ELI 100(3)
Fall 2001
Writing Portfolio Assignment
Due Date: Tuesday, December 11
The purposes of your writing portfolio are:
1) To engage in self-reflection on how you write (and revise)
2) To show how your writing has developed throughout the semester/course
3) To collect several of your writing assignments* into one organized folder
The following items need to be included:
1) Changes
Select at least three pieces of writing that show how your writing has evolved during the semester. Include a one-page explanation of ways that your writing has changed, giving specific examples from your papers and/or assignments. Include at least one of your three formal papers (with ALL of the drafts, which together count as ONE piece of writing) and focus on what kinds of revisions you made and why.
2) Favorite Piece of Writing
Choose one piece of your writing from this class that you really like. Include the paper, along with a paragraph answering these two questions:
• How does this paper represent your strengths as a writer? • Why is this your favorite piece of writing from ELI 100?
3) Evaluation
Write a one-paragraph response for each of the following questions: • Which class activities (small group discussions, peer review, conferencing, journaling, lectures/class discussion, brainstorming, individual writing, freewriting) specifically helped you to improve your writing? How did these activities help? • Which assignments (personal narrative essay, readings, article outline/summary/critique, research paper, worksheets/handouts, summarizing/paraphrasing/quoting activities, responses to readings, self-assessment) specifically helped you to improve your writing? How did these activities help?
In reading (and grading) your portfolio, I will be looking for: • thorough, complete, and detailed answers to all of the above