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Arguments Against Gmfs

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“Insert sound of the Hulk”, the Hulk roars an obscure sound incapable of accurate representation by onomatopoeia, as he flexes his gigantic green muscles, while onlookers think, that is not natural. Indeed, since Gregor Mendel’s experiments with pea plants that led to the discovery of genes, engineered organisms with “unnatural” genes is common in America (Travis). Through the process of altering the genetic makeup of organisms, scientists have made crops “hulk out”. Crops have become bigger, stronger, and greener, to shake people and the world. As with many new technologies, tampering with DNA, especially of food crops called Genetically Modified Foods (GMFs), has benefits, potential problems, and an onslaught of critics. Opposition to GMFs is ineffective as a result of inactive individuals, lack of government intervention, and dubious campaigns.
GMFs have not been in our lives for a long time, but …show more content…
In the past, people continuously developed farming advances to fight famine, yet, food supply always scrambled to keep pace with unprecedented population growth. In 1863, Gregor Mendel discovered the existence of genes that are passed from parent to offspring (Driscoll), giving birth to the field of Genetics, which evolved into the ability to modify genetic material of organisms and change their traits into favorable ones, with application in agriculture. When implemented, GMF crops can tolerate austere environmental conditions, decrease production costs, and increase yield. Resultantly, farmers adopted this technology with enthusiasm and over 95% of American food is GM. American consumers were less enthusiastic due to concerns over the long-term effects of consumption, including risk of developing human diseases immune to antibiotics. Furthermore, as GM is a new technology, the long-term effects are unknown, inspiring “better safe than sorry” approaches to eliminate GMFs from our food supply (Bawa). The scientific community constantly affirms, “Every

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