RLL NURS1101 Week 3: Nursing as an Art & Science Week 3’s NURS1101 class commenced with a DVD lecture on seizures & the different type’s people could succumb to. The level & seriousness is determined by the seizure classification indicator. First it is divided into being a partial or generalised activity, a partial seizure is one originating in one part of the brain & is diagnosed as simple or complex, whereas a generalised seizure’s activity involves the entire brain & diagnosed as absence, myoclonic, tonic clonic, tonic or atonic. The information is set out in a table for on the website: www.epilepsy.org.au/aboutepilepsy/understandingepilepsy/seizuretypeclassification. Discussion about the different types of seizures people can have is included in the opening tasks of this week’s tutorial. Displayed for students information & awareness on the room display boards is “Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs”, students are asked to interpret this information, discuss & describe how a nurse needs to apply it as professional activity during working hours, keeping in mind OH&S & the level of safety & security. Included in Maslow’s Hierarchy & displayed as a pyramid connecting on thing to the one above are self actualisation, esteem, belongingness & love, safety & physiological needs. For the first case study you have to apply Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs to Mrs Wall the 80 year old with history of MRSA, diagnosed early dementia & dysphagia. Also discuss the risks for the attending nurse, the client (Mrs Wall) & any others whom could be at risk, like her husband, Bill. Part of the work to be done for week 3 is describe & compare the art of nursing & the science of nursing. We are to evaluate how art & how science is applied for case study with Mrs Greentree, what factors could have been changed to make the scenario better for the client & the nurse providing assistance/ care.