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'An Analysis Of Catherine's Rules'

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Rules is a great book that allows its readers to view autism from a perspective not commonly shown. Catherine’s perspective varied from being a protective sister to the perspective of the neglected child. After reading the incident with Ryan on pages 29-31, I was inspired by Catherine’s dedication to protect David. Catherine tends to worry about how others view her brother and this causes her to very defensive, even when people are not trying to be more or pick at David. For example, Catherine got upset when Kristi turned on the music and asked David to dance with her. In addition to being protective of David she can also be very annoyed by him. When I first noticed this I felt Catherine was being selfish. However, I was able to relate more …show more content…
It is the conversation on page 118 where Jason shares with Catherine that he wishes to die that makes me feel these words are important for him to have. Just as Catherine explained the cards she drew for Jason, I would explain to him why all three of these words express feelings he should have throughout his journey in life. Catherine’s relation with Jason definitely grew throughout the book. In the beginning their relationship was more of acquaintances than friends. Catherine only view Jason as someone to talk to as she waited for David to finish occupational therapy, but she began to develop more feelings for him the more time she spent with him. I feel that Catherine started of doing to Jason what she did not want done to David – she only saw his disability and not him as a person. It was not until Jason’s birthday party that Catherine realized she was embarrassed not only by David but Jason as well. I think Catherine’s relationship Jason allowed her to see that the friendship she was trying to develop with Kristi was one that could be had with Jason regardless of his disability. By Catherine deciding to go to the dance and invite Jason shows major growth on her part. It showed that she has acknowledged the fact that both David and Jason’s disabilities does not define them as

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