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Submitted By mthingo
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Chabat, Jorge. “Mexico's War on Drugs: No Margin for Maneuver.” The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, July 2002. Web.

Jorge Chabat’s article may have been written well over 10 years ago and though he could not have predicted the harsh aspects of the Mexican clash regarding the drug business, several issues he indicated are still substantial to this day. Chabat begins his article by giving a brief summary of Mexico’s illegal drug trafficking trade. He points out that even though Mexico is not a large buyer in drugs for recreational purposes, it provided nearly 3/4 of marijuana and trafficked 60% of cocaine to the US by the 1980s.
Due to huge success with the American market, the Mexican cartels were able to obtain money and along with violence, fight their way to the top. With the newly obtained supremacy, arose corruption within the government. Towards the end of 1990s, it was stated that numerous Mexican state governors were corrupted with reports of high profile cartel prisoners disappearing. Along with the help and pressure from the US, the Mexican government continued their efforts to diminish the illicit drug trade, resulting in arrests of high profile criminals, military and public officials but such efforts were futile. The President Fox continued the efforts after his appointment in 2000, in which resulted in the arrest of the entire staff of attorney general’s office in Chihuahua.
Chabot stated several different alternatives for Mexico and it’s imminent struggle against drugs. The first possibility was to continue the state of affairs from the prior years, which was backed by those who would benefit from such existing conditions, specifically corrupt influences. The second alternative would be to intensify the attack on drug cartels but with this comes with the high risk of the possibility of governmental downfall. The

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