...1. Introdution to SWOT analysis : 1. SWOT analysis is a strategic planning tool that separates influences on a business’s future success into internal and external factors. 2. A SWOT analysis focuses entirely on the four elements included in the acronym, allowing companies to identify the forces influencing a strategy, action, or initiative. Knowing these positive and negative impacting elements can help companies more effectively communicate what elements of a plan need to be recognized. 1.2.1. Internal factors The first two letters in the acronym, Strengths and Weaknesses, refer to internal factors, which means the resources and experience readily available to you. Examples of areas typically considered include: Financial resources, such as funding, sources of income and investment opportunities. 1.2.2.External factors Every company, organization and individual is influenced and affected by external forces. Whether connected directly or indirectly to an opportunity or threat, each of these factors is important to take note of and document. External factors typically reference things you or your company does not control, such as: • Market trends, such as new products and technology or shifts in audience needs. • Economic trends, such as local, national and international financial trends. 2. Strengths A company's strengths are usually easy to identify, through its continuing dialogue with customers and suppliers. Your records (eg sales) will also help to...
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...I'm going to analyze an extract from a play "The man of destiny" by George Bernard Shaw, an Irish playwright, who was mostly talented for drama. He wrote more than 60 plays. Nearly all his writings are devoted to the social problems, but have a vein of comedy which makes their stark themes more palatable. The fact of his being the only person to be nominated both a Nobel Prize in literarture and an Oscar proves him to be a very talented person. "The man of destiny" is a drama and drama is a kind of a genre which can be personified, leading to the climax through series of events. The play opens with the lieutenant hearing the Lady's voice which he thinks to be the voice of a man who has tricked him out of Napoleon's letters. In fact it was the Lady who has stolen them. Napoleon orders her to give back the letters but the Lady starts to flatter Napoleon in order to distract his attention. Suddenly Napoleon hears the lieutenant's voice and that makes him to remember about the letters again. The Lady agrees to give him the letters except one which is a love letter. The Lady hints that the love letter has been written by Napoleon's wife to his friend Barras. Napoleon doesn't believe her and thinks she has done that because of revenge. The play ends with Napoleon driving the Lady out. There's an external type of a conflict in the play. The two parties are Napoleon, that is protagonist, and the Lady, antagonist. The author doesn't describe Napoleon directly, but it isn't very difficult...
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...ЛЕКЦИИ ПО СТИЛИСТИКЕ Лекция 1. Лингвистические основы курса стилистики. Отношение линвостилистики к другим разделам общего языкознания. Понятие выразительных средств языка и стилистических приемов, их взаимоотношение и функции. Общие понятия функциональных стилей английского языка. Лекция 2. Стилистическое значение слова. Три основных вида стилистического значения слова. Письменный и устный варианты языка. Лекция 3. Стилистическая классификация словарного состава английского языка. Нейтральный и общелитературный слои словарного состава и их взаимоотношение. Нейтральный и общеразговорный слои словарного состава и их взаимоотношение. Лекция 4. Специальный литературный слой словарного состава. Термины, поэтические и высоколитературные слова, устаревшие слова, слова, вышедшие из употребления, архаизмы, барбаризмы и иностранные слова, литературные слова, образования, включающие слова, не имеющие смысла. Лекция 5. Специальный разговорный словарь. Сленговые слова, жаргонные слова, профессиональные слова, диалектные слова, разговорные словообразования, включающие слова, не имеющие смысла. Лекция 6. Фонетические средства и стилистические приемы. Ономатопия, аллитерация, рифма, ритм. Лекция 7. Лексические выразительные...
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...Creative spark talk Analusis Rodrigo Botello PHL/458 April 23, 2015 DOUGLAS PETRIKAT TED known to many as Technology, Entertainment and design is a website that has videos that encourages new ideas and new ways of thinking to user. This website is nonprofit design to spread ideas by short and encouraging talks (TED, 2015) some of the greatest minds of our time such as leaders, Teachers and the greatest thinkers of our time have videos for viewing on this website. While browsing the website I came across a title names Taking Imagination Seriously that was recorded in June of 2011 by creator and Artist Janet Echelman. Janet Echelman is a true inspiration to all the view this video, she saw art in the form of fishnets and made her creations to life. She Mentions in the video that she herself never thought of herself as being an artist in her life. After she has been reject from 7 different art schools she began to paint ten years later on her own. One day she was offer a Fulbright in India where she had the opportunity to have an exhibition of her paintings. When she arrived in India to show off her art in her exhibition she ran into a slight dilemma, her paintings never arrived with her. While trying to come up with a solution to her problem, she stayed in a fishing village that was famous for sculptures. While observing the local she tried to create a bronze casting but realized that creating a sculpture out of bronze would be too costly and heavy to create. One...
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...Name: Ahmed Abdelaal Ahmed "Outsourced Movie" In Light of the Movie Discuss the Following Questions: Explain Hofstede cultural dimension and how it is clearly manifested? Below is a brief explanation of the cultural dimensions and examples from the film that represent each of the dimensions. Individualism and Collectivism Individualistic cultures “offer their members a great deal of freedom, the belief being that this freedom makes it possible for each person to achieve personal success” . Members tend to “put their own interests and those of their immediate family ahead of social concerns” In contrast, members of collectivist cultures “have tight social frameworks in which members of a group . . . feel primary loyalty toward one another and the group to which they belong” . · Todd has his own apartment in Seattle, he lives alone, and he is ambitious and consumption-oriented. As he explains to Puro: “In my world, it just makes sense to work your ass off and go into credit card debt just so you can have that 50-inch plasma.” · Todd also does not see his parents often, even though they live only two hours away from him. This news stuns Puro, who also cannot understand why Todd continues to work for a company and a boss he dislikes. Todd and Puro are at opposite ends of the individualism-collectivism continuum. A series of events at the beginning of the film also highlight the contrast between individualist and collectivist cultures: · When...
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...Authentic Leadership Leaders of the future should be obliged to embark on their own journey of personal development to earn the title leader (Whitmore 2012). The need for governance has mainly increased the pressures on organisations to have aspiring leaders with the skills needed for their fields of interest. This is supported by The Open University (on-line 2012) when it is suggested that clinical leadership is essential for service redesign, quality, innovation, productivity and prevention. It is recognised that in order to facilitate whole system approach in today’s National Health Service (NHS), leaders need to understand not only the people and culture they are trying to change, but also their own personality traits and how these may affect the process (Judge and Bono 2000, 754). In this regard a personal based analysis will be conducted, realising how far I have already gone concerning the developmental processes. I shall conduct a critical reflection (Gibbs 1988) of a personal leadership archaeology found in Appendix One. To facilitate the learning demonstrated two tools have been used; a full Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) assessment has been completed, which allows a level of understanding by analysing individuals’ preferences as they make up a personality. Secondly the Belbin team role self perception inventory (BTRSPI) has been completed by both self and observer assessments used to consider my role within the team. The completion of these tools...
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