...Chapter I Introduction Brotherhood or brethren had been an essence key for changes in the human world since time can tell. It has been in many forms in the past like the knights of the round table of king Arthur, the mason of the western world and some cults. Today in the present day brotherhood or brethren is still present, in the forms of fraternities. Fraternities or in Greek means brotherhood of male college students. In this study we can know or define the moral and social values of fraternity members. Statement of the Problem This study would be conducted to know that Joining fraternities affects the moral and -social values of its members. Specifically this study aims to answer the following questions: 1. What Moral values do they get? 2. What Social values do they attain? 3. Is there a hazing or physical contact to people who wants to join? 4. What kind of brotherhood are they? 5. Who is initiating the people who want to join? 6. How many members are still active? Significance of the study This study will try to find out that joining fraternities affects the moral and social values of its members especially college students. The period of research is from July 23 to August 31 of 2012. Audio interviews would be recorded in order for the researcher to record data or answers that would be able to give a light to the study. The research would be able to give a brighter meaning of fraternities in the society of today. It would also...
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...Former Microsoft chief accused of faking his academic credentials | Former president of Microsoft China Tang Jun on July 6 sought to dispel a rumor that he faked his academic credentials in the United States after remaining silent over the matter for the past five days. "I've never said I graduated from the California Institute of Technology (CIT). I only said I had done some research there," said Tang, the current president and CEO of the New Huadu Industrial Group. "Instead, I got my doctors degree at the California-based Pacific Western University," he said. Tang's remarks came after Fang Zhouzi, who is known as a "science cop" for battling against pseudoscience and academic misconduct, accused Tang of fabricating a doctoral degree from CIT, the ownership of two patents and entrepreneurial accomplishments early in his career in the US. Fang continued his attack on July 7 by saying that Tang was "lying to the entire nation" when he tried to defend himself. Dairy tycoon arrested for illegally collecting public funds Chinese procuratorate approved the arrest of Li Tuchun, founder of leading Chinese dairy beverage producer "Taizinai" or "Prince Dairy", for illegally collecting public funds, a government spokesman said on July 27. The arrest of three others of the top management had also been approved, said a spokesman of Zhuzhou city of South China's Hunan province, where the Taizinai Group is based. Initial investigations since early June showed that the company...
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...Print all 18 Chapters - CSS Basics 3/07/07 2:13 AM CSS Basics.com Chapter: 1 - Introduction to CSS A CSS (cascading style sheet) file allows you to separate your web sites (X)HTML content from it's style. As always you use your (X)HTML file to arrange the content, but all of the presentation (fonts, colors, background, borders, text formatting, link effects & so on...) are accomplished within a CSS. At this point you have some choices of how to use the CSS, either internally or externally. Internal Stylesheet First we will explore the internal method. This way you are simply placing the CSS code within the tags of each (X)HTML file you want to style with the CSS. The format for this is shown in the example below. CSS Content Goes Here With this method each (X)HTML file contains the CSS code needed to style the page. Meaning that any changes you want to make to one page, will have to be made to all. This method can be good if you need to style only one page, or if you want different pages to have varying styles. External Stylesheet Next we will explore the external method. An external CSS file can be created with any text or HTML editor such as "Notepad" or "Dreamweaver". A CSS file contains no (X)HTML, only CSS. You simply save it with the .css file extension. You can link to the file externally by placing one of the following links in the head section of every (X)HTML file you want to style with the CSS...
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...2/20/2015 Top 5 Robotic Applications in the Automotive Industry Robotics Industry News, Applications and Trends Official blog of the Robotiq company Emerging Applications in Robotic Industrial and Service Blog TOP 5 ROBOTIC APPLICATIONS IN THE AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY Posted by Mathieu BélangerBarrette on Feb 4, 2014 10:14:00 AM Tweet 16 Share 73 Like Share 25 2 For many years the automotive industry has been well known for its intensive use of industrial robotics. Since the implantation of the first industrial robots in the 1960s, a lot of things have changed. These days, the production lines need to be more efficient, flexible and precise. Many enhancements have been made on production lines over the last few years to help workers in their daily tasks. We took a look at the latest robotic applications in automotive manufacturing and here are the top 5 applications that grabbed our attention. 1) ROBOTIC VISION During the production of the 2013 Ford Escape, the company decided to introduce a robotic arm with "eyes". The laser and camera placed in an array on the robot wrist, are able to see exactly where to install the parts on the car body. By giving instant feedback to the robot; the windshields, door panels and fenders can be applied more precisely. The big innovation of this technology is that industrial robots are now able to put a proper offset on the installation of a part. Therefore, if there is any variation in the production, the robot can adapt its installation...
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...Dixie Marie A. Laput BSIT-3 Bowaon and Totoon Reflection: I think that in life we cannot avoid people who put us down just like totoon in the story. Although I have to say it’s hard to think that people like totoon still exist. In the story, the envy of bowaon has no end and sadly no matter what he does he still doesn’t get the happy end. First of all, I do believe that whatever you do would always reflect what you did. Totoon is purely a person who is kind, he does not count the kindness he does and is not a hypocrite. This is why despite what others might think of him, I do know that if he’s a good person, good things really come back. On the other hand, the opposite happens to bowaon. I also saw how envy really would destroy a person; People who are envious would try to think of the things that they don’t have in their life and ask why the other people have. I think that it’s a problem on being contented. Bowaon is not contented and therefore his desire on holding grudge never ends but one thing I like about bowaon is how he seemed realistic, realistic enough that it’s really cruel. He does cruel things but the cruel thing he does is actually pointing at him sadly. As the story proceeded I also realized that whether or not you worked hard for what you have, you may become the object of another person's envy. As well, your appearance, even though it may have little to do with your own efforts, can trigger envy in others and this again can’t be avoided especially if you’re...
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...REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Design, Development and Implementation of an online workflow application for MGNREGS++ in Orissa 17-NREG-11-1016/11787 JUNE 02, 2011 PANCHAYATI RAJ DEPARTMENT (PRD), GOVERNMENT OF ORISSA Table of Contents 1 A) B) C) 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 3 4 5 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 5.10 5.11 5.12 5.13 5.14 5.15 5.16 6 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9 7 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 8 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 8.8 8.9 8.10 8.11 8.12 8.13 9 9.1 9.2 Checklist ........................................................................................................................................................................3 General Bid ....................................................................................................................................................................3 Technical Bid .................................................................................................................................................................4 Commercial Bid .............................................................................................................................................................5 Invitation for Bids ..........................................................................................................................................................7 Introduction .....................................................................................................................................
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...Year | 2014 | Exam Sitting | SEPTEMBER | Subject | FIN2423 ADVANCED MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING | Weightage | 40% | Submission Date | WEEK 8 | Regulations A. Late Submission * A 10% deduction per day of total coursework marks (excluding weekends and public holidays). * Late submission between 5 to 10 days, results in a 50% deduction of total coursework marks. * Late submission past 10 days results in an automatic 0% for coursework and the student will be barred from the final examination. B. Deliverables Students must submit all materials supporting their coursework listed in the deliverable section. * Plagiarism is presenting somebody else’s work as your own. It includes: copying information directly from the Web or books without referencing the material; submitting joint coursework as an individual effort; copying another student’s coursework; stealing coursework from another student and submitting it as your own. Suspected plagiarism will be investigated and if found to have occurred will be dealt with according to the procedures set down by the university/college. The coursework must be done in group of 3/4 students and must be entirely your own work. Please make sure that you are aware of the rules concerning plagiarism. If you are unclear about them, please consult your program coordinator/lecturer. * The coursework should exhibit formal research skills i.e. with a table of content, proper citations, references, and appendixes. ...
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...[pic] UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY MARA UiTM PASIR GUDANG DEC 2012 -MARCH SEMESTER 2013 MGT162 FUNDAMENTALS OF MANAGEMENT Assessment : Organization Structure Review (10%) You are required to do report on a company that you have choose. The report is basically on the company structure. You need to discuss on company history or background, vision, mission, objectives or goals, organization chart, organization structure and departmentalization Prepare a report about company structure |Cover Page | | |Acknowledgement | | |Content | | |Company History/ Background |Students may find this information from the website of the company that they choose to discuss. | |Company Vision, Mission, Objectives and Goals|Students may find this information from the website of the company that they choose to discuss. | | |Just state the information which is availabel from the company website. | |Organization Chart |Insert the organization chart of the company ...
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...definiții cheie Ambalajul este dezvoltarea containerului unui produs, eticheta si design grafic. Etichetarea este un ingredient de ambalare, care este utilizat pentru a distinge un produs și pentru a transmite informații despre produse sau cerute în mod legal către clienți și distribuitori Aspecte-cheie Cerința de a comunica în mod eficient beneficiile produsului și diferențierea mărcilor include ambalarea și etichetarea unui produs, atât ambalaj primar și de transport maritim ( secundar) Ambalajul Ambalajul trebuie să fie funcționale, pentru utilizatorii finali și, de asemenea, pentru stockist sau distribuitor. Ambalarea trebuie să protejeze produsul facilitând în același timp utilizarea acestuia ușor și de stocare. Ambalaje are nevoie, de asemenea, pentru a sprijini branding și diferențierea produsului, în timp ce aderarea la cerințele legale și considerente etice. Din ce în ce, ambalajele trebuie să acorde o atenție la preocupările de mediu ale consumatorului ecologizarea și cu reglementările care vizează producerea și eliminarea deșeurilor. Inviolabile rezistente ambalajul este, de asemenea, de dorit. Ambalajul trebuie să reflecte nevoile și așteptările clienților vizați, diferenția produsul de rivalii și să adere la branding adoptat. Dezvoltarea de ambalare implică alegeri estetico structurale. Alte considerații includ: materiale de selecție, grafică de suprafață, tipografie, layout-ul de informații și ierarhii, Front- pack versus back-of-pack detaliaza, limba si jargonul...
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...Coca-Cola in India 1. What aspects of U.S. and Indian culture may have been a cause of Coke's difficulties in India? There are four areas that of culture differences may cause the Coke’s difficulties in India. First of all, is the spoken and written language. During the contact with the India government, there might comes out some misunderstood with language express. Secondly is the service and empowerment. Asian culture is more conservative and the U.S. pays more attention on empowerment issues. Thirdly, is the laws, laws in the U.S. is much more wholesome than India. Fourthly, is the flavor preference difference between the two countries, that is why coke is not as popular in India as the America. 2. How might Coca-Cola have responded differently when this situation first occurred, especially in terms of reacting to negative perceptions among Indians of Coke and other MNCs? Firstly, it should apologize for the destroying of water resources in India, and then do some compensate for the villagers of Plachimada, like money or spring water, or other marketing strategies in that area. Find ways to solve the problem because it still needs to plant there. Give guarantees via publics to ensure not destroy environment anymore. It is very important to MNCs to built good reputation and consumer loyalty in international market. 3. If Coca-Cola wants to obtain more of India’s soft drink market, what changes does it need to make? Firstly, it should change its...
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...Huvudrubrik L orem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. [1] Quisque lobortis diam at odio elementum fermentum. Suspendisse a dapibus nulla. Nullam nec semper est. [2] Cras lacinia viverra risus et euismod. Quisque nunc metus, posuere quis ultrices ac, venenatis eu odio. Sed eleifend sem ut risus dignissim convallis sagittis odio luctus. Nunc non eleifend ante. Ut pharetra est rhoncus nunc tincidunt vitae dignissim mauris volutpat. Ut in arcu sem. Donec ornare convallis sagittis. Suspendisse sit amet nunc ipsum, sed eleifend ipsum. Nullam aliquam vestibulum enim ut tempor. Mauris varius, augue sit amet pulvinar fringilla, dolor ipsum fermentum odio, in aliquam urna lectus ac nunc. Nam sit amet eros mauris. Aenean lectus purus, auctor ut egestas id, sollicitudin sed orci. 1 Underrubrik Sed ultrices pretium mollis. Vestibulum luctus tellus in nibh malesuada lobortis. Praesent congue enim non leo euismod ut dapibus nunc cursus. Vestibulum nec odio lectus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Etiam sapien mauris, semper id mollis sed, bibendum ut enim. Proin id diam arcu. Proin elit nibh, consectetur ut elementum ac, eleifend et dolor. Cras eu laoreet tortor. Vivamus et libero urna, vel convallis risus. Huvudrubrik Sed posuere ullamcorper dictum. Sed vitae neque arcu, non porttitor sapien. Quisque elementum ante sit amet ligula aliquam ut convallis arcu vestibulum. Fusce ornare ornare sem...
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...abc def ghalskd sadhaskdjasv asdkajsd ascoiwqeoisa daskdnasd sdsds dsd sd sd sd asd asflk sadlksa ff asd saldkasdac fcasda dsa sdaabc def ghalskd sadhaskdjasv asdkajsd ascoiwqeoisa daskdnasd sdsds dsd sd sd sd asd asflk sadlksa ff asd saldkasdac fcasda dsa sdaabc def ghalskd sadhaskdjasv asdkajsd ascoiwqeoisa daskdnasd sdsds dsd sd sd sd asd asflk sadlksa ff asd saldkasdac fcasda dsa sdaabc def ghalskd sadhaskdjasv asdkajsd ascoiwqeoisa daskdnasd sdsds dsd sd sd sd asd asflk sadlksa ff asd saldkasdac fcasda dsa sdaabc def ghalskd sadhaskdjasv asdkajsd ascoiwqeoisa daskdnasd sdsds dsd sd sd sd asd asflk sadlksa ff asd saldkasdac fcasda dsa sdaabc def ghalskd sadhaskdjasv asdkajsd ascoiwqeoisa daskdnasd sdsds dsd sd sd sd asd asflk sadlksa ff asd saldkasdac fcasda dsa sdaabc def ghalskd sadhaskdjasv asdkajsd ascoiwqeoisa daskdnasd sdsds dsd sd sd sd asd asflk sadlksa ff asd saldkasdac fcasda dsa sdaabc def ghalskd sadhaskdjasv asdkajsd ascoiwqeoisa daskdnasd sdsds dsd sd sd sd asd asflk sadlksa ff asd saldkasdac fcasda dsa sdaabc def ghalskd sadhaskdjasv asdkajsd ascoiwqeoisa daskdnasd sdsds dsd sd sd sd asd asflk sadlksa ff asd saldkasdac fcasda dsa sdaabc def ghalskd sadhaskdjasv asdkajsd ascoiwqeoisa daskdnasd sdsds dsd sd sd sd asd asflk sadlksa ff asd saldkasdac fcasda dsa sdaabc def ghalskd sadhaskdjasv asdkajsd ascoiwqeoisa daskdnasd sdsds dsd sd sd sd asd asflk sadlksa ff asd saldkasdac fcasda dsa sdaabc def ghalskd sadhaskdjasv asdkajsd ascoiwqeoisa daskdnasd sdsds dsd...
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...Ad;la m이 dasdk asda sdjkfsa fjlk sfjklas dfkl adfj asfd ads asd asd asd asd asd a asd asd asd asd asd Das fkla sfds djf asd as asd asd asd asda asd asd asd ads asd ads asd asd as asd asd a s d asd as sd asd asd as dasd asd asd asd asd ad asd asda adasd asd asd asdad asd asda adasdadad sad asd asda dasd asda dasd adasd asda dasd asdasd ada asda sd asda asda da dasda sda dasd as dada dasd asdas dasdasd asda dasd asda dasdas dasda asd asd adas dasd asdasd asd asda sd asdasd asdasd asda sdasd asdasd asd Sd fjkas df asdasd asd asda dasd asd asdasd asd adasd asda sd asdas dasd asd asdasd asd asda dad asd asdasd asd asda da dasd adad asd asd asdas asd asd adas asd asd asdas asd asd asd asd asd asdas asd adasdas dasd asdas dasd asda sasd asd asd asda sd asd asd asd asd asda ad asd adada dasd asda asd adasd Ad;la m이 dasdk asda sdjkfsa fjlk sfjklas dfkl adfj asfd ads asd asd asd asd asd a asd asd asd asd asd Das fkla sfds djf asd as asd asd asd asda asd asd asd ads asd ads asd asd as asd asd a s d asd as sd asd asd as dasd asd asd asd asd ad asd asda adasd asd asd asdad asd asda adasdadad sad asd asda dasd asda dasd adasd asda dasd asdasd ada asda sd asda asda da dasda sda dasd as dada dasd asdas dasdasd asda dasd asda dasdas dasda asd asd adas dasd asdasd asd asda sd asdasd asdasd asda sdasd asdasd asd Sd fjkas df asdasd asd asda dasd asd asdasd asd adasd asda sd asdas dasd asd asdasd asd asda dad asd asdasd asd asda da dasd adad asd asd asdas asd asd adas asd asd asdas...
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...Being organized is very important in the workplace and this is an issue that I face at the job. Overall my organization skills are weak. I have one folder for school that I keep every single paper that I get. The same goes for on the job. I have one folder that I keep everything in. I realize that this is not the best way to stay organized. My system takes a lot of time to figure out where a certain paper is because I have to go through everything that’s in the folder. I have done some research on ways to help stay more organized. An article titled “Five Tips to Get Organized at Work” by Megan Malugani, has offered some important steps to take to becoming more organized. One solution that the article offered was to “chuck the junk” (ASDADS). This means that the garbage needs to go. Throwing things away is an important aspect in becoming more organized and this is the first to step to take to become more organized. The...
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...Word asdad asdasdf adfeva vdavas avdeaeavaevb aveavaa aveavdvadvad avadsv Writing Corner – Resources & Tips Skip to primary content Skip to secondary content MAIN PAGES FICTION NON-FICTION YOUNG ADULT / CHILDREN RESOURCES / TIPS AUTHOR’S WEBSITES Contact Us Resources Menu Resources Home Page AGENTS AND EDITORS COMPUTER TIPS CONTESTS FORMATTING / GRAMMAR MARKETS MOTIVATION PUBLISHING WRITERS BLOCK WRITER’S LIFE WRITING TOOLS Formatting Manuscripts Achieving 250 Words / 25 Lines Per Page By Deanna Lilly Remember do not put an extra line between paragraphs. Indent the first sentence 5 spaces (use the Tab key). Fonts and Margins In order to achieve the ideal format for novel submission, your must strive for 250 words per page, with margins at one inch all around (some editors want a left margin of one and one-half inch) using either Courier 12pt or Times New Roman 14pt fonts. Several editors have told me that Courier 12pt is easier to read. And, the last thing we want to do is give an editor a headache from eyestrain as he/she reads our manuscript. I am sure some of the following “tricks” can benefit even the seasoned writer. You sit down at your computer, set your margins and begin counting lines. The tips of your fingers smudge your nice clean screen with the oozing chocolate you’ve just eaten as a source of inspiration. Unbelieving, you go to another...
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