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Angeology and Satanology


Submitted By melenmajo
Words 956
Pages 4
Short essay on Angelology and Satanology
Well Anna, the problem with God and Satan being two eternal and equal forces is that it’s un-biblical. This theory implies that there are two substances that are irreducible in our universe. In other words when we are talking about ethics dualism we are talking about good (God) and evil (Satan). Many Christians lack a true knowledge of who God really is and therefore they equate God and Satan or demon as two opposing forces in an unquenchable struggle. Scripture teaches that God and Satan are not mutual forces. When the Bible begins in Genesis it assumes God the creator has already being there and He alone, being the only self existent one. Scripture teaches us that God is omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent. None of these are attributes about Satan. You need to understand that Dualism in its core is a misuse of the unity of God.
It is important to understand that when sin was found in Lucifer, he became known as Satan, the adversary. Isaiah 14:13-17 and Ezekiel 28 reveal that Lucifer became prideful in his beauty and sinned against God by rebelling against Him. Lucifer was determined to overthrow God, but God’s judgment fell upon Lucifer, casting him out of heaven and one third of the angels in heaven decided to follow Lucifer in his upraise against God.
There is a common argument opposing the stated interpretations of Isaiah 14:13-17 and Ezekiel 28. The argument made takes the prophetic (future) aspect of the verses out and only attributes them the actual kings of Babylon and Tyre in the times of Ezekiel and Isaiah. The problem with this statement is that, since Satan is connected to the world system, and Tyre and Babylon were referred as wicked (evil) in the Bible, it is safe to presume that the empowering evil behind these Kings was Satan himself. In the N.T. we have Jesus Christ recorded saying “I saw Satan fall

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...David Jones THEO_201_B09_201230 Short Essay #4 Short Essay on Angelology and Satanology Anna, thank you for your call regarding the documentary you watched on common dualism. By your description this is also known as religious or ethical dualism. Kuhn in defining ethical or religious dualism says “ Ethical or ethico-religious dualism asserts that there are two mutually hostile forces or beings in the world, the one being the source of all good, the other the source of all evil.”1 Kuhn further describes the universe as the battle ground for these equally opposing forces and identifies them as light and darkness. In this definition we see God being light and Satan being darkness as equal forces in eternal hostile battle. This form of dualism is in contradiction as to what Scripture teaches. Scripture starts with God creating not only the earth but the heavens as well. (Gen.1:1) In the book of Genesis we see God as the creator of all. In the ending of Scripture God claims victory over Satan and Satan is cast into the lake fire to suffer eternal torment.(Rev. 20:10). In Isaiah 14:12-14, the prophet addresses Satan as the one fallen from heaven and cast down to earth for his prideful sins against God. In Ezekiel 28: 12-17 God addresses Satan as the King of Tyre, through the prophet Ezekiel. He addresses him as having been an anointed guardian cherub. God says “for so I ordained you.” (vs 14). “You were the model of perfection,”(vs ________________________________...

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