...Abu Dharr al-Ghifari | Born | Hejaz | Died | 652 C.E. | Title | AlGhifari AlKinani | Religion | Islam | Additional information | Tribe | Banu Kinanah | Status | Muhajirun | ABOUT ABU-ZAR ALGHAFARI: Abu Zar's real name was Jandab ibn Junadah ibn Sakan, better known as Abu Dhar al-Ghaffari, or Abu Thar al-Ghaffari. Hazrat Abu Zar's Kunniyat was Abu Zar, which is because his eldest son was named Zar (this word in Arabic means 'fragrance'). By one estimate, Abu Zar was born in 568 AD, which means Abu Zar was two years older than the Prophet Muhammad (saw). He was born to the Ghifar clan, found to the western south of Medina. They were a branch of the Banu Kinanah tribe. Quraysh clan of Muhammad (SAW) was also a branch of the Banu Kinanah tribe. Hazrat Abu Zar Ghaffari (Radhiallahu Anhu / May God be pleased with him) had belonged to an Arab tribe by the name of Ghaffar, hence his last name. Early life: Abu Zar was most unhappy about the custom of Idol-worship that was rampant in Arabia of the 7th century. He had already believed in a Supreme God and he would spend most of his time reflecting on that. Little is known of his life before his conversion to Islam. Abu Dharr is said to have been a serious young man, an ascetic and a monotheist even before he...
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...1980: AN EVALUATION OF POLITICAL GROUP BOUNDARIES IN THE CONTEXT OF ETHNICITY THEORIES A THESIS SUBMITTED TO THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES OF THE MIDDLE EAST TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY BY ALİ MURAT İRAT IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN THE DEPARTMENT OF POLITICAL SCIENCE AND PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION APRIL 2006 Approval of the Graduate School of Social Sciences Prof. Dr. Sencer Ayata Director I certify that this thesis satisfies all the requirements as thesis for the degree of Master of Science. Prof. Dr. Feride Acar Head of Department This is to certify that we read this thesis and that in our opinion it is fully adequate, in scope and quality, as a thesis for the degree of Master of Science. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pınar Akçalı Supervisor Examining Committee Members Prof. Dr. Ayşe Ayata Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pınar Akçalı Assist. Prof. Dr. Aykan Erdemir (METU-ADM) (METU-ADM) (METU-SOC) I hereby declare that all information in this document has been obtained and presented in accordance with academic rules and ethical conduct. I also declare that, as required by these rules and conduct, I have fully cited and referenced all material and results that are not original to this work. Name, Last name: Ali Murat İrat Signature : iii ABSTRACT THE ALEVI COMMUNITY IN TURKEY AFTER 1980: AN EVALUATION OF POLITICAL GROUP BOUNDARIES IN THE CONTEXT OF ETHNICITY THEORIES İrat, Ali Murat Department of Political...
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...Shia & Sunni Islam is divided into several branches and sub-sects. the two main sects of Islam are Sunni and Shia. Sunni is the largest group with 85 percent of the Muslim population whereas Shia’s make up 15% of the population. The two sects formed right immediately after the death of prophet as there was no leader for the community, so the people decided to choose themselves. The Sunni’s - which means "people of the community and the tradition" – decided that the leader should be someone respected by the community and know the disciples of the prophet. They chose Abu Bakr who was one of Muhammad's closest friend and he was the first caliphs to succeed Muhammad. After Abu Bakr came Umar, Uthman, and Ali. The Shia's, however, disagreed with...
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...Major Divisions of Islam, And Their Teachings And Functions By Shalonda Reddick HUM 400 0030016 Religion And Philosophy There are three Major divisions of Islam Sunni, Shi’ah, and Khawarij. The Sunni Muslims are the largest denomination of Islam. The word Sunni comes from the word Sunnah, which means the teachings and actions or examples of the Islamic prophet, Muhammad. Therefore, the term “Sunni” refers to those who follow or maintain the Sunnah of the prophet Muhammad. The Sunnis believe that Muhammad did not specifically appoint a successor to lead the Muslim ummah (community) before his death, and after an initial period of confusion, a group of his most prominent companions gathered and elected Abu Bakr Siddique-Muhammad’s close friend and a father-in-law-as the first caliph(head of state or ruler in and Islamic community) of Islam Sunnis also believe that the position of caliph may be attained democratically, on gaining majority votes, but after the Rashidun, the position turned into a heredity dynastic rule because of the divisions that started by the Shias and others. The Sunnis believe in monotheism, prophethood/messengership, Holy books, Angels, Judgment Day, and Predestination. The Sunnis consist of five pillars- Declaration of Faith, Prayer, Charity, Fasting, and Pilgrimage. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islamic_schools_and_branches The Sunni emphasize the power and sovereignty of Allah and his right to do whatever he wants...
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...[No Subject] Me to Fatema SunelSent Nowadays, people are getting more & more involved in Music & for them, it has become a part of their daily life. Their mind has become so saddled with tension, & tempo of life is so fast that they seem to accept high blood pressure & nervous breakdown as the unavoidable side effects of modern civilization. It is a pity that they do not pause to think the adverse effects of music on their physical & mental health. I have endeavored to present in this booklet the scientific & spiritual points of views on music & dance etc. These observations have been quoted from various books of Persian, Urdu & English languages. I am very grateful to Maulana Seyyid Saeed Akhtar Rizvi, the Chief Missionary of the Bilal Muslim Mission of Tanzania for editing & scrutinizing this effort of mine. I hope this booklet will help the readers in understanding the philosophy of the rule of Islam which forbids music. A.H. Sherriff 1/5/1983 W H A T IS M U S I C ? Music, according to the New National Dictionary, means "Art of combining sounds or sequences of notes into harmonious patterns pleasing to the ear & satisfying to the emotions; melody" According to the Great Encyclopedic Dictionary, this combining of sounds is "for reproduction by the voice or various kinds of musical instruments in rhythmic, melodious & harmonious form so as to express thought or feeling & affect the emotion;" & the word is also used for the "sound so produced," & for 'written...
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...‘Umar ibn al-Khattab was assassinated in Medina as he was leading a prayer in the mosque. He was reportedly killed by a Christian slave named Abu Lu’lu’a who was upset by a tax imposed by the caliph. Upon realizing that his wounds were fatal, ‘Umar did not appoint a successor but rather appointed a council, or shura, to choose the next caliph. This council consisted of a group of six Muslims which included ‘Uthman ibn Affan, ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib, ‘Abd al-Rahman ibn Awf, Zubayr ibn al-‘Awamm, Talha ibn ‘Ubaydallah, and Sa’d ibn Abi Waqqas. This small group was to choose a ruler amongst themselves. It was a tightly knit group, all early converts from the Quraysh tribe who had together endured a decade of persecution in Mecca, a decade of war against Mecca, and had just emerged from a decade of victorious conquests under ‘Umar’s leadership. With the hindsight of history and in an attempt to explain the later schisms within Islam, commentators would try to divide this group into competing factions. This doesn’t really work, for by 644 the interconnections between these six men had become too intimate and intricate. ‘Ali, Zubayr, and Sa’d were all cousins of the Prophet and Talha was a cousin of Abu Bakr’s while the practice of multiple marriages made for a further double-woven intimacy. Consider for instance the marital career of one of ‘Uthman’s sisters: first she married the Prophet’s adopted son Zayd, then Zubayr,...
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...2 ﺑﺮﮐﺎت اﻻﻣداد ﻻھل اﻻﺳﺘﻣداد BEACONS OF HOPE BY Ala’Hazrat Azeemul-Barkat Mujaddid Imam Ahmad Raza Khan (Alaihe Rahma Wal Ridhwan) Translated By: Abu Muhammad Abdul Haadi Al Qadri Beacons of Hope 3 ISLAMIC INQUIRY This inquiry came to the great Mujaddid Imam Ahmed Raza Al-Qadri (Radi Allah unho) from Ahmad Nabi Khan of Mohalla Shabazpura Saheswan of the 14th Shaban AlMoazzam 1311 Hijri. QUESTION What is the ruling of the Ulama of Deen regarding the Ayah اياك نستعينA person interprets this Ayah saying that it is Shirk (Polytheism) to seek assistance from any one other than Allah Almighty. He quotes the Following : دﯾﮐﮫ ﺣﺻﺮ ﻧﺳﺘﻌﯾں اے ﭘﺎک دﯾں اﺳﺘﻌﺎﻧت ﻏﯾﺮ ﺳﮯ ﻻﺋق ﻧﮩﯾں ذات ﺣق ﺑﯾﺷک ﻣﮯ ﻧﻌم اﻟﻣﺳﺘﻌﺎن ﺣﯾف ﻣﮯ ﮔﺮ ﻏﯾﺮ ﺣق ﮐﺎ ﮨو دھﯾﺎن Look at the Hasr (restrictions) of the pure Deen, that it is not permissible to seek assistance from other than Allah Almighty. He also quotes the beliefs of the illustrious Sufiya as follows: Sheikh Maslihuddin Sadi Shirazi (Radi Allah unho) held the same belif. Hence, he states: نداريم غير از تو فرياد رس توئی عاصياں را خطا بخش و بس There is none beside you that can assist me and it is You Who forgives the sins of the servants. Beacons of Hope 4 Hazrat Moulana Nizami Ganjawi (Radi Allah unho) also says the same in his Du’a: بزرگا بزرگی و ہابيکم توئی ياوری بخش وياوری رسم O Master! Oh Bestower of Excellence! It is only You Who can help me and save me. He also quotes an interesting and thought-provoking incident...
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...Here you go. Be warned...it's long: Ok, so here’s the argument: Let’s begin with the traditional narrative: At Muhammad’s death, there is a power struggle between Abu Bakr and Ali. The supporters of Abu Bakr’s claim are the Sunnis, the supporters of Ali’s claim are the Shi’ite. The Sunnis believe that leadership should be elected from those who deserve it, the Shi’ite believe it should be passed down Muhammad’s bloodline. The Sunnis win out and Abu Bakr takes power. Over time, these two groups have various fights resulting in the civil war termed the Fitnah. There are major theological which are a direct result of differences on where spiritual authority rests. My response: None of this makes sense. Let’s start at the beginning. At Muhammad’s death, there is supposedly a struggle between Abu Bakr and Ali over who should be the leader. This doesn’t make sense. Ali is far too young to be a contender for leadership. Remember, this is still in the early stages of Islam, so everyone is used to the pre-Islamic leadership structure. The leader is traditionally the sheikh, an elder of the tribe who brings wisdom and experience to the table. Abu Bakr, at 61 years old, fits that bill. Ali? He’s in his early 30’s. No one will take his leadership seriously. And that’s something that is very important because whoever takes leadership is going to face rebellion. What happens when you have an extremely strong leader and he dies? People start rebelling. They test how much power the successor...
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...Shia and Sunni Shia and Sunni are the two main denominations in Islam. Around 87–89% of the world's Muslims are Sunni while the rest of 11–12% is Shia, most Shias belongs to the Twelver tradition and the rest divided between many groups. Sunnis majority is in most of the Muslim communities such as Southeast Asia, China, South Asia, Africa, and most of the Arab continent. Majority of the Shia citizen’s population is in Iraq, Iran, Bahrain, and also a politically significant minority in Lebanon. Indonesia has the largest number of Sunnis, on the other hand Iran has the largest number of Shia Muslim in the world. Pakistan has the second largest Sunni and also Shia Muslim population in the world. Sunni and Shia split lies in the schism which occurred when the Islamic prophet Muhammad passed on in the year 632, leading to a dispute over succession to Muhammad as a caliph of the Islamic community spread across the world, this led to the Battle of Siffin. The dispute intensified greatly after the Battle of Karbala, in which Hussein Ibn Ali and his household were killed by the ruling of Umayyad Caliph Yazid I, and the revenge has divided in the early of Islamic community. Today, there are several differences in religious practice, traditions, and customs, often related to jurisprudence. Furthermore all Muslim consider the Quran to be divine, but the Sunni and Shia have different opinions and interpretation on hadith....
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...THE CAPTIVATING OF CONSTANTINOPLE When moon in the sky shining brightly As sign of the birth a prince Will giving incredible blessing High morals, strong religious beliefs Education given by his father About military knowledge and religious knowledge Era of Ali, Muawiyah and Harun al-Rashid Not forgetting the Sultan Murad Hundreds of years they fought But the result is still the same Not the time for getting victory Shouldered the responsibility with full dedication Beginning at the age of 19 years Do not expect praise and high rank The main focus to captivating of Constantinople That very popular by the two groups Ideas from him is so brilliant Not like his age was only teenager The first step to build strong walls To defend themselves when attacked By the enemy that will come Next step to dig the tunnels Purpose of let go man named Urban To provide artillery as many as he can The most sophisticated weapons at that time Can reach the victim with precisely Before attacking he sent spies To investigate the condition of city Then read and review some reports Strategy was planned with togetherness Follow the sunnah of our beloved prophet Soldiers was divided into five groups 50,000 of soldiers for one head of military Using land and also sea Primary key is through the way who have never passed by anyone Break down the walls of Constantinople Wait and see a response from the enemy Next morning rebuilding the wall Fight with Roman...
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...Muhammad's closes companions. He decided it's politically smart to bring other clans into it. They decided NOT to choose from the Hashemite clan (Prophet Muhammad's clan), however within the Quraysh tribe. He decided that it was smart to get someone that isn't in the feud – not a Hashemite and not an Umayyad – they chose Abu Bakr. He was from a smaller clan. Abu Bakr was modest and was a very good diplomat. He knew how to take the Quraysh tribe and to talk to other tribes and bring them together. He was the first convert outside of Prophet Muhammad's family. He was also the father of Prophet Muhammad's most beloved wife, Aisha. He had been designated in the last days of Prophet Muhammad, to conduct the worship during his times of illness. Imam Ali – Some believed he should have been the leader of the Ummah after Prophet Muhammad's death, because he was from the Prophet's bloodline. These people became to be known as "Shiaa" Muslims. Abu Bakr was given the title the Caliph of Rasoul Allah (SWT) – (Successor of the messenger of God) It does NOT mean King, it does NOT mean Emperor. ------------------- Ridda Wars As soon as news of death of Prophet Muhammad reached tribes, many broke from the Ummah. This act was called "ridda". (People who left the religion of Islam – also known as apostasy). They...
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...Challenges Facing the Youth in Today’s Society Most of the problems facing today’s youth are not restricted to any one ethnic or religious group, but affect young people generally. Most discussions on youth have focussed on issues such as drug abuse, crime, violence, sexuality and poverty. In addition to these, today’s youth are afflicted by new challenges. These include: An Identity Crisis: Who am I? Lack of self confidence and low self esteem: I am worthless A sense of hopelessness: Where am I going? Confusion and ambiguity concerning moral issues: What is right and wrong? The negative impact of the electronic media: Entertainment ? Competitiveness in education: the uneven playing field: Excellence by whom? Not Me. Muslim Youth The Quran and life of the Prophet give numerous examples of outstanding youth. Islam praised the efforts of the youth in reviving religion through calling to the worship of God and fighting against disbelief as a form of backwardness and corruption. Indeed the image of Abraham peace be upon him in the Quran is one of extreme inspiration, enlightenment and uniqueness. It is the image of a young man rebelling against his people’s decadent traditions, a young man defying the dominant values of his society even in the form of a tyrant king who claims divinity. His son Ismail inherited these qualities of sincerity in worshipping Allah and sacrifice of everything for His sake, as clear in the story of the sacrifice when his father consulted...
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...man Muhammad. Muhammad is the sole founder of Islam; he was born in a town known as Mecca in a Arabian city known as Saudi Arabia around 570 or 571 (pg. 180 Chambers). Muhammad father died before his birth and his mother when he was only six years old. Muhammad was raised by his uncle and worked as a camel driver in caravans. (pg 180 Chambers). Muhammad was an illiterate man who had no information on Jewish and Christian scriptures. Muhammad at age twenty-five married and had four daughters. Muhammad had two significant roles in Islam his preaching and Hijra. Around the time 610 Muhammad heard the voice of an angle Gabriel telling him to reflect the word of God. Muhammad began to preach publicly but was initially only able to get a small group of people to follow him in his beliefs. Most people feared him because of his paganism threated the center of Mecca. (pg 180 Chambers). After being run out of Mecca Muhammad took his Ideas to a town known as Medina. This travel from Mecca to Medina is known as Hijra which occurred around 622. This journey will later be known as year one of the Islam calendar. The Hijra was the most important turning point in Muhammad career he became a political leader. As this new power Muhammad was able to get his...
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...The irony is that Harun al-Rashid’s attempt to prevent a civil war actually enabled the civil war by trying to appease both children. The first theory is that in the last days of his life, Harun had a dream which caused him to change his successor. ln his dream, al Rashid saw Musa ibn Jafar, a close friend, sitting in a chamber, praying and crying, which made al Rashid remember how he struggled to establish his own caliphate. Al Rashid faced the realities of his son’s leadership qualities and reevaluated his decision on two leaders for the greater good of the Abbasids. To a group of his advisors, al Rashid confided, “al-Maʾmūn should be caliph after his death.” One of the advisors, Fadl ibn Rabi' did not abide by Harun's last wishes and persuaded many that Harun's wishes remained unchanged from his initial decision that both sons would be his successors. Subsequently, the other three advisors found holes in Fadl's statements, forcing him to concede that Harun actually named al-Maʾmūn as his primary successor. Fadl tried to justify his betrayal, stating that immediately before his death, the caliph was mentally unstable and thus, unable to make such an important...
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...A scientist from Damascus who excelled in mathematics, geometry,and astronomy. Abu al-Hassan Ala'-Din Ali Ibn Ibrahim Ibn Mohammedal-Ansari al-Muakit, known as Ibn ash-Shatir was born and died inDamascus. He was surnamed al-Mutaem because he used to inlay ivorywhen a child(1). His father died when he was still a child and was taken in charge byhis grandfather, and then by the son of his father’s uncle and his aunt’shusband who taught him how to inlay ivory. He then accumulated animportant sum of money, which enabled him to visit numerous countriessuch as Egypt where he studied astronomy and mathematics in Cairo andAlexandria. He spent the majority of his life in his position as timing officer andchief Muezzin in the Umayyad Mosque in Damascus(2). Scientific Contributions He had contributed in the invention of many instruments such as theastrolabe, his rectifications of sundials. He also came up with manyvaluable astronomical theories. His books on the astrolabe constituted areference for many centuries in ash-Sham and Egypt, and throughout theOthoman Empire and in other Islamic countries as they were essential indefining time in the Islamic world(3). He also succeeded in accurately measuring the angle of deviation of the circle of constellations, as he estimated it at 23° 31 minutes. In this context, Sarton Says: “Ibn ash-Shatir was a scientist of a great genius. Hestudied the movement of celestial bodies in a very precise way, anddemonstrated that the angle of...
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