Copyright is a legal concept; it gives the creator of something legal rights and obligations to keep their work in their own hands. Whether the work is profitable or free copyright laws range for both categories. Copyright is only for a matter of time, based on the lifetime of a person so that they may compensate and financially support themselves.
In the world of visual arts the term appropriation means to adopt/borrow a concept that may be found in a previous art work. Although this may sound like you could adopt an entire image into your work unless you have legal permission from the original artist you may fall into some of the copyright laws and have part in illegal acts. When an artist borrows something from another piece of work they have to inherit it to produce a new piece of art, usually the original piece of work stays original and if too much of the work is “borrowed” then it may be brought up in a court case against the appropriation artist.
Andy Warhol was taken to court by photographers due to artist work he had appropriated and silk screened. Patricia Caufield, one photographer had previously photographed flowers for a magazine in which Warhol had covered Leo Castelli’s New York gallery in 1964, using his silk screened re production. After seeing a poster of the work in a book store Claufield took ownership of the image whilst Warhol being the author settled in court by giving Claufield royalty for future use of images as well as paintings.
Marcel Duchamp, pencil on print of Leonardo’s Mona 1503-1506 (appropriation year 1919
Marcel Duchamp appropriated the Leonardo’s painting “Mona Lisa” by adding facial hair onto the world renowned image.
Marcel Duchamp appropriated the Leonardo’s painting “Mona Lisa” by adding facial hair onto the world renowned image.
Anne Zahelka , The Bathers 1989 appropriation of Charles meere the Australian beach pattern- 1940
Anne Zahelka appropriates some of the materials in the original painting but racially corrects them on how Australia really is rather then how people want it. She takes 9 figures from the original work and re acts them in her photograph.
Anne Zahelka appropriates some of the materials in the original painting but racially corrects them on how Australia really is rather then how people want it. She takes 9 figures from the original work and re acts them in her photograph.
Licensing agreement contract giving someone the legal right to use a patent or trademark.
Moral rights
Right of attribution: this is the right of an author to be identified and named as the author of his/her work;
Right against false attribution: this is the right of an author to prevent others to be identified and named as the author of his/her work
Right of integrity: this is the right of an author to ensure that his/her work is not subjected to derogatory treatment. The Copyright Act defines "derogatory treatment" as any act in relation to the work that is in any manner harmful to the author's honour or reputation