...The city of St. Louis has suffered from a deep rooted history of racial tensions, issues and inequalities for years. Businesses that once thrived within the city have left the city for suburban areas. The events in the Michael Brown case in Ferguson, Mo on August 9, 2014 forever changed the face of the city and a Nation. In this paper, the author would like to delve into the economic effects that the city has dealt with prior to, during and after the events of August 9, 2014. This paper will evaluate and examine the economic effects that the events has had on this city and community. This paper will explore the decisions made by government officials during and after the riots that affected businesses in the immediate and surrounding areas. This paper would also look at how and if the city can recover. History of St. Louis St. Louis is a metropolitan city which has 92 suburbs that make up the St. Louis County. The city of St. Louis is divided up into the north side which is predominately African American, the south side which is predominately Caucasian, the central west end which is a mixed group and East St. Louis which despite the fact that it is in Illinois is predominately African American. The counties of St. Louis are also divided by race with North County being predominately African American, South County predominately Caucasian, and West County predominately Caucasian. There are twenty four county school districts and one large school...
Words: 3430 - Pages: 14