...Applying the Sociological Perspectives Angelica Andrade SOC/100 May 30, 2016 University of Phoenix Applying the Sociological Perspectives I am going to write my paper on social networking sites. The reason I have chosen social media sites is because around 78 percent of Americans is a member of social network site. (Percentage Of U.s. Population With A Social Network Profile From 2008 To 2016, 2016). In our modern era Social networking sites have had a very profound impact on our lives, it has influenced and changed the way in which we communicate, interact, and start new relationships. There are many advantages of social networking sites, but there are also dangers of social networking. (Functionalism) The functionalist perspective is based largely on Emile Durkheim and Talcott Parsons, both of them contributed in different ways. The Functional Theory explains the every aspect of our society is interdependent and is necessary for our society to function as one or a whole. This perspective has a positive look on society. It views society as stable and emphasizes the way that all parts of society work together. In social networking sites, each person follows and connects with others in order to further their development as individuals and contribute to society. We can connect and share with others users from all over the world; spanning generations and cultures. It allow users to share information rapidly, keeping them up-to-date with the world around them in seconds...
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...Applying the Sociological Perspectives Applying the Sociological Perspectives Fraternities and Sororities have been around in existence for centuries. It is made up of groups of people with similar dreams and common goals. Due to the culture and traditions of these time honored institutions, fraternities and sororities easily apply to the issues of functionalism, conflict, and symbolic interactionism. Functionalism is the basis of any fraternity or sorority. Each institution holds members of a society complete with higher ranking officials. Every official, including its members, has individual responsibilities that together make up a functioning society. Tradition is what makes this a social institution. The beliefs and culture that make up that particular group is passed on to each freshman class when the new school year begins. Over time, those traditions become core value beliefs. This leads to manifest function. The bonds built between fraternity brothers and sisters are relationships that last a life time. These relationships are founded on that core belief. Relationships that will advance careers, open doors, and help guide one’s way through life. Fraternities and sororities also can serve as a latent function by participating in events that subsequently lead to the chance meeting of a future spouse. Dysfunction also applies to this issue as well. They say every society has its fair share of dysfunction. Events or instances that cause disorder or disruption in...
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...SOC 100 July 27, 2015 Bettie Ware Applying the Sociological Perspective An employer is an individual or organization who employs one or more person (employee) for wages or salary, while an employee works for an individual or organization (employer) for wage or salary. The wage that is earn is used to cover expenses by the employee, in the form of bills, to cover health, housing, food, utilities, all seen as a necessity. Functionalism studies society on the macro level, where it views society as a whole entity, where each individual as an aspect of society works together for survival and the continuity of society. To obtain goods and services that are essential for their well-being, money is needed, to get this money they have to seek employment. So this become a cycle, you work to receive the income to access food, education, clothing, shelter and other necessities. These same necessities are offer by the organization and individuals who are employers. On the other hand, employers need employees to manufacture the goods and services that they offer to the public. Therefore both employers and employees function together as a cohesive unit to accomplish a common goal in the continuity of society. It is considered the norm that once a certain level of education has been completed that individuals seek employment to continue the cycle. Both the employer who does the hiring of the employee who does the work depend on each other to complete their unique responsibility...
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...Applying the Sociological Perspectives Morgan Barkley SOC/100 February 15, 2016 George Brady Applying the Sociological Perspectives Like the printing press and telephone, social media has gained an influential foothold in modern society. A major component of social media happens to be the social networking aspect. Social media websites such as Facebook and Twitter reach an enormous collective database of individuals across the globe, from the United States to Japan and many more. Thus, it makes sense that this very platform is steadily becoming the primary news source for more and more people. Application of the three main sociological perspectives of functionalism, conflict, and interactionism to such popular websites can be of great benefit for sociological research. However, which view provides the best results? Let's take a look. When it comes to functionalism, “Think of society as a living organism in which each part of the organism contributes to its survival. This view is the functionalist perspective, which emphasizes the way in which the parts of society are structured to maintain its stability. In examining any aspect of society, then, functionalists emphasize the contribution that it makes to overall social stability" (Schaefer, 2015, p. 13). Notice the keywords of "survival" and "stability". Without social media, you are completely able to live as it does not provide substance, medical care, or even a roof over your head. Social media is merely a tool...
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...Applying the Sociological Perspectives By: Jessica McCombs Soc/100 6/14/2016 SANDRA HIGHTOWER Social networking sites have a big impact on our lives. Social networking sites have many advantages. We can use the social networking sites to find old friends, make new friends and to find love. Social networking also have many disadvantages, like online bullying, threats and misuse of the social networking site. Within this essay, I will use the three social perspectives; functionalism, conflict and interactionism to analyze how social networking sites have impacted our lives. One of the many reason why I am going to write my essay on social networking sites because I am comfortable and familiar with social networking sites. Functionalism theory sees society as a structure with interrelated parts designed to meet biological and social needs of the individuals in that society. English philosopher and biologist, Hebert Spence ( 1820-1903) once argued that just as the various organs of the body work together of the body work together to keep the body functioning , the various parts of society work together to keep society functioning (Spencer 1989) . The functionalism perspective would see that social networking sites have purpose in society. The use of social networking sites has come an everyday normal actively in our society. With the use of social networking sites influences how we see society, like what is the must have shoes, or the must have mobile devices or what...
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...Is GTA V the new ideal of life? Grand Theft Auto V is an open world action-adventure video game developed by Rockstar North and published by Rockstar Games. The article by Keith Stuart, following the release of the new GTA video game suggests that, the mentality and state of life presented in the video game is representation of modern life. Its appeal is in its danger; a place where the kill-at-will, sexualized fantasy world of interactive entertainment is let loose in cities based on, real-world places. Being set in Los Santos the game provides violence, action and a close relationship to what many would think of as Los Angeles. Modern society has turned into Hollywood movie, these games have become an over dramatic representation of what people view as a ‘fun life’. From this article one could determine in the game the structure of society, how people are categorized into social class and the components that react within society that influence the structure. One could also determine where society stands in human history, and what varieties of people now prevail in society and in this period of time. These topics help sociologists discover how and why people interact with one another the way they do in a group setting. The article touches on how civilization in the game as a whole looks at life in a different way. Through-out GTA V the social structure is different in the game than that of our society. Crime and violence stand out as what can and will make a person successful...
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...Applying Sociological Perspectives Stephanie Ann Tombline SOC/100 May 30, 2016 Jennifer Hudgins Applying Sociological Perspectives Social networking sites - such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and, Pinterest, just to name a few - provide individuals with an online web of global networking that allows maintaining social ties with one another. Sociologists often ponder, "How do these social websites impact society?" Above all, this is the question that is the central focus shared by all three of the primary sociological perspectives (Structural Functionalism, Conflict Theory, and, Symbolic Interactionism) when studying and performing research on the topic. Otherwise, the three paradigms of sociological theories are differentiating interpretations of how they perceive social networking sites. Namely, I find this subject intriguing because humans are perpetually seeking innovations intended to ameliorate the quality of life, and diverse opinions pertinent to the effect on the gamut of society and individuals within a community, is inevitable. Albeit, each perspective's view generated as a result of these social milestones, equally hold valid points. Therefore, while social networking sites provide a multitude of beneficial improvements to the world, there are just as many issues that arise, and all three sociological perspectives serve to complement one another in the comprehension of social media networks and the sway they bring to societies. As Viewed Through...
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...Applying the Sociological Perspectives Karen Reitz SOC/100 June 14, 2016 Amy Petts Social Networking I have chosen social networking sites to analyze and apply the three major sociological perspectives to. Other possible choices included fraternities and sororities and employer/employee relations. I chose to use social networking sites because I feel that, of the three options, it is the one I am most interested in and can relate to most. Social networking is used by people of many different backgrounds and for a variety of reasons. From keeping in contact and sharing information with friends and relatives, to promoting a business, organization, product, or service, to networking for employment, social networking has proven to be very useful for its intended purpose. At the same time, it has also proven to cause many problems for individuals, businesses, or organizations. Functionalism The sociological perspective of functionalism incorporates the ideas that each part of society has a need for the others and that is how and why the society is able to function. Social networking supports this idea by allowing everyone to stay in contact with each other. Different societies from all over the world are able to instantly connect and communicate with others. In addition, we are able to immediately share information with others. This rapid pace of contact and communication allows us as different individuals, groups, cultures, and backgrounds to learn, grow, and...
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...Applying the Sociological Perspectives Amy Johnson SOC/100 May 9th, 2016 Emily Frydrych Applying the Sociological Perspectives For my paper on applying the sociological perspectives, I chose to analyze and talk about employer/employee relations. I chose this topic because I feel that everyone can relate to this because I believe that we all have had at least one job in our lifetime. For me, I feel that this is going to be one that I can relate to and I will be able to think of my own personal experiences when it comes to using all three perspectives when analyzing employer/ relations. Functionalism is the way that each part of society functions to contribute as a whole. I feel that in a job situation, if we all contribute to a task at hand, then will be successful at doing our job. Even if our job does not require us to work as a team, if we all pitch in and do our part, our employer will be successful. Herbert Spence (Spencer, 1898) stated that “just as the various organs of the body work together to keep the body functioning, the various parts of society work together to keep society functioning.” (Ch. 1, p.15) I really like and agree with what he is saying here because at our job with our employer, we need to work together so that we are successful. Conflict is when members of society have social differences. I think that it is ok to have some conflict at work, but not to the point where the employer/employee feels that they have or that they are in a hostile...
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...Sociology is simply the study of the development, structuring and how the human society functions. However, when trying to understand the sociological perspective that means seeing the general in the particular. Also, meaning that from this view point it helps us to see the general patterns in the behavior of particularized people in our society. When applying the sociological perspective to our daily lives it can benefit us in many ways. Some of these benefits involve the public policy, personal growth, and career advantages. While some of the ways to apply the sociological perspective to our daily lives include assessing the truth of common sense, assessing both the opportunities and constraints in our lives, empowering us to become an active...
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...Homework#1: What is Sociology? For your first homework assignment, I want you to think about the discipline of sociology, and how acquiring a sociological perspective can be useful, even if you do not major in sociology. Your response should be uploaded to Blackboard using the "view/complete" link at the bottom of this prompt no later than 11:59pm on WEDNESDAY, October 29th. Respond to each of the 'prompts' in bold (there are six--Path 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and "Why Sociology?"). Watch this brief video featuring NKU sociology students describing how the discipline of sociology has pushed them to think sociologically about the world around them, and how the sociological perspective is benefitting them in their careers. Watch the (11 minute) video, and write a brief response (described below). The video can be accessed here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sj9POR7YTww&feature=youtu.bev NOTE: If clicking the link does not work, try to copy and paste the link into a web browser. THE ASSIGNMENT The video describes five ‘paths’ towards the creation of knowledge in sociology, and concludes with a description of why students might study sociology. As you watch the video, pay attention to the questions related to each path/topic (listed below). For each item, write a short (~1 paragraph) response that addresses the question(s). NOTE: There are no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ answers. The purpose of this assignment is to get you started in thinking about the discipline of sociology and what sociologists...
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...Deviance is behavior that is outside the realm of the social “norm”. Before the start of the war, the social norm was to obey to the government and to not question it. The citizens of Syria showed deviant behavior when they began the opposition against President Assad in search of democracy and freedom. With this being said, the “rebels” did not start out their protests with violent or criminal behaviors. Their peaceful protests and rallies were considered deviant because it was not acceptable to question their government. The class-dominant theory elaborates more on this perspective of deviance. It proposes that deviant or criminal behavior punishment is determined by those of higher class. With the higher class in this situation being the Syrian government, they chose not to listen to their people and retaliated by calling them criminals and that their cause must be eliminated (Charles & Eglitis,...
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...are taught not to speak until the teacher calls on them and to regulate their activities according to clocks or bells. This learning experience is referred to as: Question 3 When leaders imprison or even execute political dissidents, they are applying: Question 4 According to which sociological perspective did the media begin expressing concern about downsizing only when it began to impact managers and white-collar workers? Question 5 In a public high school, certain teachers are assigned to work with college preparatory students, while others work with students who plan to go directly into the business world. This is an example of the bureaucratic characteristic of: Question 6 Which of the following groups currently has the highest infant mortality rate in the United States? Question 7 In comparison with men, women have lower rates of: Question 8 According to Dalton Conley, Ph.D. of New York University, __________ is one way social inequality is exemplified in health. Question 9 Medicine serves as an agent of social control. It has even attempted to guard its jurisdiction by placing health care professionals such as chiropractors and nurse-midwives outside the realm of acceptable medicine. Which sociological perspective would likely view medicine in this manner? Question 10 Although industrialized nations such as Japan, the United States and the United Kingdom, have been the leading contributors to air pollution, developing countries such as ¬¬¬¬¬-___________...
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...The Sociological Imagination according to C. Wright Mills is states that the sociological imagination is a quality of mind that allows us to grasp history and biography and the relations between the two in society. (Mills, 1959, pg 6). He also explains the links between personal issues and public issues by helping to identify a personal issue and identifying it in the social structure. One tragic public issue that is very common in society today is ‘Domestic Violence’. For many years domestic violence in the family has been a private issue and was never spoken about in society. By using the three sensibilities that make up the sociological imagination which are the historical, cultural and critical sensibilities, society can begin to understand the radical changes in how society thinks we as individuals ‘should’ behave towards one another especially in the family unit according to societies expectations and social norms. The issue of domestic violence within families was evident in earlier societies. Using the historical sensibility we can see how society used to live and see how we have society has transformed our ideologies of this horrific public issue of domestic violence. From the earliest record, most societies gave the father or the patriarch of the family the right to use physical force against the women and children that he was in control of. This was evident in the reign of Romulus back in 753BC. Abbott (1852, p. 242) states that: The power of the father over his...
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...Although social capital has its significant value because of the advantages that it comes with, but it is increasing social inequality and intensifying stratification within society. My example evidently relates to this because after fulfilling all the requirements and applying, I soon received an offer of admission. To dissect this admission one can assume that the odds swayed in my favor based on my letter of reference. For example, an individual who may have the same qualifications as myself could have been marginalized solely based on them not having a letter of reference with content, or language structured in their favor, like myself. The teacher who wrote my letter of reference may not have known me personally -in terms of academics- but only at a social level. However, based on our social interaction, the letter held a degree of social solidarity, thus making myself seem like an outstanding citizen of the school...
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