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Andrew Shea Design

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Design is a work of art that often creates new ways of understanding, seeing and appreciating the environment around us. Art manifests itself in various forms from visible structures such as buildings to invisible structures in physics. Design in the current world is heavily commercialized with corporate giants reaping huge profits due to design ingenuity. Top companies such as Google, Samsung, Walmart and Apple owe their success to design. Much attention has been focused on design functions that yield commercial success thereby leading to minimal attention on design that achieves social change. In the definition of design, it is alluded that design aids in appreciating the environment, consequently leading to improved quality of life. The …show more content…
The designer uses his skills to help people with a rare genetic disorder. Andrew has partnered with NF Mid-Atlantic to support people with Neurofibromatosis (NF). The designer was challenged by Bernard Canniffe, a professor at Maryland College of Art (MICA), to develop a project that would involve the local community. Shea was a teaching assistant to the professor and had a special appreciation for the tradition in MICA where graphic students were required to partner and work with underfunded and underserved communities. The challenge was to create a familiarization campaign about NF, a disease that causes tumors to grow on nerve endings. Shea - together with the students - developed bean bag toys to teach kids about the tumors, set up an interactive website, came up with a 16-page tabloid newspaper and developed a new logo for the NF Mid-Atlantic. Upon presenting the project to national awareness body, NF Mid-Atlantic it was rejected. The grounds for rejection was the fact that the project was too broad and Shea failed to maintain constant touch with NF Mid-Atlantic. The mistakes were a great learning experience for Shea who did not give up on his hope of creating awareness about the …show more content…
The project aimed to raise awareness on the plight of the homeless in North Carolina. Bates designed a billboard and a poster series to highlight the inhuman conditions that homeless people call home. The artist also distributed a number of book quotes to the local community and businesses that contained the thought of the homeless about their lives. Bates used her design knowledge to put forward graphic ideas that raised awareness of the plight of four out of ten homeless individuals living in inhuman conditions. Bates targeted individuals living in the streets, abandoned buildings, and in cars. The aim was to raise awareness and invite the public to generate solutions to the problem. Bates researched on the challenges faced by the homeless from various websites. The insight gained informed her decision to develop the four variables concept. Bates also offered a solution to the problem by highlighting the achievements of McCreesh

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Song of Solomon

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