Create a marketing proposal
Marketing objectives
Marketing objectives are what you want to achieve through your marketing activities.
Effective marketing objectives:
• meet the needs of actual and potential customers
Product must suit the customer and continue to meet their needs.
It must be affordable and be more attractive than the rival product.
Should also try and attract new customers
• understand consumer needs
What do they want and why – what purpose does the product serve?. What will they want in future
Market Research: what consumer wants
• Understand and keep ahead of the competition
Understand what others sell – match or exceed those products. Attract customer away from rival supplier
Hold onto your customers
Improve a product
Create a new product
• Communicate effectively with its customers to satisfy customer expectation
Inform consumer of product
Listen to customer comments, complaint, request.
Advertise the value of your product, compare with rival product (be better)
Keep ahead of trends. Be the first to offer new ideas
Keep prices competitive
How to get new customers to buy the product/service
• Coordinate to achieve marketing aims
Make sure all areas of your business know about the marketing strategy and know what part they must play.
Assess performance
• Be aware of constraints on marketing activities
Internal constraints
Financial resources = Money available for investment
Skills and ‘know how’ - = can be internal or bought in.
External restraints
Consumers – does product meet their need. Are they interested in the product.
Competitors – is competitors product better and/or already established
Economy – if economy low people don’t buy as much or buy luxuries
Law – may preclude business activity.
What the consumer wants and what they will