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Are Gmos Are Safe

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GMOs are safe When it comes to the topic of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) most of us would readily agree that they are not safe, on the contrary others would insist that they are safe and risk-free. Although research may suggest that GMOs are safe, the scientific research that provides solid evidence that GMOs are risk-free, not only to humans and animals but also to the environment, is not sufficient. A wide variety of evidence connects GMOs with health problems, environmental damages, and the violation of farmer’s and consumer’s rights. I agree that GMOs are not safe because there are unknown side effects when it comes to the consumption and usage. The topic of GMOs is controversial, because, the human population continues to grow …show more content…
One main purpose of GMOs organisms is in crop productions, Emily Glass states that the purpose of GMOs in agricultural production is to create crops that will become “insect resistant, virus resistant, or herbicide tolerant,” in order to prevent the loss of production in crops and to prevent farmers from using harmful chemicals on their crops, to secure the safety of those who work on the harvest of their products, eliminating the incentives that would put their health at …show more content…
Some would argue that the lack of research on GMOs safety is not sufficient therefore they shouldn’t be exposed to the public. According to JoAnna Wendel, the research has been done but what they fail to realize is that “the problem is that the research hasn’t been documented” which gives that impression that the research hasn’t been done, creating major concerns of the effects of such technological advantages. Although many do not agree with the usage of GMOs but there are many advantages to them. One advantage of GMOs is they help fight world hunger of a rapidly increasing population – such as ours. In order to feed a rapidly increasing population alternatives have to be taken under consideration and GMOs are one of them. Expects in Biotechnology argue that “GMOs are the future of food, suggesting they will help feed a hungry world” (HMS) this the primarily reason why they are beneficial to an increasing population. GMOs aren’t only beneficial to a growing population but also they can be modified to grow under any condition, and they can be altered to use less fertilizer (Genetically). Since plants can be modified to be grown under any condition they can be modified to be planted in areas where they weren’t possible to grow before, leading to an increase on usable soil for yield. In conclusion, then, as I suggested earlier, defenders of GMOs safety can’t have it both ways. Their assertion on GMOs being risk-free to the

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