...REPORT, the IPCC did not move much from its earlier position of the origin of higher global temperatures. However, it did say that subsequent research since the last report gave a strong indication that, “The balance of evidence suggests a discernible human influence on the global climate.” • In its third 2001 REPORT, the IPCC went a step further when saying the continuing trends in climate warming were “likely” – meaning more than a 66% chance of being due to humans. • In its fourth 2007 REPORT, the “likely” scientific viewpoint got much stronger with the term “very likely” – meaning more than a 90% chance of being due to humans. Conclusions were more definitive that the warming up was unmistakable from measurements of atmosphere and ocean temperatures, from worldwide rapid melting of glaciers and pole ice and from the rise in sea level. globalwarming5The provocative statement was also made that, even if the greenhouse gas effect stabilized, the warming up of the earth and the rising sea levels could continue for a 100 years with irreversible effects on nature and humans. As noted, not surprisingly, the neo-conservative Tea Party types call this “voodoo” science and lies, playing on fears of traditional fossil fuel, auto and chemical industry polluters that they will be faced with the unnecessary huge costs of going green. The British newspaper, the Guardian, wrote that the conservative American Enterprise Institute offered $10,000 and a very generous out-of-pocket compensation...
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...Section 2- Why was the Arctic Council created? Masters (par. 7) emphasizes that the unknown fascinates people, and adds that new cultures and undiscovered land allures adventurers. Unknown to the world, the Arctic remained remote, away from the interest of scientific explorers and politics. However, the end of World War II saw brought technical advancements that made the region a favorite spot for exploring. The need for resources also turned the world’s eye to the region (“Arctic Council Thrives” par. 14). Not all the interested parties desired to make the region a playground for advancing the world’s ecology; instead, the Arctic states militarized the region until 1989 when Russia emerged. The Arctic engaged members and observers in meetings...
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...UNCLOS Name Institution Affiliation Outline Introduction 3 History & Ratification 3 Effects of Non Ratification 4 Conclusion 5 References 6 Introduction The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea also referred to as (UNCLOS) has been in place for many years after its initial establishment. The UNCLOS convention has been amended overtime since it was established for many years. There are calls to revisit the whole convention as some aspects does not auger well with the current trends in the world. The Law of the Sea has caught the public attention due to certain activities such as fishing and the activities in the Arctic. There are arguments that with the continued shrinking of the polar ice cap, there countries that surround the Arctic Ocean have started positioning themselves to the anticipated biggest geographical brawls in the coming years. History & Ratification During the 17th century, the sea was governed by the concept that was known as the ‘freedoms of the seas. The regulation marked boundaries of the sea that countries should not go beyond in their activities. The distance marked was approximately three nautical miles. During the 20th century, many countries wanted this distance to be extended for economic purpose. The extraction of minerals and fishing were seen as very valuable activities that were boosting the country's wealth. In the year 1930 there was a conference that was held to debate the issues in The Hague but the discussion...
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...expeditions Scotland, Arctic & Russia Scotland and Faroe Islands | European Arctic | Russian Arctic | Russian Far East 2012 it Stra it tra Denmark S Denmark ATLANT C A T L A N T II C OCEAN OCEAN St Kilda St Kilda Reykjavik Reykjavik GREENLAND GREENLAND Isafjordur Isafjordur ICELAND ICELAND Oban Oban Faroe Faroe Islands Islands ouu SSo b byy ss ree or So Scc nd nd 90° 90° 60° 60° 30° 30° Edinburgh Edinburgh UK UK Norweg an N o r w e g iia n Shetland Islands Shetland Islands G een and G rre e n lla n d Sea Sea Spitsbergen Spitsbergen Longyearbyen Longyearbyen 0° 0° North North Sea Sea NORWAY NORWAY Sea Sea North North Pole Pole 30° 30° 60° 60° 90° 90° Franz Josef Franz Josef Land Land Novaya Novaya Zemlya Zemlya 2012 EXPEDITION PROGRAM CRUISE DATES VOYAGE * Kayaking Option # Diving Option WILD SCOTLAND & EUROPEAN ARCTIC 11-24 June 14 days WILD SCOTLAND AND THE FAROE ISLANDS*# SPITSBERGEN ODYSSEY* SPITSBERGEN ODYSSEY*# JEWELS OF THE ARCTIC *# JEWELS OF THE ARCTIC * RUSSIAN COAST TIC IC ARC T ARC E CL E L CIR C CIR B aren ts B aren ts Murmansk Murmansk Sea Sea a lya mly em Ze aaZ yy vaa oov N N Kara Kara Sea Sea PAGE 8 R R 19-29 July 11 days 29 July-8 Aug 11 days 8-21 Aug 14 days 21 Aug-3 Sept 14 days 10 10 12 12 25 June-7 July 13 days 7-19 July 13 days 19-31 July 13 days 31 July-13 Aug 14 days 13 Aug-7 Sept 26 days 8-21 Sept 14 days RING OF FIRE* BERING SEA EXPLORER*...
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...The actions of many juveniles has been said to stem from the childhood and their morals growing up. Similarly, in Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley's Frankenstein, Victor and the creature's actions can be attributed to their parental teachings. The novel begins with Robert Walton in the 1700s, an explorer looking for a passage leading from the Pacific Ocean to the Arctic ocean. During his trip he discovers and saves fellow European Victor Frankenstein after finding him on the brink of death floating on the water. Victor tells Walton his story speaking on his amazing childhood and his mother's death which eventually lead to his desire to bring the dead back to life. After many tumulus hours of work, he brings life to his creature only to be appalled...
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...STATUS (2010) - LEAST CONCERN So named because of their long whiskers, the ice-inhabiting bearded seals are found around Greenland, Hudson Bay, the Arctic Ocean and adjacent seas up to a northern limit of 80-85 ° N (King, 1983; Kelly, 1988). There are two recognized subspecies of bearded seal. The E. barbatus barbatus subspecies is found in the western Laptev Sea, Barents Sea and north Atlantic Ocean as far south as the Gulf of St. Lawrence in the western Atlantic and Iceland / Norway in the eastern Atlantic, individuals occasionally found wandering as far south as Shetlandand the West European continental coast (Bree 2000). The E. barbatus nauticus subspecies inhabits the remainder of the Arctic Ocean, as well as the Bering and Okhotsk Seas, being found as far south as Hokkaido and, very occasionally, China (Rice, 1988). There is currently no up-to-date overall population estimate for bearded seals. Estimates have been made of 300,000 for E. barbatus barbatus in the early 1970s, and of 450,000 for E. barbatus nauticus in the early 1980s (Burns, 1981). The dynamics of bearded seal populations have not been reported, probably due to difficulty in surveying this widespread species. The effects of natural events and human-caused activities on the abundance is therefore not known. The bearded seal has long been subjected to hunting by Arctic coastal communities for food, clothing and other subsistence purposes. In recent years up to 7-12 thousand seals are allowed to be killed each year...
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...Ice melting • There are about 5, 614, 000 miles³ (24, 062, 913.678268 km³) of ice on earth. • Some scientists say it would take more than 5,000 years to melt it all. • Sea level would rise by 216 feet. • East Antarctica—the east Antarctica ice sheet is so large that it contains 4/5 of all the ice on earth. Source: www.ngm.nationalgeographic.com/2013/09/rising-seas/if-ice-melted-map) • The current sea-level rise is about 3mm/year Source: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/current_sea_level_rise Some examples of glaciers on Earth • Arctic Sea Ice › Location: Arctic Ocean › has shrunk by 6 percent since 1978 with a 14 percent loss of thicker, year-round ice. Has thinned by 40 percent in less than 30 years. • Greenland Ice Sheets › Location: Greenland › has thinned by more than a meter a year on its southern and eastern edges since 1993. • Columbia Glacier › Location: Alaska, U.S. › has retreated nearly 13 kilometres since 1982. In 1999, retreat rate increased from 25 metres per day to 35 metres. Physics SPECIFIC LATENT HEAT (L) - the specific latent heat of a material is the amount if heat required to chance the state if 1 kilogram of the material without changing its temperature. (Unit: J/kg) • Specific latent heat (L)- 334 kJ/kg • Heat required to change the state of ice to liquid (Q)- 8.037042 x 1024 J Sources: Lf – www.engineeringtoolbox.com/latent-heat-melting-solids-d_96.html Q – I calculated it. In this presentation we will be talking...
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...Alaskan Oil Exploitation Alaska Alaska is an American state which borders Canada to the West, its coastline is the Arctic Ocean and the majority of the land is within the Arctic Circle. Due to its location in the Arctic Circle, Alaska experiences extreme cold temperatures. For 8 months of the year it is sub-zero, with the months of January and February recording temperatures as low as minus 30. The ANWR, a wilderness area, is located to the north east of Alaska and covers nearly 80,000 square kilometers, it is however a possible drilling zone for oil. The ANWR was named in 1980 by the US fisheries service because it was managed and protected by the US government. There are two significant settlements occupied by indigenous peoples, one being within the ANWR, inhabited by the Inuit Inupiaq tribe and the Indian Gwichin tribe. The Inuit tribe area found in the North of the area and the Indian tribe to the South. These tribes both rely heavily on the marine ecosystem and also the Caribou for economic and cultural purposes. The changing environment in the ANWR has increased the population of predators such as Arctic Foxes, Ravens and Gulls which prey on nesting birds in the surrounding areas. Fish populations have been damaged by gravel extraction from river beds. The ANWR provides a refuge for a variety of species including 45 different species of mammals such as Wolves, Wolverines, Polar Bears and Musk Ox. The exploitation of oil begun in Alaska in March of 1968...
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...not be where it is today. All of these combined make him an excellent topic for an oceanography paper. Fridjof Nansen was more however then just an oceanographer. Before the Fram expedition he was already a well-recognized zoologist, and had been made the curator of zoology at eh Bergen Museum. As stated by Harald Sverdrup, “He wrote papers on zoological and histological subjects, illustrated by excellent drawings” (Sverdrup 2013). Shortly after this his interests moved to the physical side of oceanography. He became an oceanography instructor at the University of Kristina and on his two most successful artic expeditions most of the data was collected by Nansen himself (Sverdrup 2013). Before going on his famous expedition to the Arctic Ocean he had already began his work in oceanography by taking a group of five other men to Greenland’s icecaps to gain further knowledge on continental glaciers. Friftjof Nansen and his team of five men were successful in their expedition and became the first person to cross Greenland’s ice cap, and provided support to the isostatic rebound theory. This theory suggests that “when the Earth's crust sinks under a heavy weight, it will slowly return to its original position when that weight is removed.” His...
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...ARCTIC VOL. 59, NO. 3 (SEPTEMBER 2006) P. 261 – 275 Possible Effects of Climate Warming on Selected Populations of Polar Bears (Ursus maritimus) in the Canadian Arctic IAN STIRLING1 and CLAIRE L. PARKINSON2 (Received 10 November 2005; accepted in revised form 25 January 2006) ABSTRACT. Polar bears depend on sea ice for survival. Climate warming in the Arctic has caused significant declines in total cover and thickness of sea ice in the polar basin and progressively earlier breakup in some areas. Inuit hunters in the areas of four polar bear populations in the eastern Canadian Arctic (including Western Hudson Bay) have reported seeing more bears near settlements during the open-water period in recent years. In a fifth ecologically similar population, no changes have yet been reported by Inuit hunters. These observations, interpreted as evidence of increasing population size, have resulted in increases in hunting quotas. However, long-term data on the population size and body condition of polar bears in Western Hudson Bay, as well as population and harvest data from Baffin Bay, make it clear that those two populations at least are more likely to be declining, not increasing. While the ecological details vary in the regions occupied by the five different populations discussed in this paper, analysis of passive-microwave satellite imagery beginning in the late 1970s indicates that the sea ice is breaking up at progressively earlier dates, so that bears must fast for longer...
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...skeletal remains of this earliest-known amphibian were first discovered in East Greenland. Surprised? Few people realize just how ancient frogs are. For 190 million years, the ancestors of modern frogs have roamed (if not ruled) the earth, looking much the same as they do today. The secret to their success is their amazing adaptability. As amphibians, frogs have one webbed foot in each of two worlds. The advantages of this double life are clear to see: Are land predators giving you trouble? Dive into the water. Not enough to eat in the pond? Hop out and see what they're serving on shore. Frogs have evolved to live in an astounding variety of climates. They can be found just about anywhere there's fresh water, from the desert to the Arctic, on all continents except Antarctica. Though they thrive in warm, moist tropical climates, frogs also live in deserts and high on 15,000 foot mountain slopes. The Australian water-holding frog is a desert dweller that can wait up to seven years for rain. It burrows underground and surrounds itself in a transparent cocoon made of its own shed skin. Frozen Wood Frog Like all amphibians, frogs are cold-blooded, meaning that their body temperatures change with the temperature of their surroundings. When temperatures drop, some frogs dig burrows underground or in the mud at the bottom of ponds. They hibernate in these burrows until spring, perfectly still and scarcely breathing. Wood...
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...To Drill or not to Drill Darryl Brown Hum 114 Critical Thinking and Creative Problem Solving February 28, 2013 Barbara Johnson To Drill or not to Drill The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge consists of approximately nineteen million acres. If one would think that this area is larger than many of our states today. To name a few; New Hampshire, Vermont, Maryland, Connecticut, West Virginia and the likes of. The north edge itself is comprised of one and a half million acres and bordered by the Beaufort Sea, on the east with Canada and the west by the Canning River. Congress has considered drilling in this area repeatedly but due to the lack of sufficient votes to overcome a filibuster by proponents of the bill they have yet to pass such a bill. This area has the potential to produce over 3 million barrels of oil with the possibility of even greater number of barrels. Some estimates have gone as high as 9.7 million barrels of oil that could be recovered. Currently drilling in the Alaska area has produced just shy of 20 billion barrels since drilling began in 1977. Many still think that we shouldn’t drill but I for one think that the rewards outweigh the limited risk involved. Furthermore the recent technological developments make drilling in isolated areas much safer that previously determined. Inspire of some of the more high profile cases it is my belief that the process has only been made safer by the outcome of these disasters, despite opponents fears. Yes, some...
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...English 1st Period October 4, 2013 Matthew Henson was a female African American that was born in Charles county Maryland on August 8, 1866. Matthew Henson was famous for being of the first people to reach the North Pole. Matthew Henson died in New York City on March 9, 1955. Matthew was the son of two black freedom share croppers. Henson lost his mother at a very early age that not reported at this time. Henson’s father moved the family to Washington D.C, when he was 4 years old in search of work. Henson, his brothers and sister were placed in the care of their family when his father passed away. At the age of 11 Henson ran away and was allowed to move in with a lady who lived in the neighborhood. When Henson was 12 years old he left to work on a ship at a cabin boy. While working on the ship for six years, Henson learned literacy and navigation skills under the care of mentorship of Captain Childs. Henson returned to D.C. once Captain Childs died and worked as a store clerk. While working as a store clerk Henson met an explorer by the name of Robert Edwin Peary that served as an officer in the U.S. Navy crops of civil Engineers. Henson was hired as Peary Valet for his travel expeditions. Henson joined Peary on a Greenland expedition in 1891. Henson embraced the local Eskimo culture. He learned the language and the natives Artic survival skills. When the trip was over in 1893 Henson was the only member left of Peary’s entourage. The other men on the team abandoned and quit...
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...Ice Fishing Tips Mapping your catch February and March offer productive ice fishing days. Because of fluctuating conditions, check the ice for safety. Large, shallower bodies of water are favorable for sunfish, northern pike, and yellow perch. Northern pike, walleye, and lake trout dwell in deepwater lakes. Brown trout, rainbow trout, and landlocked salmon migrate to deep lakes with cool summertime temperatures. Tackling the ice Avoid the ice until it's three or four inches thick. Ice can measure an inch thick in one part of the lake and a foot thick at another. Ice is often weak and hazardous at shorelines. A hand-powered ice auger cuts through up to 12 inches of ice. More extreme conditions require a gas-powered auger. Anglers fishing for sunfish and yellow perch lean toward lightweight four- to six-inch augers. Lake trout and salmon often require a larger hole. However, an eight-inch hole requires removing almost twice the ice of a six-inch hole. A fishing we will go Jigging is done with a jigging rod or hand line and a lure that is baited. The jig dashes about when jerked by the angler. A teardrop jig hangs vertically in the water. Crappies and perch often prefer a horizontal jig. The most common jig movement is up and down. In shallower water, the jig can also be moved around the hole. The jig can go into a light spin by twisting the line between the fingers. Perch and bluegill feed within a few inches from the lake bottom, where water is warmer. Bouncing bait off...
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...Behind the visible act of making a purchase lies a decision process that represents a chain reaction that starts with a realized need. However, it’s also important to point out that the consumption process is not as simple as an individual having the need or want for a product. The consumer can be motivated by the desire to feel a certain way. For example, my most recent purchase was a winter coat. After the arctic temperatures we had in the Western New York area over the last few days, I decided it was time to invest in a nice warm winter jacket. I first started to look online then I visited a few stores but I didn’t find anything I really liked. If the consumption process was as simple as finding a product that meets my need, any warm winter jacket would have satisfied my need. Nevertheless, there I was walking around at Macy’s, I didn’t have anything particular in mind, I was simply looking around. Suddenly, on a mannequin, I see a beautiful grey button up hooded jacket with white fur trim around the hood. The lining was this stunning soft pink. When I looked through the racks, as you can imagine, I was delighted to see they had my size. The price didn’t even matter. I didn’t simply need a jacket anymore, I wanted that jacket. The main psychological process influencing my purchase was my concept of self. Because a jacket is something that I am going to wear every day during the winter season, it became part of my extended...
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