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Submitted By tom55588
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Pages 2
Part A Group Assessment of Posters and Presentations (25%)

Follow the brief given in each case and prepare a presentation for each company. You should carry out your own research using academic journals for theories as well as market reports etc for external analysis. Every group member should contribute to the presentation, which should be about 20 minutes (15 minutes for presenting, 5 minutes for Q&A) and include the use of one or two PowerPoint posters.

• Case Study 1: Apple Inc’s iPhone: can iPhone Maintain its Initial Momentum? (Ghauri and Cateora, 2010). Note: This case study is not graded, but formative feedback will be given verbally at the end of each presentation. Brief: 1. Carry out a PEST- analysis for iPhone in the UK and a more detailed market analysis.

2. From the two analyses summarize and recommend key factors – “opportunities” that can benefit future strategies for Apple Inc’s iPhone products.

• Case Study 2: FedEx vs. UPS – Competing with Contrasting Strategies in China (Ghauri and Cateora, 2010, p600). Note: This case study is not graded,
1. Carry out a comprehensive SLEPT- (including a competitor analysis) and a SWOT- analysis for Fed Ex using the case study and the internet to establish its current competitive situation compared to especially UPS.
2. FedEx’s main focus has been on providing its customers with innovative and value-added services. This has so far worked well to differentiate them from their rivals. However, as the market is getting even more competitive in China recommend future strategies based on the result of the analysis in Task 1. Justify your recommendations with reference to theoretical concepts.

• Case Study 3. Strategy Formulation at Zanzibar. (Ghauri and Cateora, 2010). Note: Presentation of this case study will be graded.
1. Prepare a SLEPT analysis for the Tourism Department of Zanzibar analyzing especially the areas that could have a major impact on Zanzibar’s future global strategies.
2. Recommend a “strategic fit” for the Tourism Department’s future global strategy following the results of your analysis.

Assessment criteria:
• Critical appraisal of relevant marketing theories associated with the questions based upon review of literature (level of criticality, scope and relevance of literature, etc)
• Application of literature discussion to case scenario (rigor, relevance, creativity, etc). Problem solving and critical thinking.
• Conclusions and recommendations (appropriateness in line with specified task, etc)
• Presentation and Posters
- Creativity and appropriate style for audience.
- Content should cover all areas of the questions set.
- Presentation skills.
- Communication/Language skills.
- IT skills.

Please note
If within a syndicate group, one or more members are failing to make an adequate contribution, this should be drawn to the attention of the lecturer, as soon as possible, by sending an e-mail to the lecturer and copied to all members (using University of Northumbria e-mail addresses) of the syndicate group (including those members who are being accused of failing to make an adequate contribution). The lecturer will then attempt to arrange a meeting of the syndicate group to resolve the problem

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