitted By 8088shkh
Words 271
Pages 2
Ajax Minerals had for some time been operating at an optimal capacity. Its successful operations were however marred by poor management skills and weak employee relations. The company was then faced with an external business rivalry from Pacific Rim Mining Company that created direct and stiff competition. Initial estimates focused that in a span of three years Pacific Rim would hold a strong base in the industry and ultimately run Ajax Minerals out of business. The latter had the capacity and resources to undertake cheaper mining exercises and export the minerals to the U.S while incurring a significantly lower operating cost than Ajax. This severe business threat was quickly identified the top managerial and administrative leadership bracket of the company. They needed to act quickly in order for them to handle the challenge and maintain the company’s position on the industry. Junior levels of management were unaware of the present situation affecting the company this included supervisors and regular hourly workers who were only interested in the daily operations with which they earned considerable overtime pay (Palmer, 2009, pg180).
Organizational life in any working place has an associated aspect that causes resistance to any change that have a direct or indirect impact on the working conditions and remuneration of employees. Change is always perceived to have a negative result and leads to a state of skepticism and in reference to the Ajax minerals exercise two sources of resistance were identified as: discomfort and uncertainty. The two were present before the company decided to implement new changes and they were all subject to the feeble relationship between staff and

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