...When an emergency situation such as fire or ship crash happen onboard a ship, the crews of the ship will use all measures possible with their best effort to stop the source of damage, prevent further damage from happening and to repair the ship. However, in certain conditions, the ship cannot be saved; hence the only thing that can be done is to save the life of crew members by abandoning the ship. This decision s taken after careful consideration on all aspects since the benefit might be accompanied by huge consequences. Once the decision to abandon ship is made, all crews are required to muster in the Emergency Station. These stations have procedure that provides a simple standard organisation which will bring the ship to higher state of manning and material preparedness to deal with emergency cases. This allows the crews to clear away all the life saving apparatuses and conduct any other preparation for a successful evolution. During this procedure, different personnel carry out their duties at different stations. The removal of personnel shall be accomplished in phases, which means that crews required for specific duties are retained on board until there is no further need for their services. The decision to abandon ship is made by the Commanding Officer (CO) and the order shall be passed by any means available: loud speakers if electrical circuits are intact, otherwise by megaphone or messengers from the bridge. There are two means of abandoning...
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