Assessment#1- Analysis of Understanding
Entrepreneurial Leadership in Today’s Dynamic Markets
BUS508 - Business Entreprise
Discuss the common elements described in the theories/philosophies of Case, Kouzes, and Drucker including how their principles /strategies relate to the new definition of entrepreneurial leadership presented in Understanding Entrepreneurial Leadership in today’s Dynamic Markets.
In discussing the new definitions entrepreneurial leadership as presented in “Understanding Entrepreneurial Leadership in Today’s Dynamic Market its probably best to describe the climate or environment which is often illustrated as one that is dynamic market , uncertain or a very competitive market which requires innovative thinking. In this type of market the fluidity, energy, motion, constancy and ubiquitousness of changes in the market occur very frequently and head to head competition between firms is common place and the pace, magnitude and direction of change is continuously accelerated and harder to predict. Teece, Pisano and Shuen (1997) as referenced by Fernald and Solomon in their paper, described today’s dynamic Schumpeterian world of innovation–based competition, price /performance rivalry, increasing returns and the ‘creative destruction of existing compeitencies.”(p.509) "creative destruction" was popularized by and is most associated with Joseph Schumpeter, particularly in his book Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy, first published in 1942. In Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy, Schumpeter popularized and used the term to describe the process of transformation that accompanies radical innovation. In Schumpeter's vision of capitalism, innovative entry by entrepreneurs was the force that sustained long-term economic growth, even as it destroyed the value of established companies and laborers that enjoyed some