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Apple Inc. Case Analysis


Submitted By felicia22
Words 788
Pages 4
Apple, Inc. SWOT Recommendation Outline

Strengths * Market leader * Diversified products and markets * Superior revenue and margins * Ongoing innovative product design * Superior supply chain and manufacturing efficiencies * Product reliability * Highly effective advertising * Ongoing use of superior operating systems * Worldwide demand for the iPhone * Mac’s increasing domestic market share * Management is committed and confident * Allowing iTunes songs to be sold online without DRM | Weaknesses * The loss of Steve Job’s visionary spirit and superior leadership * Lack of compatibility options in its software * High R&D costs * iPhone’s late move to Verizon network * Safari’s conservative interface compared with Google Chrome’s * Apple does not have it’s own processors or memory, they rely on other companies for them * No plans to producte a netbook laptop | Opportunities * Expansion to a broader range of customers with lower cost product options. * Targeting of government and additional educational institutions. * Entry to new foreign markets. * Constant growth in the PC and smartphone segment. * Expansion into the gaming market * Growing market of energy efficient products * Production of Netbooks | Threats * Competitors with less expensive products * Competition in technology with other key players in the PC industry like HP, Dell, Acer * Competitors trying to recreate iTunes * Increasing popularity of Google Android * Retention of key staff critical |
Grand Strategy:
Growth; increase market share by growing at a faster rate that the industry average.
Recommendations (short-term) * Enhancement of current products * More locations in foreign countries * Invest competitively in marketing * Continue to invest in R&D to gain headway in competition * Keep updating

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