...HSC English Standard and Advanced Area of Study: Discovery Portfolio Assessment Weighting: 20% (Reading 10%, Writing 10%) Due: 12th December, 2014 Outcomes assessed: 11. A student draws upon the imagination to transform experience and ideas into texts demonstrating control of language. 12. A student reflects on own processes of responding and composing. 13. A student reflects on own processes of learning. ------------------------------------------------- Task ------------------------------------------------- You must have the following tasks to include in your Discovery Portfolio of Work. It should be a reflection of your developing understanding of this concept and your skills in responding to and composing texts. ------------------------------------------------- You will have class time to complete many of these tasks, but will be required to spend time at home working on your portfolio. ------------------------------------------------- Tick off each task as you complete it. Timeline for completion of the task Aspects of this timeline may change to accommodate things which arise during the term. Please be prepared on the correct days so that you can actively participate in the stated tasks. Week&Task Number | 5Task One | 6Task Two | 7Tasks Three | 8Tasks Four & Five | 9Task Six | 10Task Seven | Suggested Due Dates | 4th November You will be given half the period to complete.Marked by Kang | 10th NovemberYou will be given half the...
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...Crossing - Abstract This paper examines the narrative technique and the significance of the setting in the short story Crossing. It also investigates the main character in the short story. The first part sets out to define the narrative technique. This is done by reading through the text and noting down any time one reads something useful about the narrator. After this is done one can do the examination of the narrative technique. The second part examines the main character in order to get an understanding of who he is as a person and what he wants. The examination is done by making an analysis and interpretation him. The final part of this study assesses the significance of the setting. This can be found by noting every time the setting is described. Afterwards one can do an analysis of the setting in order to evaluate the significance of it. The paper shows that the author is working with indirect speech when the reader experiences flashbacks. Otherwise quotation marks are used when the father is speaking with his son. By analyzing the main character it is shown that he longs for getting back together with his former wife and of course his child. It is concluded that the significance of the setting is somewhat important. It helps the reader to get a clear understanding of the events that takes place by the way it is described. Crossing - Abstract This paper examines the narrative technique and the significance of the setting in the short story Crossing. It also investigates...
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...Written Your textual analysis provides the background for an essay, and account or a text in another genre you are asked to write about a text. You should only use results from the analysis, which are relevant for the focus you have chosen. Novels | Short stories | A novel is a literary imaginative work whose content has been invented in an author’s imagination. It does not represent actuality and it is seldom based on facts.Novels and short stories are fiction. | A short story belongs to the genre fiction.It is epic and it tells a story in just one main plot. Often: * Exposition (eksponering, udstilling, redegørelse) * Complication * Crisis * Sad/happy/open/surprising ending.A short story is often restricted (begrænset) to one setting only; fixed place and time and narrow (snæver, smal) social surroundings. There is a limited set of characters in a short story. A decisive (afgørende) situation beyond a character’s control occurs (forekommer, opstår) and the story starts. A short story only discusses a selected part of life. It mostly shows a decisive moment in life, which can entail (medfører) a fatal blow (skæbnesvangert) | To analyse fiction is to open the text by examining its various components (forskellige bestanddele). A good analysis will cover all the following points. * However, all the points will not be equally important in all analyses. Always base your analysis on what is actually said in the text. Analysing of fiction Description:...
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...masses.” Malcolm X Mass communication to Everyone. Disseminating Information to a wide Audience. What is Media? The media is the means of mass communication, such as newspapers, magazines, radio, television and film. The media disseminates meaning to a mass audience. The word media is derived from the Latin “medium”, which means “an agency; or the way something is communicated or expressed”. What is Media Studies? Media Studies is the study of how meaning is created and disseminated through the media. The media that are studied are those of mass, rather than interpersonal communication, such as mobile phones. The media texts may be newspapers or magazines, television or radio programmes, cinema films, advertisements, music videos and websites. The range of media texts will cover fiction and non-fiction, such as Donnie Darko, Bowling For Columbine, The Simpsons, and Nike adverts. Media is a construct; messages are being mediated and a point of view communicated, even where the events seem at their most ‘raw’ and direct. This course will enable you to look at and listen to media products, not simply as a consumer, but as a critic - able to question the content and purpose of the messages rather than take them at face value. You will be equipped to make reasoned, well balanced judgements about what is being communicated through the media, and make sense of the ever-expanding and complex web of communication. You will learn...
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..."Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema" - Laura Mulvey In her "Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema" Laura Mulvey utilizes psychoanalysis theory as a "political weapon" to demonstrate how the patriarchic subconscious of society shapes our film watching experience and cinema itself. According to Mulvey the cinematic text is organized along lines that are corresponding to the cultural subconscious with is essentially patriarchic. Mulvey argues that the popularity of Hollywood films is determined and reinforced by preexisting social patterns which have shaped the fascinated subject. Mulvey's analysis in "Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema" combines semiotic methodology of cinematic means of expression with psychoanalytic analysis of desire structures and the formation of subjectivity. The semiotic end of Mulvey's analysis enables the deciphering of how films produce the meanings they produce, while the psychoanalytic side of the article provides the link between the cinematic text and the viewer and explains his fascination through the way cinematic representations interact with his (culturally determined) subconscious. Mulvey's main argument in "Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema" is that Hollywood narrative films use women in order to provide a pleasurable visual experience for men. The narrative film structures its gaze as masculine. The woman is always the object of the reifying gaze, not the bearer of it (this has something reminiscent of John Berger's "Ways of Seeing") ...
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...Using Narrative Text in the Secondary Classroom Once upon a time, in a school, very much like your own, American History and all its contents were studied alongside tales of triumph, and defeat. In this history class, the students supplemented curriculum delivered through lectures and textbooks, with materials from sources such as diary entries, editorials, and historical fiction. This is an example of how narrative text can coexist with expository information found in content area classrooms in today's high schools. While the need for expository text is vital to the success of a student to understand the content (i.e., Social Studies) curriculum, narrative literature and various other texts are a great way to supplement the learner with information from which they can draw a better understanding of the state standards. Explained below is a definition of narrative literature, advantages and disadvantages of using narrative text in the high school Social Studies classroom, and five possible uses for using narrative texts in the high school classroom. Narrative Literature Narrative literature can be both fiction such as novels, as well as non-fictional works such as memoirs (Burke). Often, narrative literature includes many of the following: a plot, character, problems, and themes. In fictional work, one generally finds a setting, with a beginning, a reaction, and an ending (Roe, Stoodt-Hill, & P. C. Burns, 2004). Narrative literature can, and does exist on its own in...
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...Research Paper Factory Join Search Browse Saved Papers Home Page » Religion Topics Bib104 In: Religion Topics Bib104 1. According to the text the structural features of 'repetition' and 'inclusion' are… 2. What is the significance of the Dead Sea Scrolls? They gave us a much older collection of Old Testament manuscripts 3. According to the readings the Old Testament canon was completed after the time of Ezra and Nehemiah. 4. Old Testament narrative normally does not directly teach a doctrine. True 5. In our readings this week the Bible is described in part as, "the Word of God given in human words in history". True 6. The Modern View of the Bible approaches biblical documents as highly reliable. False 7. Until just after World War II the oldest OT manuscripts we had dated from about 200 B.C. / False 8. According to Fee and Stuart's analysis they think most people do a very good job of handling Old Testament narrative passages /False 9. The focus of the ___________ is on Jesus and his claim to be the Messiah. 10. Which of the following are not among the common causes people misinterpret biblical narratives mentioned in the text? 11. According to Fee and Stuart's analysis God is the hero of all biblical narratives/true 12. According to Fee and Stuart what is the antidote to bad interpretation? Good interpretation, based upon common sense guidelines 13. What do Fee and Stuart say is the...
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...medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Abstract This article discusses the complexity of literary analysis and the implications of using fiction as a source of sociological data. This project infuses literary analysis with sociological imagination. Using a random sample of children’s novels published between 1930 and 1980, this article describes both a methodological approach to the analysis of children’s books and the subsequent development of two analytical categories of novels. The first category captures books whose narratives describe and support unequal social arrangements; the second category captures those whose narratives work instead to identify inequality and disrupt it. Building on Griswold’s methodological approach to literary fiction, this project examines how children’s novels describe, challenge, or even subvert systems of inequality. Through a sociological reading of three sampled texts – Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing, A Wrinkle in Time, and Hitty: Her First Hundred Years – readers learn how these analytical categories work and how the sociology of literature might be enriched by attention to structural forms of inequality within literary fiction. This essay investigates children’s books in order to reinvigorate the discussion and use of novels by sociologists. Keywords: childhood, fiction, gender, literary analysis, literary narrative, power relations, social inequalities, Sociology, Sociology of literature Acknowledgments: I...
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...The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available at www.emeraldinsight.com/1352-2752.htm YouTube: an opportunity for consumer narrative analysis? Stefano Pace ` Universita Bocconi, Milano, Italy Abstract Purpose – The aim of the paper is to discuss a possible extension of narrative analysis to a new medium of expression of consumer behaviour, specifically YouTube. Design/methodology/approach – Marketing and consumer behaviour studies often apply narrative analysis to understand consumption. The consumer is a source of introspective narratives that are studied by scholars. However, consumption has a narrative nature in itself and consumers are also storytellers. YouTube is a new context in which subjects tell stories to an audience through self-made videos and re-edited TV programs. After defining the pros and cons of different approaches to the study of YouTube, narrative analysis is presented as a possible means of understanding YouTube. Findings – Some preliminary evidence is presented by discussing several YouTube videos. These indicate that YouTube content can be better understood as stories, rather than example of other approaches, such as visual analysis, media studies, videography, and others. Research limitations/implications – From the analysis conducted, preliminary managerial implications can be drawn. It seems unlikely that normal TV broadcasters will be substituted by YouTube videos. For the most part, YouTube content draws its sense and shared...
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...THROUGHOUT THE COURSEREADING LITERATURE: RANGE OF READING AND LEVEL OF TEXT COMPLEXITY By the end of the year, read and comprehend literature, including stories, dramas, and poems, at the high end of Grades 6-8 text complexity band independently and proficiently. [RL.8.10]READING STANDARDS FOR INFORMATIONAL TEXT: RANGE OF READING AND LEVEL OF TEXT COMPLEXITY By the end of the year, read and comprehend literary nonfiction at the high end of the Grades 6-8 text complexity band independently and proficiently. [RI.8.10]WRITING STANDARDS: RANGE OF WRITING Write routinely over extended time frames, including time for research, reflection, and revision, and shorter time frames such as a single sitting or a day or two for a range of discipline-specific tasks, purposes, and audiences. [W.8.10]KNOWLEDGE OF LANGUAGE Use knowledge of language and its conventions when writing, speaking, reading, or listening. [L.8.3]VOCABULARY ACQUISTION AND USE Acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate general academic and domain-specific words and phrases; gather vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrase important to comprehension or expression. [L.8.6]SPEAKING AND LISTENING STANDARDS Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on Grade 8 topics, texts, and issues, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own...
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...that 2009, 2010 and 2011 NAT results exemplified that the second year students struggled much on reading comprehension as shown by the three mean percentage scores in English subject. In particular, the mean percentage scores of Macario B. Asistio Sr. High School—Unit I for the school years 2008-2009; 2009-2010 and 2010-2011 are 43.11, 36.57 and 36.60 respectively (Department of Educational Testing and Research Center, 2009; 2010; 2011). Likewise, comprehension related studies conducted locally have verified and supported that the students showed difficulty in reading comprehension (Columna, 2013; Ayles, 2009 and Dela Cruz, 2004). In a study conducted by Columna (2013), results revealed that the students were struggling to comprehended texts in their L2 with majority of them fall under instructional level and a significant of them fall under frustration level. In the same manner, Dela Cruz (2004) found that the students in the secondary level have difficulties in reading materials in the content areas especially in Mathematics and Science. The researcher posits that these comprehension problems have rooted from the questioning pedagogical strategy employed by the teachers. Chin (2002) found that questions, particularly those asked in response to wonderment, stimulate students to generate explanations for things which puzzle them and to propose solutions to problems and trigger the use of deep thinking strategies which may not be invoked if the questions had not been asked, and...
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...com Tel:+86-551-5690811 5690812 Narrative Patterns Research in O Henry's Novels · , ( , 332000 ) Abstract:O· Henry is living in the time when novelists are in the great pursuit of narrative pattern research. Hence his works is inevitably Henry's novels in my opinion is also marvelous for his outinfluenced. Beside his humorous language, surprising ends and expressions, O· standing narrative patterns arrangement. In this article, a research will be conducted onto his narrative pattern in the aspects of narrative perspectives, narrative space and narrative time. By this research, more information and references is intended to obtain for the further study on this area. Key words: Narrative Pattern; Narrative Perspective; Narrative Space; Narrative Time : I02 :A :1009-5039(2011)08-0350-03 1 Introduction · O Henry (1862-1910), as one of the most famous writers of short story in American literature history, or even around the whole world. Plus his contribution in narrative patterns research, he is also honored as the one of the founders of American short story history. Great praises, as well as critics are raised from the world onto his short novels which are well known for the humor, vivid spots description, surprising endings. However, in this article we will pay attention to the narrative patterns in O· Henry's novels, the area of which seldom calls focus and research from the American literature academy. We will have an analysis and research over his novels by the...
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... First Six Weeks – Introductory Activities: ▪ Class rules, expectations, procedures ▪ Students review patterns of writing, which they will imitate throughout the course: reflection, narration and description, critical analysis, comparison and contrast, problem and solution, and persuasion and argument. ▪ Students review annotation acronyms, how to do a close reading, literary elements and rhetorical devices. Students also review the SOAPSTONE (subject, occasion, audience, purpose, speaker, tone, organization, narrative style and evidence) strategy for use in analyzing prose and visual texts along with three of the five cannons of rhetoric: invention, arrangement and style. ▪ Students learn the format of the AP test, essay rubric and essay structure. ▪ Students take a full-length AP test for comparison purposes in the spring. Reading: The Scarlet Letter – Nathaniel Hawthorne Writing: Answer the following question in one paragraph. Use quotes from the novel as evidence. Some readers believe that the elaborate decoration that Hester embroiders on the scarlet letter indicates her rejection of the community’s view of her act. Do you agree or disagree? Explain your position using evidence from the text. (test grade) Writing: Write a well-developed essay addressing the following prompt. Document all sources using MLA citation. Compare Hester to a modern day person who has been shunned. Provide at least two research sources for the other...
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...UNIT 5 Individual Research Paper Click Link Below To Buy: http://hwcampus.com/shop/unit-5-individual-research-paper/ The research paper will be 8-10, double-spaced pages in length, not including cover page, appendices, and references. This paper will be written according to APA format and be carefully referenced with 8-10 academic references. Note that this is a research paper where you are being asked to avoid all first-person pronouns and personal opinion. Your abstract will be included in your page count. The purpose of this paper is to take a human resource management topic or issue and do an in-depth review of the current literature on this topic. This is a library research paper and you must use at least 8-10 different credible sources, not including textbooks. Before your conclusion, you must have a section entitled either “Recommendations for Managers” or “Implications for Managers” where you explain the significance of what you have found for practicing managers. Be sure to use credible published sources and only reliable Internet websites. Reference your paper very carefully and tightly. Some examples of appropriate source journals include (among others) HR Magazine, Academy of Management Perspectives, Personnel Journal, Fortune, SAM, Advanced Management Journal, Journal of Management, HR Focus, Human Resource Development Quarterly, The Journal of Applied Management and Entrepreneurship, The Journal of Leadership Studies, and Organizational Dynamics. Appearance...
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...UNIT 5 Individual Research Paper Click Link Below To Buy: http://hwcampus.com/shop/unit-5-individual-research-paper/ The research paper will be 8-10, double-spaced pages in length, not including cover page, appendices, and references. This paper will be written according to APA format and be carefully referenced with 8-10 academic references. Note that this is a research paper where you are being asked to avoid all first-person pronouns and personal opinion. Your abstract will be included in your page count. The purpose of this paper is to take a human resource management topic or issue and do an in-depth review of the current literature on this topic. This is a library research paper and you must use at least 8-10 different credible sources, not including textbooks. Before your conclusion, you must have a section entitled either “Recommendations for Managers” or “Implications for Managers” where you explain the significance of what you have found for practicing managers. Be sure to use credible published sources and only reliable Internet websites. Reference your paper very carefully and tightly. Some examples of appropriate source journals include (among others) HR Magazine, Academy of Management Perspectives, Personnel Journal, Fortune, SAM, Advanced Management Journal, Journal of Management, HR Focus, Human Resource Development Quarterly, The Journal of Applied Management and Entrepreneurship, The Journal of Leadership Studies, and Organizational Dynamics. Appearance...
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