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All We Have Is Now Analysis

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What do you think you would do if you knew it was going to be your last day on earth? Would you leave? Would you try to outrun it, even though you know it would alter life your as you know it? Or would you stay and live out the last of your days as you wished? What would you do?

All We Have Is Now is the story of two teens, Vince and Emerson, who learn that there is a huge asteroid speeding towards them that will decimate North America. Now, our two protagonists are both runaways/orphans that live in a homeless shelter. Therefore, neither of them feel that their life is truly worth trying to save by running as far away as humanly possible for them before the asteroid hits. What they decide to do, and it wasn’t very much of a surprise, was to go and commit suicide by jumping off of what they called “suicide bridge.” Before …show more content…
There were random poems thrown sporadically around the book that made no sense and didn’t seem to have an obvious connection to the plot. The poems also did not read well. After going through two semesters of Creative Writing, trust me when I tell you that I have seen amateur writers pull better poems out of their asses than this. I don't know if it was because of my kindle or just the writing in general, but each time I stumbled upon a poem I found myself wishing it would just disappear. It was a good concept, I've seen a lot more Young Adult books playing around with mixes of prose and verse lately, but it wasn't consistent enough to feel like anything other than a poorly planned afterthought.

All We Have Is Now is a wonderful Young Adult book, despite the crappy poetry, and it brings to light some wonderful ideas about what people do on their last days and what certain individuals consider to be important. There are some elements of love and friendship, of family and loss, of hope. Overall, I think this book had a magnificent message about what it means to be human and

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