...HTC's Notable Projects » Environmental Risk Assessment of Proposed Agus III Hydroelectric Power Project, Lanao del Sur: Conducted the identification of major hazards due to the dam construction; quantitative characterization of risks; formulation of alternative risk-reduction measures; selection of appropriate risk reduction schemes. » Rapu Rapu Copper – Gold Project, Construction of the Tailing Storage Facility of the Lafayette Philippines, Inc. in Rapu Rapu Island, Albay. Scope of work included planning, design, construction supervision, quality control and monitoring of the repair and improvement of the tailings storage dam for the mining company; design of dam safety monitoring system. » JBIC Technical Assistance Study for Improving the Operation of Bohol Irrigation System of the National Irrigation Administration. The TA Study was aimed at assisting the NIA to effectively operate and manage three storage reservoir dams to irrigate about 10,000 hectares. The scope of work of HTC included the review of the present system of dam operations: formulation of improved irrigation water management plan to optimize the utilization of the water resources of the reservoir schemes; demonstrate and supervise the actual operation of the system adopting the improved management plan; training of irrigation personnel and farmer beneficiaries. » Liguasan Marsh Development Master Plan, Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao: Risk assessment of potential agricultural development infrastructure...
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...taken into account when selecting the subject content and the learning outcomes? While designing the scheme of work there were many factors taken in to account. Whilst the planning for assessment has been a central factor considerable considerations have been given to the syllabus and course outcomes, combined, these present an overview for what should be learned by the end of the course. I adopted a modular approach to the planning as this was important in processing the scheme of work and allowed for detailed planning. I deliberated over what the student cohort may already know and understand at this level but ideally I would have the opportunity to explore this somewhat further through interview or initial assessment. This would help establish any specific learner needs and additional resources that may need to be made available to students. I have considered the time available to conduct lessons based on the scheme of work and discovered that there are certain practicalities that need to be overcome in order to present the lesson. I have had to establish whether there is enough time to fulfil the criteria set out; whether there are enough lessons and how many hours in each lesson as well as considering holidays and key dates, such as deadlines and submission dates. Using templates from various awarding bodies I have discovered what content is important when designing the scheme and believe the key areas for contemplation for each column are; the topic, the differentiated learning...
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...Introduction Creating an effective scheme of work, less than a term into a teaching career, was certainly daunting. Given the complexities of planning for a single lesson – taking into account a long and growing list of factors ‘from provision to pupils with SEN’ to the ‘literacy objective’ that considerably lengthen every written plan – the hurdles to overcome when planning for an 8-week scheme would surely but multiply. While the freedom at my fingertips was invigorating, there was the gnawing sense that failure to grasp the key issues involved would lead to the teacher’s greatest fear – wasted lessons; wasted lessons after which the class would struggle to maintain a respect for the teacher. Furthermore, it would be the waste of an outstanding opportunity. As commentators to the publication Teaching History have repeatedly stressed, the new History National Curriculum for Key Stage 3 offers teachers a ‘glorious flexibility’ to throw out the straight-jacket of centralised requirements beholden to political overlords (Dawson 2008, 18). Instead, led by a relit passion for their discipline, teachers are able to respond to the very specific needs of their school and construct personalised routes towards a variety of objectives. For some commentators, the National Curriculum Key Concepts and their accompanying levels represent the vestiges of an ancien regime of central control that prevent true pupil ownership developing (see Knight 2008). However, a determination to facilitate...
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...stage. The graduate programme Each graduate programme fits into one of the four business areas above. For instance, technology, finance, treasury and compliance roles come under business functions. It’s important that you familiarise yourself with Barclays’ business structure to get a better understanding of how you’d fit into the business if you were taken on. The business areas section of the website includes descriptions of the sub-divisions that graduates are hired into. Read the one that applies to you and check out any additional information, such as the graduate interviews. The material naturally has an air of ‘Barclays is a wonderful place to work’, but you should focus on the facts about the scheme that support your application, such as: typical projects that people in the department work on the skills and competencies you need to succeed in the role the day-to-day requirements of the job who...
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...Scholastic Areas on the basis of grades obtained in Coscholastic Areas/ Activities and revised format of performance profile for Class IX (2011-12) Dear Principal, This is in continuation to our earlier circular no. 10 dated February 10,2011 with regard to Promotion Policy for Class-IX under CCE scheme. It was explained in the said circular that the students’ grades in scholastic areas may be upgraded to the next higher grade in one or two subjects depending upon the range of grade points obtained by him/her in co-scholastic areas/ activities. The schools were asked to assess the students in 5 point scale in the domain of life skills and 3 point scale in all other domains of co-scholastic areas/ activities included in the performance profile. According to the earlier scheme, a student could get a maximum of 42 grade points in coscholastic areas/activities as explained in the above circular. You may be aware that according to the revised manual for teachers on CCE for classes IX and X effective from session 2011-12 for class IX and subsequent session 2012-13 for class-X, assessment in all co-scholastic areas/activities is to be done on 5 point scale. Besides, the total domains of assessment in...
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...School of Health and Education Secondary PGCE Programme Handbook 2015-16 Student Name: Programme Leader: Eddie Ellis PGCE Secondary Programme Handbook 2015-16 Information in alternative formats This handbook can be found online at: https://myunihub.mdx.ac.uk/web/homecommunity/mystudy If you have a disability which makes navigating the website difficult and you would like to receive information in an alternative format, please contact http://unihub.mdx.ac.uk/support/disability/i ndex.aspx Sections from this publication can be supplied as: • a Word document with enlarged type — sent by email or supplied on a CD or memory stick • printed copy with enlarged type • printed copy on non-white paper • as Braille Other formats may be possible. We will do our best to respond promptly. To help us, please be as specific as you can about the information you require and include details of your disability. PGCE Secondary Programme Handbook 2015-16 Purpose and status of your student programme handbook The purpose of this handbook is to provide you with information about your programme of study and to direct you to other general information about studying at Middlesex University, the majority of which is available on UniHub. The material in this handbook is as accurate as possible at the date of production however you will be informed of any major changes in a timely manner. Your comments on any improvements to this handbook are welcome. Please put them in writing...
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...SYLLABUS Unit 3 – Managing Marketing Project Brief and Mark Scheme CIM Deadline Date – 11th June 2010 Results Released – August 2010 OR ALTERNATIVELY CIM Deadline Date – 10th September 2010 Results Released – November 2010 The Chartered Institute of Marketing has strict deadline dates which must be adhered to. The assignment must be submitted to the Accredited Study Centre well before these dates to allow time for administration and postage. Contact your tutor for your Accredited Study Centre submission deadline. Candidates are required to choose ONE out of the following TWO project briefs: Option One – Weighing Up the Past To Improve The Future (detailed separately) Option Two – Driving Quality Report • • • All tasks within the chosen project brief are compulsory 100% of the marks available for this paper Maximum word count – 6,000 words Documentation Word Count Candidates must ensure that they are registered with CIM as a studying member and for this assignment, by the required deadline(s). Candidates must adhere to the word count stated. No marks will be allocated for information contained in appendices, unless explicitly stated within the assignment brief. Appendices should be used for supporting information only. CIM reserves the right to return unmarked any assignment that exceeds the stated word count or contains, in the opinion of the examiner, excessive appendices. In submitting their assessment for this unit, and completing the declaration statement in...
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...------------------------------------------------- Top of Form Bottom of Form * Home * My Qualification * Assessments * Study resources * The Cafe * Media Lounge Hints and tips for writing assignments What follows are some tips which should help you when you are preparing for the assignment route of assessment. Your tutors are likely to use contact time in a different way than if they are preparing you for examinations – as well as covering the theory, more time may be spent debating the application of theory to practice, and perhaps using the assignment as a basis for some discussion. Studying and preparing assignments Any studying member who require support in preparing and writing assignments should contact their tutor/study centre for advice and assistance. Guidance on formats for assessments Please be advised that there is not a prescriptive approach to producing documents for assessment. The content and structure of the document depends upon the audience addressed and the subject matter. You can undertake research on different types of documents by looking at what is available on the internet. For example, putting in the words “discussion papers for conferences” brings up a wide variety of discussion papers for a conference audience. To view more examples download our Guidance on formats for assessments. Check our Command words guide: when answering your questions on your assignment, it is important to ensure you have interpreted what...
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...undertake duties where they are required |the organisation detailing duties of post | | | |Staff work to JD but are sometimes given the | | | |opportunity to undertake further tasks | |Pay |Pay set by Dept managers |Pay set at national scales | | |Pay is awarded to more valued members of staff |Pay agreed with trade unions | | |whom the organisation wishes to stay. |Increments set within scales to reward | | | |experience. | Currently Softworks has a very informal attitude to pay and the duties expected from employees for that pay. Whilst the company operates in a very dynamic field which is ever changing where staff are required to pull together to meet operational aims, staff do not have a clear remit into which they work. It is clear that job descriptions containing...
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...Studies 2131 BUSS3 Strategies for Success Post-Standardisation Mark Scheme 2010 examination – January series Mark schemes are prepared by the Principal Examiner and considered, together with the relevant questions, by a panel of subject teachers. This mark scheme includes any amendments made at the standardisation meeting attended by all examiners and is the scheme which was used by them in this examination. The standardisation meeting ensures that the mark scheme covers the candidates’ responses to questions and that every examiner understands and applies it in the same correct way. As preparation for the standardisation meeting each examiner analyses a number of candidates’ scripts: alternative answers not already covered by the mark scheme are discussed at the meeting and legislated for. If, after this meeting, examiners encounter unusual answers which have not been discussed at the meeting they are required to refer these to the Principal Examiner. It must be stressed that a mark scheme is a working document, in many cases further developed and expanded on the basis of candidates’ reactions to a particular paper. Assumptions about future mark schemes on the basis of one year’s document should be avoided; whilst the guiding principles of assessment remain constant, details will change, depending on the content of a particular examination paper. Further copies of this Mark Scheme are available to download from the AQA Website: www.aqa.org.uk Copyright...
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... …………………………, 201… Dear Sir/Madam, STUDENTS’ INDUSTRIAL WORK- EXPERIENCE SCHEME {SIWES} SIWES YEAR………………………………….. The bearer Mr./Miss/Mrs.…………………………………………………………is a year ………………………..student in the Department of …………………………………….. He/She has expressed willingness to have his/her Industrial Training beginning from April, ………………………….. to September, …………………… . in your company. We are confident that your company can provide him/her the required exposure. It will be appreciated if you could let us know if you are prepared to take him/her for the training. We trust that we can always count on your support now and in the future in ensuring that SIWES continues to play its role in the formation of technical manpower for the economy. Please complete the attached form and send it back through the bearer. Thank you. DR. J. U. NWALOR, Ag. DEPUTY DIRECTOR, CENTRAL INDUSTRIAL LIAISON & PLACEMENT UNIT CENTRAL INDUSTRIAL LIAISON & PLACEMENT UNIT UNIVERSITY OF LAGOS STUDENTS’ INDUSTRIAL WORK- EXPERIENCE SCHEME (SIWES) OFFER OF PLACE OF INDUSTRIAL ATTACHMENT SIWES YEAR…..…. (TO BE COMPLETED BY THE EMPLOYER) 1. Name of Student:…………………………………….Matric No………………… 2. Course Year of Study…………………………………………………………….. 3. Course of Study/Discipline ………………………………………………………. 4. Nature of Work-Experience Available: (Please give a brief description) 5. Proposed Training...
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...regulators. You can still use online government services and transactions and view most of our content. We are working hard to restore our full range of services as soon as possible. Access Business Link content via the home page. Do it online using the links below: HM Revenue and Customs services * Business advice open day events * Use Constructor Industry Scheme Online for Contractors Companies House services * Incorporate your limited company online * File company details with WebCheck * File company details with WebFiling Department for Work and Pensions services * Register your interest in a combined pension forecast * Request guides from the Pension Service Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency services * DVLA form ordering service * Report an unlicensed vehicle * Search the register of number plate suppliers * Apply for a tax disc * Make a SORN declaration * Vehicle details enquiry Driving Standards Agency services * Fleet driver trainer courses * LGV driver training centre accreditation scheme * Find your nearest taxi driving test centre * Theory Test for Instructors * Theory Test for Lorry, Bus, Car or Bike * Recording and evidencing driver training * Apply for Driving Instructor licence * Maintain Driving Instructor details * Delegated Examiners Enhanced Capital Allowance services ...
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...COURSE OUTLINE Term: Fall 2012 Subject Code: Course Number: Course Name: Grade Mode: Length: STAT 2001 Statistics 2 Numeric 42.0 Hours PLA Applicable: Y Credit Value: 3.0 Level: Post Secondary Prerequisites(s): STAT 2000 Statistics 1 or BUS 2238 Stats 1 Co-requisite(s) and Concurrent Prerequisite(s): None Equivalent(s): BUS 2206 Inferential Statistics and BUS 2239 Statistics 2 Students are advised to retain course outlines for future use in support of applications for employment or transfer of credits Course Description This course builds on the topics covered in Statistics 1, extending hypothesis testing and other inferential techniques to a range of new problems. Applications of statistical techniques to quality and productivity management are covered. Students gain further experience with the use of computer-based statistical analysis tools. Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this course, the student will have reliably demonstrated the ability to: 1. Identify the appropriate technique, then conduct and interpret inference (both estimation and hypothesis tests) of population means when the population variance is known or unknown. 2. Perform hypothesis tests on the differences between two means using both independent samples and matched pairs experiments. STAT 2001 “Statistics 2” 3. Use sampling distributions to calculate interval estimates and select appropriate sample sizes for proportions. 4. Test the significance of a population proportion and...
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...Sociology SCLY1 1191 Culture and Identity; Families and Households; Wealth, Poverty and Welfare Unit 1 Mark Scheme Mark schemes are prepared by the Principal Examiner and considered, together with the relevant questions, by a panel of subject teachers. This mark scheme includes any amendments made at the standardisation meeting attended by all examiners and is the scheme which was used by them in this examination. The standardisation meeting ensures that the mark scheme covers the students’ responses to questions and that every examiner understands and applies it in the same correct way. As preparation for the standardisation meeting each examiner analyses a number of students’ scripts: alternative answers not already covered by the mark scheme are discussed at the meeting and legislated for. If, after this meeting, examiners encounter unusual answers which have not been discussed at the meeting they are required to refer these to the Principal Examiner. It must be stressed that a mark scheme is a working document, in many cases further developed and expanded on the basis of students’ reactions to a particular paper. Assumptions about future mark schemes on the basis of one year’s document should be avoided; whilst the guiding principles of assessment remain constant, details will change, depending on the content of a particular examination paper. Further copies of this Mark Scheme are available to download from the AQA Website: www.aqa.org.uk Copyright © 2012 AQA and its licensors...
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...Write a 3500 report on the following…. What is Human Resource management? How selection does happen in the organization? How does assessments happens I the organization? What is the role of HR in assessing the candidates? What are the measures to be taken while selecting and assessing the candidates for organization? 1.1 Human Resource Management: According to Susan M. Heathfield, this is in short referred as HRM. It is responsible for the personnel’s hiring, managing, directing workforce in the association. Sometimes line managers in the organization tend to perform HR Management. Payment, appointing, recital supervision, improvement of the association, security, wellness, remunerations, rousing the worker, communication, management, and instruction etc are to be performed by the Human Resource Management in the Organization. According to Civil Service Branch, December 1995, the success of any organization is fairly based on the HR as it is responsible for the in-taking of the suitable staff, training etc. A HRM is an organization’s deep-routed undertaking of the task depending on the requirement. It is responsible for ingestion of the personnel; develop along with supervising the workforce and present preeminent capability to improve the organization. Their most important task is to manage the personnel and they give out their effort with a better patron renovate and recital oriented ethnicity through prominence staff administration constantly. HRM proposes...
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