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All in the Right Meassure


Submitted By sharongl
Words 591
Pages 3
Joaquin v Gonzalez.
1ro I.
Sharon Levy.
Peerreviewer: Carolina palacios.

All in the Right Measure.

Being an only child can be either good or bad, depending on how you perceive it and how you are brought up by your parents. When you are an only child, you get the undivided love and attention of your parents. They will dote on you more and as an only child, you may grow up to be more independent and able to fend for yourself better, if your parents have not spoiled you by giving you whatever you ask for. Not having an older sibling to help you every step of the way may in that sense be beneficial and make you capable of looking after yourself earlier in life. So, is it true that only children tend to misbehave and to be more deppendent on their parents ? Or it is a myth created by society ? Some people think that due to having their parents fully attention, children could be easily spoiled by giving them all what they want, eventhough they do not need it. This can trigger a syndrome that is called the "Little Emperor Syndrome" it refers to the Chinese situation involving parents and their single children in which the parents lavish their love and attention on this one child, and as a result, the child becomes spoilt and behaves like a "Little Emperor". But this is not black or white. Everything depends on how the parents decide to bring their child up. If they cannot put up with denying their child anything, they will learn how to manipulate their parents to get whatever they want. But if there are limits and they do not get whatever they ask for, they will be fine. Personal space is a controversial issue in relation to only children and how sometimes parents cannot help to overprotect them, in contrast to parents with several children that sometimes cannot give each of their children the proper attention they need. Not to overprotect them is one of the biggest challenges they have because it is
Joaquin v Gonzalez.
1ro I.
Sharon Levy.
Peerreviewer: Carolina palacios

really difficult to them to let their child do something they know will be painful or that will break their heart. They must know that advice is always well received, but sometimes they have to let their child commit their own mistakes in order to grow up and mature. On the other hand, only children may also face an immense pressure on them that will be heavier than what a child with siblings will feel. It does not matter whether their parents make them feel the pressure or not sometimes it will be there anyway. Many times only children put that pressure on themselves even though their parents do not want them to feel that way, it is common in only children to feel that they have to do everything perfectly. There may be many who will feel no stress at all and are able to take this pressure, real or perceived with calm and confidence in themselves. To sum up there are many who will not feel stressed out at all and who are able to take this pressure, real or perceived, with calm. Everything will always depend on the kind of bond they have with their parents and how they decided to raise their child. A lack of siblings can be compensated by spending increased and healthier time with their child. Therefore, parents should not worry about their children social relationships.

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