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Amish Midwife Analysis

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The Amish Midwife could easily be classified as a well known book, but the question is, is this a good book? After all, just because something is well known it does not mean that the reasons for its popularity are good. So, in order to answer this question a person must first look at whether or not the plot is good, and if the follow through of this plot was done well. Then it is important to determine if the main character's goal within the book makes logical sense. After considering each of these questions and the answers given it will be simple enough to make a decision based off the information given.
To begin, it would be best to start off by explaining what the plot is. This story is centered around a woman named Alexandra (or Lexie …show more content…
There are of course many opinions which can be taken into account when considering these questions, but Köstenberger and Jones point out in their book (God, Marriage, and Family) there is more than one example of adoption in the Bible and each of these was considered a good thing. But, in this story Lexie goes to many lengths to find out what she wants. Throughout the story she is lied to repeatedly, she is not treated kindly, and she disregarded by many. Her journey to the truth is not easy, but are her actions any truly justified? After all, if a list of her transgressions was taken it too would include lying, convincing her two cousins to go against their mothers wishes, and not respecting other's rights to keep information to themselves. Based off of this list the statement could be made that the main character was not a very good person herself, but there is more to it than this. More than once in the book Lexie admits that she has abandonment issues which stem from her birth family giving her up. And as the movie "Saving Mr. Banks" does a great job of showing, that what happens to a child earlier in their life really does affect how he or she ends up growing up. Just as Lexie had abandonment issues which caused her to act unwisely at times, so too did the main character in "Saving Mr. Banks" have a similar problem of mistrust in those around her because of her the way her childhood was. Also, it should be noted that while she did lie at times during the course of the story she worked hard to no longer do this and to force others around her to be honest with one another. Added to this she was in fact a kind person in many ways and absolutely cared about the people who were in her life. These facts give her the redeeming factor that helps a person feel as

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