The Confessions of Online Shopaholics
We all know that we are in the midst of a social, business, and cultural revolution. Our generation today is often termed as “technology savvy”, especially now that the internet has new revolutionary trends. Nowadays, businesses are not just using databases but also the internet.
Since 1995, electronic commerce (e-commerce) has grown in the United States from a standing start to $310 billion retail, travel, and media business and a 3.3 trillion worth total of business-to-business databases, bringing about enormous changes in business firms, markets and consumer behavior quickly. Economies and business firms around the globe got affected rapidly. Today, e-commerce has become the platform for new, unique services and capabilities that are not found in the physical world. In 2011, e-commerce is entering a new period of explosive entrepreneurial activity focusing on social networks, and the mobile digital platform created by smartphones and netbooks (Laudon, 2012).
As stated by Rayport (2002), “We are in a revolution that is enabled and accelerated by technological change and at the center of this change is the internet, and, more specifically, economies” (p 2). Whenever we read the morning papers, we observe interesting stories on companies helping the growth of the internet and so the day goes-with constant stimuli related to the internet, e-commerce and the new economy- as we work, shop, dine, or drive through our community (Rayport, 2002).
Online shopping has become a popular shopping method ever since the internet has declared a takeover. There are many individuals that are looking for other amazing alternatives shopping and online shipping is just the fix for that (ships2door, 2013).
As a part of a growing “technology savvy” generation, when we want to buy something but are too lazy to go outside