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Army Abcp


Submitted By trujrachel
Words 884
Pages 4
Unit 4 Assignment
Rachel Trujillo
27 April 27, 2016

Unit 4 Assignment Worksheet
In the Units 3 and 4 Discussions, you created a thesis statement that offered a solution to a problem in your community or workplace. In this unit’s Assignment, you will revise and evaluate the effectiveness of that thesis using the Toulmin Model.
Part I: First of all, you will revise the provisional thesis statement that you generated in the previous unit Discussion. Make sure the thesis is concise (1–2 sentences) and includes two parts: a proposal for solving a problem and a reason that solution is needed. For more on creating effective persuasive thesis statements, review the following Writing Center resources: * “Give Your Paper Direction: Developing a Strong Thesis Statement” * “Writing a Thesis for a Persuasive Essay”

Write your revised two-part thesis statement here, and be sure to include a claim + reason (the “because” or “since” clause):
In order to provide soldiers with a more accurate and fair account of their body mass index the Army should discontinue use of the tape test and instead use a skinfold caliper, if a soldier does not pass the caliper they should be given the option to undergo the water displacement test wich is the golden standard for bmi testing: this will provide soldiers with a fair chance in passing their height and weight requirements.

What type of claim does this represent?
This would be a claim of policy since it addresses a regulation and provides means to better it through change. Specifically, changing the Army regulation regarding height and weight requirements to

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