Kyle Kelly D-1 Equals: Same-Sex Marriage
We are taught in society at a very young age that we are all equal to one another, but as we get older we find that is not true. People are placed into different social classes, race and ethnicity, sexual orientation, and so on. Marriage is a big defining point in one’s life. To say that we are not equal in the power of love is wrong; we are human, so same-sex marriage should be legal.
The main reason for denying marriage to gay couples is that all major religions consider homosexuality a sin. Opponents claim that it would weaken the definition and respect for the institution of marriage. Dr. James Dobson is an evangelical Christian author, who wrote in his book Marriage Under Fire, with the family out of the way, all rights and privileges of marriage will accrue to gay and lesbian partners without the legal entanglements and commitments heretofore associated with it. Another disclaimer is that homosexuals make unfit parents, and that it would confuse the children about gender roles and expectations of society, and only a man and woman can pro-crate (Dr. James Dobson).
First, there is no evidence to show that homosexuals make unfit parents, just biased opinions. In the article Marriage and Child Wellbeing it was put into context, “same-sex marriages are entirely unclear: children not being raised by same-sex couples—- which is to say, children being raised by opposite-sex couples, married or unmarried, or by single parents. How might same-sex marriage affect these children? Or, to put it another way, how (if at all) might homosexual marriage affect heterosexual behavior?” So, to say that a same-sex couple is unfit to parent a child is the same as saying someone who is a single parent is unfit.
Finally, there are already six states including our nation’s capital that allow gays the right to marry, and twelve