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An Essay of Vernissage


Submitted By Naxster
Words 738
Pages 3
Essay – “ Vernissage”

“Vernissage” is a short story about a young boy called Alex, whose parents have a slightly dysfunctional relationship. Alex is confused; he has reached an age where he wants to grow up. The father doesn’t care about the mother, and Alex sees that. Alex imagines that Vernie Sadge is a father who cares about the family, and especially about the mother. Alex seems like any other boy in his age,(10-12) at the start we meet Alex getting out of school and into his mother’s car. There they share a quick conversation about Alex’s school day. His mother has bought this new dress for the “Vernissage”, it is an event later that night witch Alex’s mother and father will attend to at the evening. In the start we see that Alex is a curiously child, that is shown by Alex asking his mother about the dress. When they come home a little later, his mother makes him these banana sandwiches. But it is pretty easy to see that, Alex does not like “Vernissage”. Alex knows that “vernissage” is the problem. The “vernissage” is the blame for the troubles, between his parents marriage. Alex is eating these banana sandwiches, witch is clearly symbolizes his childhood. All though Alex is trying to make up his mind, whether he should stop eating the banana sandwiches, or that he should continue eating them. If he stops eating them, he could come in to an unknown adulthood, but Alex is very confused.
(Page 9 l 105-121) After witnessing the conversation between Alex’s parents, without them knowing that he lies under the bed. Then Alex confirms to himself that he want’s to be more grown up. But also in the start, we see that Alex is childish, because when he sits in the car with his mother. (Page 1 L 12-19) Alex is clearly being a child, by thinking that he did not get the subject beetles, which he wanted, but instead he got the earthworms and sees that as a

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