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Article Review


Submitted By mizpija92
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Pages 10
1. Abstract
This paper provide an overview perservation and conversation in archive. Preservation and conservation are two related concepts that are used interchangeably by people outside the archives. Digital preservation builds on a base level of disaster recovery, extending the scope of concern into the distant future. Digital preservation goes beyond addressing problems with restoring data to its current state to creating processes and infrastructure capable of carrying data forward hundreds of years, assuming that any formats, media, and equipment in place today will be obsolete and unsupported. It is usually impposible to identify the current owners of the copyright in archival materials. Other than that, any material or records that are sent and received by an individual or government agency. Fluctuations are more damaging than high temperature and humidity. The material is exposed to light can damage the archive materials. The electronic security devices such as the CCTV camera, electronics gates system, fire protection devices should be provided by the relevant authorities. To control safe storage and provide for future rendering of the digital documents, extra functionality was needed. Archiving policies and the required sets of metadata and file types to be archived are difficult to generalize because individual archives have different historical and cultural backgrounds, which means the requirements for the archiving system are quite different.

2. Introduction

The conversation is the active protection of an archive, by minimal physical and chemical treatment necessary to prevent further deterioration, which will not adversely affect the integrity of the original. The objectives preservation and conservation in archive is to conserve the county’s archival heritage by collecting, providing access and promoting the use of archives in an impartial and inclusive way. Many of the same developments that increase access complicate preservation efforts by increasing the competition for diminishing resources, expanding the number of options available, and fundamentally questioning established norms such as the notion of permanence. Preservation management faced the task of continuing to develop sound standards and best practices for the care of analog collections and rapidly refocusing itself to incorporate the development of digital technologies. Only when records are held in responsible custody that limits the extent of physical damage and slows the rate of deterioration, will life expectancy reach full term. Another option is to preserve the information contained in the documentation by transferring it to another medium, such as microform. Preservation is to make sure the materials are in good condition and keep clean that means the material are important to the researchers, students and staff to do the revision for their knowledge and studies. The current issue in archive as organization structure, copyright, environment in archive and soon.

Figure 1. preservation planning

Figure 2. Process scanning record

3. Current Issues/challenges of preservation and conservation of archival materials

Legal / copyright issue.
The uncertain copyright ownership of many archival document may pervent their use in distance education programs. Many people who claim they are the copyright holder for any material, but actually they are not the true owner. The laws very poor has caused people brave enough to admit their copyright owners. It is usually impposible to identify the current owners of the copyright in archival materials. Other than that, any material or records that are sent and received by an individual or government agency. For most of the unpublished, copyright works in the nation’s archives it is impossible to identify the owner of copyright. If the original copyright owner has died, many people will admit the copyright owner of such material when the original has passed. Therefore, it is imposible to get permission to license or to use this unpublished copyrighted material in distance education courses. Many people have used this copyright activities for commercial purposes. They use a specific payment, if any people desires to get copyright. The internet links is also a challenge to digitization because of copyright legistation.

Storage environment
A large part of the preservation process has to do with the material we use to store the documents in such as box and folders as well as the storage environment. The archival material surrounding areas exposed to high temperatures. When the temperature is hot, archival materials such as paper or book can be damaged by substances such as paper can not be exposed to sunlight.Other than that, the writing of the original record will fade and vanish if exposed to sunlight. Since the book and othe paper materials are exposed to mold it is also ideal to store the items at a low-humidity level. It is best to keep all temperature and humudity level stable. Fluctuations are more damaging than high temperature and humidity. The material is exposed to light can damage the archive materials. It is important to remember to shut off light in the storage area when not in use. Any item that was not previosly stored in a box or flat file cabinet sholud be carefully before being brought into the storage area.
Human Factor
The human factor is there are staff and people who make dirty when it comes to archive. They bring food and drinks into the archival records storage. There are staff who smoke in the archives. The materials or records in the archives can not be exposed to smoke as they may cause decay of materials. Other than that, the lack of supervision from the archives. The absence of the security has caused many people have brought controlled substances into the archives such as food and drink. The electronic security devices such as the CCTV camera, electronics gates system, fire protection devices should be provided by the relevant authorities. Many people and staff do not take care of while in the archive. They made little not clean when come to the archives. Some staff put the record in many places such as under a table or on the floor. The records are not maintained. When placed everywhere can lead to records being attacked and eaten by animals such as mice, termites, cockroaches and others. It will cause the records in the archives will be damaged because the matter of human beings started putting records in many places.

Poor infrastructur facilities and technology
Many archive have the old building. The records will be not clean if located in old building. The absence of technology advanced as electronic security devices such as CCTV camera, electronic gates system, fire protection. The record will lost and damaged if no such facility. This has the effective in damaging digital equipment and where there is prohibitive. The continuous changes in computer hardware and software cause technological obsolescene which is a threat to digization and digital preservation. Technological obsolence is caused by continuous upgrade of operating system. There may not be any physical media to turn over, posting interesting challenges for how the content and correspondence can be transformed into a curated collection. There are also the records that are not prepared rack and placed in the records everywhere. The building archive easy entered the water and pests, there is not good ventilation system and improper storage.

The lack of organizational comitment
The employees no give comitment while keep records in archive. The lack of organization comitment and the willings to allocate sufficient resources to preservation efforts. Companies are seen not to be doing enough to make sure that was archived several years ago is retrieved. Our research need to ensure that data recovery plans are in place to enhance digital preservation. The right to copy for preservation has not been simply stated in most organization legislation and if permission for digitization cannot be obtained, digitization of such materials should not proceed. Beside that, there is an increasing need to go beyond the confines of individual organisations, or even countries, to maximise the benefits of the technology, address issues such as copyright, and also to overcome the challenges cost-effectively. Most organisations archive readily acknowledge the benefits of increased collaboration but also indicate the difficulties in keep to record in archive.

4. Recomendation Solution

Implement the copy right law
The goverment must implement the relevant laws of copyright of any person or individual can be protect record. Other than that, any individual or person can be warrant if claiming copyright own. The government must implement appropriate penalties to people violation of copyright law such as fined RM5000 for a penalty. The researchers must be to permission from the archivist for see a record in archive. Policies for selection of new materials for digitization should be developed, and digitization policies will make it possible to identify archival collections that add value to these goals. Archival appraisal should be based on the value of records for continuity in government and for scholarly and other research purpose.

The good storage environment.
The surrounding area record in archive must be in the right place. The temperature in the storage of records in accordance with the surrounding area. The common way of preserving collections,all over the world is by reformatting the collections in priority order through microfilming or digitization, after having listed them and then keeping the originals unused but in stable condition. If possible, documents should be placed in folders, folders in boxes, boxes in stacks. One should strive for an optimal climate for permanent storage, be it through air-conditioning 24 hours a day, seven days a week or through building and insulation techniques. The must always be installed where the air-conditioner so that the materials or not record sunlight. The surroundings area also must be free from natural disaster such as flood and earthquake. Records place should be safe to use materials of high quality such as not easily absorbed and non-flammable water. Besides that, the archive must have with fire prevention equipment such as fire extinguishers and automatic spray devices.

Improve the human factor credibility
The human factor are important to the any organization. It also have the many advantages and can improve the human factor. Human factor are required high qualified to manage the archival material. Every staff need to have their high disciplines and have good behavior to do a job and not to damaged the materials. Every staff need to wash hand although they are wear gloves. It is because to make sure the materials are not damaged.

Increase infrastructur facilities and technology.
The buildings for storage of records must be new and good. It should be equipped with current technology such as CCTV, barcode scanners, and soon. The record storage in archive must have CCTV for prevent theft in archive. The archive also must be have shelves for the record get put record or file in the shelves. Beside that, the improved tecnology media. There has been a signficant in recent years, with a movement away from presumes of the underlying application and operating system. Digital information today is produced in highly varying degrees of dependence on particular hardware and software. The downside of this electronic revolution is the staggering accumulation of information in all media, from paper to microfilm and elctronic format, that has dramatically accelerated the need to manage record in archive.

Good organization structure
The worker in archive must have responsibilies in creation and maintaince in records in archive. The management must be have skill to translate this knowledge into a strategic plan while to keep in records. All people in organization must be cooperation for to keep records of the stolen and damaged. The nature of the technology and dependencies in the preservation of digital materials are such that there are implications for organizational structures. Organizational structures tend to discrete elements for the efficient processing of good record in archive but will need to cross boundaries in order to draw on the full range of skills and expertise required for digital materials. Many of the activities converge, for example decisions about acquisition and preservation should sensibly be made at the same time. The worker in archive should not focuses while keep to record.

5. Conclusion

The archival institution has an important role to play in the establishment of record-keeping standards, in order to protect valuable materials. It can be difficult for an institution to establish standards for record keeping, this is a long term process that is not accomplished quickly. However, to begin considering standardisation as early as possible so that steps can be taken to implement necessary changes in the organisation’s record keeping practices. Organization off all types use the web for disseminating content, making preservation of electronic records critical. The conservation and preservation are important to the archival material so that, the materials can use for the long time. Currently, but on the back end of the process, there is record that simply cannot afford to be lost. Preservation management faced the task of continuing to develop sound standards and best practices for the care of analog collections and rapidly focus itself to incorporate the development of digital technologies.

6. Reference

Lawrence, H. A . New perspectives on preserving documents. National underwriter, 3(5),

Moyo, C. 2000. Preservation and conservation of archival material in the ESARBICA
Region. (Report submitted in partial fullfilment of the requirements of the Diploma in Record and Information Management, Harare Polytechnic,2001

Rene, T. (2001). Preservation of archives in tropical climates: An annoted bibliography.
International council on archives, 4(1), 3-4.

Rosaleen Hill Conservation Services, Global Preservation Assessment: Brandon University McKee Archives, 2002.

S. Chapman. Counting the costs of digital preservation: Is repository storage affordable? Journal Of Digital Information, 4(2), 2004.

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