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Article on Merchant Banking in Bangladesh


Submitted By musrat
Words 1141
Pages 5
Personal Statement Introduction We know what we are, but not what we may be. Without a proper and complete shape of planning it is not possible to achieve goals. So, each and every one should maintain a personal statement of his/her dream. All fabulous wishes become nightmare if proper calculation and forecasting are not executed well. Life itself is the most wonderful fairy tale of all. We are the creatures of almighty Allah in this world. Every day we are experiencing new world. Now this is my personal statement which I am going to share. Here, this is Musrat Binta Kamal hailed from Rangunia, District of Chittagong, and citizen of Bangladesh. Education and Past From my childhood I was ambitious to hold a unique personality. Education has always been an important aspect of my life. While in high school I took challenging courses, such as advanced placement English and calculus, business studies, Computer etc. I wanted to maintain good GPA which allowed me to complete graduation. My SSC and HSC were completed in my native village. After then, admitted myself in the Bachelors of Business Administration, University of Chittagong .To keep with this advanced world it is needed to have strong background on technical, economic and communication sector. So, I chose “Marketing “as, my subject. After being graduated, MBA with Major in Marketing was completed gradually. I have always chosen challenging courses, and have good academic record. Although education plays a significant role in my life, I involved myself with other activities. During high school I was an active member of several clubs. I enjoy the cultural program and participated in many performances such as: Recitation of poem, singing song, general knowledge competition, essay writing in which I was interested to. I have developed strong leadership skills, and have learned to interact with a wide

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