Premium Essay

Assesement of Factors That Affect Gender in Academic Area


Submitted By aysfaw
Words 3560
Pages 15

The objective of the study is to provide sufficient and reliable statistical information on the rationality behind gender difference in academic performance. Equality is one of the greatest issues that peoples have been scarifying their money, knowledge and even their life to maintain it throughout their people, nation and the world in general.
For this study, we are use questioner as an instrument of data collection. The collected data is analyzed by using descriptive and inferential statistics. From descriptive method, bar-chart, frequency table and pie-chart are used to analyze the descriptive statistics and from the inferential method chi-square test to test the association between two factors and regression analysis and interpretation and two main methods used in inferential statistics, estimation and hypothesis testing.

CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCATION Background of the study
Women in Ethiopia are mainly limited to unpaid house responsibilities such as child as rearing, feeding the family, farming, taking care of domestic animals, giving birth as many as she can of her husband’s children and bringing them up, cleaning, hewing wood fetching water, milking and etc. In addition to this, both culture and religion also play a major role in limiting the positive role that women can play. According to Get chew kasha (1991), their participation in politics and their literacy in a society, that still marginalizes women and hinders them from getting an opportunity and status equal to men. Girls and boys have no similar performance in their education. This means boys are better than girls .The number of repeaters and drop out is also high among girls than boys .According to charge win and Yusuf (1994)

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