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Amazon.Com’s E-Business Model


Submitted By patatur261
Words 1164
Pages 5’s E-Business Model

Pros and Cons of Amazon’s Growth and Diversification of Business and Specialization is a digital shop, open around the clock. Consumers are able to access literally at any moment, on any given day, due to its real-time optimization. Amazon provides unlimited reach to the worldwide market, with no substantial boundaries. Amazon has unlimited inventory and is just as diverse in categories which helps promote a speedy inventory turnover. Their focus on low prices, a diverse selection and customer convenience has proven to be successful.
Amazon also has endured one of the fastest growths in the internet’s history reaching almost 3 billion dollar in sales within the first five years. Amazon is considered an ecommerce giant and has over 30, 000 thousand employees and brings in more than 30 million in revenues annually, topping Barnes & Nobles and Borders.
Amazon owns many companies consumers use every day not knowing they are owned by such. Zappos,, and are each owned by Amazon. Furthermore, entities of Amazon often used are AmazonBasics: amazon branded electronic products, AmazonFresh: sells and deliveries groceries, AmazonStudios: online social movie studio and AmazonWarehouseDeals: offers discounts on refurbished products. Amazon also facilitates many other businesses, such as providing web services for companies like: Netflix, Etsy, Papaya and Reddit, to name a few. So not only is Amazon providing jobs for all its employees but each of these companies have a host of employees that prosper due to amazon’s growth also.
Though few, some complaints concerning Amazon is for the non-technical savvy consumer who prefers to see or physically touch an item before the purchase. With the company not having any brick and mortar outlets consumers must be willing to transact with the

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