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Transformational leadership in nursing practice
Owen Doody and Catriona M Doody
Traditionally, nurses have been over-managed and led inadequately, yet today they face unprecedented challenges and opportunities. Organisations constantly face changes that require an increasingly adaptive and flexible leadership. This type of adaptive leadership is referred to as ‘transformational’; under it, environments of shared responsibilities that influence new ways of knowing are created. Transformational leadership motivates followers by appealing to higher ideas and moral values, where the leader has a deep set of internal values and ideas. This leads to followers acting to sustain the greater good, rather than their own interests, and supportive environments where responsibility is shared. This article focuses on transformational leadership and its application to nursing through the four components of transformational leadership. These are: idealised influence; inspirational motivation; intellectual stimulation; and individual consideration. Key words: Transformational leadership n Nursing n Motivation n Staff support n Personal qualities ffectivenursingleadershipisavehiclethroughwhich healthcare delivery and consumer demands can be fulfilled. Traditionally, nurses were over-managed andinadequatelyled;theynowfaceunprecedented challengesandopportunities(BowlesandBowles,2000). Thenotionofleadershipisconstantlychanging,withmany theoriesandframeworksavailable.Today’sorganisationsface ever-increasingchange,whichneedsamoreadaptiveflexible leadershipthatisbecomingincreasinglyimportantinthe21st century(Thyer,2003;Jooste,2004;Ralston,2005).Bass(1985) labelled this type of adaptive leadership as transformational, under which environments of shared responsibilities that influencenewwaysofknowingarecreated(Trofino,2000). TransformationalleadershipwasfirstdefinedbyDownton (1973) but it was the work of Burns (1978) that gained most currency. Burns distinguished between transactional and transformational leadership, feeling that one prohibits theotherandthattheyareatoppositeendsofacontinuum (Gellis, 2001; Judge and Piccolo, 2004). However, good
OwenDoodyisLecturer,DepartmentofNursingandMidwifery attheUniversityofLimerick,IrelandandCatrionaMDoodyis RegisteredIntellectualDisabilityNurseattheDaughtersofCharity Service,Ireland Accepted for publication: July 2012



leaders demonstrate both transactional and transformational characteristics(JudgeandPiccolo,2004),requiringamarriage of both styles complementing and enhancing each other (Bryant,2003;Rolfe,2011). Transformational leadership is a process that motivates followersbyappealingtohigherideasandmoralvalueswhere theleaderhasadeepsetofinternalvaluesandideasandis persuasiveatmotivatingfollowerstoactinawaythatsustains thegreatergoodratherthantheirowninterests(Burns,1978). Transformational leaders make it safe for staff to risk and extendtheboundariesofthinkinganddoing,creatingample conditions for energy, creativity and innovation to emerge (Porter-O’Grady, 1997), where supportive environments of sharedresponsibilityarecreated(Ward,2002;Bally,2007). Transformational leadership is viewed as the most effectivemodelofleadershipbecause,whileitrecognisesthe importance of rewards, it goes further to satisfy the higher needs of the follower by engaging this person emotionally andintellectually(Surakka,2008). This article focuses on transformational leadership and its application to nursing through the four components of transformational leadership identified by Bass (1995; 1998), Hall et al (2002) and Barbuto (2005): idealised influence; inspirational motivation; intellectual stimulation; andindividualconsideration.

Idealised influence
Idealisedinfluencebuildsconfidence,admiration,respectand trust(Bassetal,2003),providingemployeeswithasenseof mission (Northouse, 2010). For this to occur, nurse leaders needtoberolemodelswhotheirstaffseektoemulate(Hay, 2006;Iliesetal,2012).Whenaleaderisarolemodelforstaff, itbecomeslesslikelythattherewillberesistancetochangeor newinitiativesthataretobeimplemented(Wangetal,2011). Thisidealisedinfluencecanbeencapsulatedinthephilosophy andethosoftheservice/unitanditsmissionstatement.The leadershouldideallyinvolvestaff,familiesandserviceusersin thedesignandimplementationofthesestatements. However, even with this shared vision, leaders as role modelsmayfinditdifficulttoinvolveothersinthemission statement.Historically,staffwerepromotedontheirseniority, abilitytomirrorelementsofsupervisorsandtoconformto rules and regulations of the organisation (Porter-O’Grady, 1992).This historic selection process allowed for continuity and posed little threat to the viability of organisations; as mostmanagerswithinthissystemgainedtheirexpertiseand skill on the job, there was a tendency for them to reflect the existing hierarchical approach (Porter-O’Grady, 1992;



Murphy,2005).Tounderstandthepresentandfutureofnurse management, we need to understand its past and recognise someorganisationsareonlynowmovingbeyondtheeffects ofthishistoricprocess. Justasnursesneedtocontinuouslyupdatetheirknowledge andactfromanevidence-basedapproachratherthanpractice wisdom(DoodyandDoody,2011),thesameistruewhenit comes to nursing leaders. For nurse leaders to be effective, they have to be charismatic; charisma is based on personal attributessuchascharm,persuasiveness,self-confidenceand extraordinary ideas that arouse affection and commitment to the vision and goals to which the leader aspires (Ward, 2002; Sullivan and Decker, 2009). Nurse leaders should be admired for their high moral standing and sense of mission (Bass,1995;Northouse,2010).Thiscanbeexhibitedintheir approach and consistency in approach when managing staff andstaffissues. Within nursing, there are leaders at many levels, such as those in direct leadership roles at a unit level and those in higherleadershiprolesataservicelevel.Thiscanoftenleadto conflict and control-seeking, especially when final decisions need to be made.While staff ideas are transmitted through the direct leadership roles, it can place direct leaders in a vulnerablepositionwhentheyarestrivingtomeettheneeds ofstaffandclients,butarerestrictedbytheupperleaderswho have a greater emphasis on the strategic and organisational issues;thisoftenresultsinactionsanddecisionsbeingblocked due to budgetary constraints or other matters of which the directleaderisunawareof.Whiledirectleadersofferguidance and support to their staff, they are in a difficult position as theyhavetobalancethesupportrequiredbystaffwiththeir own vision and goals with how these fit with the overall organisation leadership style, vision and goals (Casida and Parker, 2011).They have to be confident and communicate their vision to staff while also identifying the constraints withintheirrolewhenasharedvisionrunsintodifficulty. theories(SullivanandGarland,2010).Contenttheoriesfocus on individual needs and what satisfies these needs. Perhaps the best known is Maslow’s (1954) hierarchy of needs, under which satisfaction of needs on one level activates a needatthehigherlevel.Organisationsthatofferpermanent, part-time and job-sharing roles to create a family-friendly workplaceincreasejobsatisfactionandhavestaffwhostrive for a connective relationship to the service (Sullivan and Decker, 2009). Process theories emphasise how motivation workstosteeranindividualintoperformance,helpingleaders to predict employee behaviour in certain circumstances. Examples include reinforcement theory, equity theory and goal-setting theory (Sullivan and Decker, 2009). Nurse leadersneedtosupportin-serviceeducationandtrainingfor alllevelsofstaffinvolvedincareprovision,basedonidentified needs and continuing education development relevant to areasofpractice.Also,nurseleadersshouldensurethatallnew membersofstaffaregivenanorientationperiodtotheunit, itsvision,goalsandexpectations. Theremaybenocorrecttheoryofmotivation,soleaders should combine theories so their effects complement each other (Moody and Pesut, 2006). Leaders should move out of the realm of pure staff motivation, adopting inspirational leadershipasitinfusesanintrinsicdrivefuelledbyahigher purpose, creating enthusiasm and passion, driving staff independently to achieve the goals of the organisation (Salanovaetal,2011).Tobeinspirational,nurseleadersneed to paint a flowery vision of the future that is more fantasy thanreality(Bass,1997),wherefollowersmaybepersuaded tosacrificetheirownvaluesforthebenefitoftheorganisation orleader(BassandSteidlmeier,2006). However, few nursing leaders are truly inspirational, as their leadership skills are formed on the basis of traditional hierarchical systems and practice wisdom (Bishop, 2009). Whiletheystriveforeffectivemotivation,leadershiptraining needstooccurtoresultinacascadingeffecttosubordinates (OshagbemiandGill,2004;BassandRiggio,2006).Employees inaninspiredservicefeelpassionateabouttheethosandthe significance of their work contribution (Moody and Pesut, 2006),wheredutybecomespleasureandpleasureismerged withduty(Maslow,2000;Salanovaetal,2011).

Inspirational motivation
Inspirational motivation involves encouraging others to achieve the goals and aspirations of the organisation while alsoachievingtheirownaims(Bally,2007). Motivation is, without doubt, an important element of healthcare, as motivation affects performance and client care (Sullivan and Decker, 2009). Leaders communicate high expectations to employees, inspiring them through motivationtosharethevisionoftheorganisation(Northouse, 2010;Carney,2011). Nurseleadersshouldensurefrontlinestaffarerepresented on committees where executive decisions are made in an organisation. There is a tendency in some organisations to equate direct leaders as representative of frontline staff; however, as identified earlier, these leaders have difficulties balancing all perspectives. Ensuring frontline staff are representedoncommitteesprovidesresponsibilitiesaswellas opportunities for learning new skills and to be empowered (Laschingeretal,2003;Scherbetal,2011). While many authors have examined motivation and have developedtheoriesaboutit,thesecanbegenerallybedivided into two distinct groups: content theories; and process

Intellectual stimulation
Intellectual stimulation encourages staff innovation, challenging the beliefs of staff, the leader and service (Northouse, 2010).Transformational leaders encourage the proposalofnewideasempoweringstafftoapproachproblems in new ways using evidence-based practice (Barbuto, 2005; Gheith,2010). Library, computer and IT facilities should be available, which will reinforce continuing learning to enhance client care and promote best practice. A central consideration of transformational leadership is the formal and informal education/learning of all staff (Dignam et al, 2012) to adjust and keep knowledge in line with service and client expectations(GovernmentofIreland,1998)andtoencourage stafftobeinnovative(Northouse,2010).Practiceneedstobe evidence-basedratherthan‘howwealwaysdidit’(AnBord Altranais,2000).



Even though organisations may encourage and support further education informally or formally, there is often no onus on nurses to share their learning with other team members who are not in a position to undertake studies. Therefore, the direct nurse leader should ensure that staff who undertake studies and courses share their knowledge with the team and provide articles or leaflets to support evidence-based practice (Clegg, 2000).While this may be difficult to implement in practice, responsibility should be placedonnurseswhoreceiveformalsupporttodisseminate information and knowledge through presentations and methods.Thisisessential,orteammembersmayfeeldevalued in comparison with the‘elite’ nurse, who receives support; staffwillseethisdisseminationasameansofsupportingtheir advancementwithintheircareerpathway. While intellectual stimulation is desirable, in the long term, continuously striving to create new ways of doing things runs the risk of staff stress and burnout (Wang et al, 2011).Additionally, a high employee turnover can result in long-term staff being a part of a motivational chain that is continuously being broken by lack of continuity and familiarityofteammembers(Force,2005).

Individualised consideration
Within individualised consideration, leaders encourage and support individuals to reach higher levels of achievement, assisting full actualisation (Northouse, 2010), by the leader

Table 1. Leadership competencies
Sofarelli and Brown (1998) 1. Management of attention 2. Management of meaning 3. Management of trust 4. Management of self Contino (2004) 1. Organisational management Managing Managing ■ Managing ■ Managing ■ Managing
■ ■

time information human resources change revenue and expenses

2. Communication/communication skills Communicating Communicating ■ Communicating ■ Communicating
■ ■

vision organisational structure continuous learning change

3. Analysis and strategic planning Analysis of internal data Drawing up strategy for external opportunities ■ Drawing up strategy for effective decision-making ■ Analysis for change strategy and drawing this up ■ Drawing up strategy for a business plan
■ ■

4. Creation/vision Creating opportunity for employees Creating value for your customers ■ Creating quality through continuous improvement and error reduction ■ Creating relationships with strategic partners
■ ■

acting in an advisory capacity. However, self-actualisation is difficultandoftenunachievable(Northouse,2010). Leaderswithinorganisationsshouldcareforstaffandthere shouldbeastrongsenseoftheleaderactinginasupportive role,especiallyintimesofneed,asleadershaveadutyofcare fortheirstaff.Supportcantakeplacethroughregularpositive feedbackandstaffappraisals;ifthesearenotconducted,staff can become devalued and effective members can become tired of carrying other team members, leading to high absenteeism (Weberg, 2010). Leaders who provide positive feedback regarding performance increase self-esteem and performance (Riahi, 2011).Within the appraisal system, the nurse leader should look to draw up personal development plans,alongwithpeerreviewsand360°evaluations(Kerfoot, 2002). Compared to the traditional, singular, top-down method, 360° evaluations are believed to allow for a true evaluationofallteammembersinaconstructiveandeffective manner. However, they are time consuming, resourceintensive and should be treated with great caution.While thisformatisintendedtoalloweachmembertocontribute to the appraisal in an open manner and support open and effective teamworking, unless the aim, ground rules and appropriate facilitation mechanism are in place they can be counterproductive. Empowerment is one of the fundamental components of the transformational leader (Bowles and Bowles, 2000) whereby staff self-efficacy is increased, enabling them to completeworkmoresuccessfully(Tomey,2009).Productive leadersmustoperatethroughoutalllevelsoftheorganisation for empowerment to be effective (Laschinger et al, 2003). An empowerment strategy comprises many leadership competencies.Table 1listssomestrategiesintheliterature. Direct nurse managers can empower staff by holding team meetings regularly, where staff of each grade in the nursing team have the opportunity to voice their opinions and collectively create goals and strategies to deliver client care with greater effectiveness that is aligned with the organisation’s vision and mission. Duty rotas can become the responsibility of the team; this can make staff aware of the priority of the unit and the safe delivery of care with adequate staff levels.This empowers staff to take ownership fortheeffectivemanagementandefficiencyoftheunitfrom aday-to-dayperspective.Ithasbeensaidthatbecausedirect managersaremoreinvolvedinclientcarethantopmanagers, they have a greater knowledge of the goals and strategies that could improve care, contributing significantly to the aspirationsoftheorganisation(Dohertyetal,2010). The Royal College of Nursing (RCN, 2009) found an absence of agreed role definitions and role conflict existed because nurse leaders were constantly balancing different aspects of their role, while lacking formal preparation and skill development. While direct leaders have theoretical responsibility for the standard of nursing care, they lack authority to guarantee this (Bradshaw, 2010). The RCN (2009) recommended supernumerary status, titles that give clearidentity,anappropriateauthoritystructureandsupport, with the restoration of the traditional supernumerary, authoritative,ward-sisterrole. However,duetothehierarchyandbureaucracyinnursing,



PROFESSIONAL ISSUES this may be difficult; nursing does not promote freedom or professional latitude and hence impedes innovation by nurse leaders (Clegg, 2001; Kuokkanen and Leino-Kilpi, 2001;Murphy,2005).Empowermentnecessitatesservicesto construct a supportive environment that values nurses and involves them in strategic, operational matters promoting opportunitiesforlearningandchanging,whichencompasses personalandserviceeffectiveness(DepartmentofHealthand Children,2004). Optimising team performance is a central matter for the transformationalleader(Riahi,2011).Nurseleadersneedto bemoreexpressive,forexample,throughwordsofthanksor praise, fair workload distributions, and individualised career planning,mentoringandprofessionaldevelopmentactivities tomotivatefollowersindividually(Simic,1998;Raffertyand Griffin,2004).

Table 2. Qualities of transactional nurse leaders
Sofarelli and Brown, (1998)
■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

Contino (2004)
■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

Overall, transformational leadership is favoured as leaders have the power to produce future generations of successful leaderswhohavetheproficiencytocreateeffectivesolutions tosomeoftheprofession’smostcrucialissues(Ward,2002). Balancing complex demands in unstable environments is attheheartofformulatinghealthierhealthcareorganisations that provide the quality of care that clients, families and communities deserve (Dixon, 1999). Leaders need to be knowledgeableandcompetentinstrategicplanning,sotheir efforts may be received and acknowledged at senior levels (Murphy,2005).Whiletransformationalleadershipiseffective regardless of culture, the level of effectiveness depends to some extent on cultural values (Spreitzer et al, 2005). Whereeffectivenessisseenastherelationshipbetweenone’s objectivesandoutputs,themoretheseoutputscontributeto theobjectives,themoreeffectivetheunitis(Surakka,2008) Whilemotivationandempowermentaredesirablewithin organisations, their level needs to be in line with the expertise of the workforce.Transactional leadership within nursing has to be considered in relation to the experience andcapabilitiesoftheindividual,astheremaybeoccasions wherealeaderisrequiredtointervenebeforemistakesoccur. This may be necessary to uphold best practice, safeguard clientsandcomplywithlegalresponsibilities;thisrecognises theleadershipthatenhanceseffectivenessmostisamarriage betweenbothtransactionalandtransformational(Stordeuret al,2000).Questionsarisewithinanorganisation,suchas:can we be highly orientated towards achievement while at the sametimebeinghighlyorientatedtowardsstaffwellbeing?It ispossiblethatmanyserviceprovidersviewthesetwogeneral domainsoforganisationalcultureasbeingadversarial(Hatton etal,1999).However,itmaybethatacultureofpromoting staff wellbeing would result in a greater willingness on the part of staff to aim to achieve a high-quality service. Future nurse leaders need to acknowledge and value staff contributions, within flexible work environments that are family-friendly. Continuingeducationneedstobeaccessibleandequitable forall.Performancereviewsshouldbealignedwithpersonal development plans for each staff member; these should acknowledgeeveryperson’scontributionsandareasforfuture

Clear purpose, expressed simply Value-driven Strong role model High expectations Persistent Self-knowing Perpetual desire for learning Love work Lifelong learners Identify themselves as change agents Enthusiastic Able to attract and inspire others Able to deal with complexity, uncertainty and ambiguity

Emotionally mature Courageous Risk-taker Risk-sharing Visionary Unwilling to believe in failure Sense of public need Listens to all viewpoints to develop spirit of co-operation Mentoring Effective communicator Considerate of the personal needs of employees Strategic

Sources: Tichy and Devanna (1986); Hall et al (2002); Stone et al (2004).

development that are aligned with the organisational vision andmission. Educationofleadersneedstooccurtoassistthechangeand developmentofleadershipwithinhealthcare,andanyaudits of practice should include leadership audits.It isimperative that creative, passionate, effective individuals with vision,  whowillchallengetheservice,arerecruitedanddeveloped withinservices. Although the four dimensions of transformational leadership are interdependent, they must coexist to yield performance beyond expectations (Hall et al, 2002; Kelly, 2003).Transformational leaders are people who can create significantchangeinbothfollowersandtheorganisationwith whichtheyareassociated(Griffin,unpublishedobservations, 2003).They lead changes in mission, strategy, structure and culture,inpartthroughafocusonintangiblequalitiessuch as vision, shared values and ideas, and relationship-building. They do this by articulating the vision in a clear and appealingmanner,explaininghowtoattainthevisions,acting with confidence and optimistically, expressing confidence in the followers, emphasising values with symbolic actions, leadingbyexample,andempoweringfollowerstoachievethe vision(Stoneetal,2004).Toachievethis,nurseleadersmust possessspecificqualitiesidentifiedinTable 2.  BJN Conflict of interest: none
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207–18 Bass BM, Riggio RE (2006) Transformational Leadership. 2nd edn. Lawrence ErlbaumAssociates,Mahwah,NewJersey Bass BM, Steidlmeier P (2006) Ethics, Character, and Authentic Transformational Leadership.BinghamtonUniversity,NewYork Bishop (2009)Whatisleadership?In:Bishop ,Leadership for Nursing and Allied V V Health Care Professions. OpenUniversityPress,Berkshire:8–31 Bowles A, Bowles NB (2000) A comparative study of transformational leadership in nursing development units and conventional clinical settings. J Nurs Manag 8(2):69–76 BradshawA(2010)Isthewardsisterrolestillrelevanttothequalityofpatient care?Acriticalexaminationofthewardsisterrolepastandpresent.J Clin Nurs 19(23–24):3555–63 BryantSE(2003)Theroleoftransformationalandtransactionalleadershipin creating,sharingandexploitingorganizationalknowledge.J Leadership Organ Stud 9(4):32–44 BurnsJM(1978)Leadership.HarperandRow,NewYork Carney M (2011) Influence of organizational culture on quality healthcare delivery.Int J Health Care Qual Assur24(7):523–39 Casida J, Parker J (2011) Staff nurse perceptions of nurse manager leadership stylesandoutcomes.J Nurs Manag 19(4):478–86 CleggA(2000)Leadership:improvingthequalityofpatientcare.Nurs Stand 14(30):43–45 CleggA(2001)Occupationalstressinnursing:areviewoftheliterature.J Nurs Manag 9(2):101–6 ContinoDS(2004)Leadershipcompetencies:knowledge,skills,andaptitudes nursesneedtoleadorganizationseffectively.Crit Care Nurs 24(3):52–64 Department of Health and Children (2004) Final Report of the Empowerment of Nurses and Midwives Steering Group—an Agenda for Change. Government PublicationsStationeryOffice, html(accessed25October) DignamD,DuffieldC,StasaH,GrayJ,JacksonD,DalyJ(2012)Management andleadershipinnursing:anAustralianeducationalperspective.J Nurs Manag 20(1):65–71 DixonDL(1999)Achievingresultsthroughtransformationalleadership.J Nurs Adm 29(12):17–21 Doherty C, Gatenby M, Hales C (2010) Role of the ward sister: tensions, pressuresandopportunities.Nurs Stand 24(51):35–40 DoodyCM,DoodyO(2011)Introducingevidenceintonursingpractice:using theIOWAmodel.Br J Nurs20(11):661–4 DowntonJV(1973)Rebel Leadership: Commitment and Charisma in a Revolutionary Process.FreePress,NewYork Force MV (2005) The relationship between effective nurse managers and nursingretention.J Nurs Adm 35(7–8):336–41 GellisZD(2001)Socialworkperceptionsoftransformationalandtransactional leadershipinhealthcare.Soc Work Res 25(1):17–25 GheithNA-R(2010)Reconstructingorganizationculturethroughenforcing headnurses’transformationalleadershipstyle.Australian J Basic Appl Sci 4(6): 1288–96 GovernmentofIreland(1998)A Report of the Commission on Nursing. A Blueprint for the Future. Government Publications Stationery Office, Dublin. www. GriffinD(2003)Transformational Leadership. transform(accessed29October) HallJ,JohnsonS,WysockiA,KepnerK(2002)Transformational Leadership: the Transformation of Managers and Associates. Institute of Food andAgricultural Sciences, University of Florida. HR02000.pdf(accessed25October2012) Hatton C, Rivers M, Mason H et al (1999) Organizational culture and staff outcomesinservicesforpeoplewithintellectualdisabilities.J Intell Disabil

Key pOInTS n Transformational

leadership recognises the importance of rewards, but goes further to satisfy the emotional and intellectual needs of staff leaders create supportive environments where responsibility is shared and staff feel safe to take risks to become creative and innovate has four components: idealised influence; inspirational motivation; intellectual stimulation; individual consideration leaders have to be confident and communicate their vision to staff while acknowledging organisational constraints nurse leadership is now required by organisations, but this has been restricted by hierarchy and bureaucracy, and because nursing has not promoted professional latitude is needed to encourage the development of leadership

n Transformational

n It

n Transformational

n Adaptive

n Education

Res 43(Pt3):206–18 Hay I (2006) Transformational Leadership: Characteristics and Criticisms. School of Geography, Population and Environmental Management, Flinders University, Adelaide. transformationalleadership.htm(accessed25October2012) Ilies R, Curşeu PL, Dimotakis N, Spitzmuller M (2012) Leaders’ emotional expressiveness and their behavioural and relational authenticity: effects on followers.European J Work Organizational Psychology,17January2012.http:// JoosteK(2004)Leadership:anewperspective.J Nurs Manag 12(3):217–23 JudgeTA,PiccoloRF(2004)Transformationalandtransactionalleadership:a meta-analytictestoftheirvalidity.J Appl Psychol 89(5):755–68 Kelly M (2003) Academic advisers as transformational leaders. The Mentor, 1 January. 2012) Kerfoot K (2002) On leadership: from motivation to inspiration leadership. Dermatol Nurs14(2):126–7 KuokkanenL,Leino-KilpiH(2001)Thequalitiesofanempowerednurseand thefactorsinvolved.J Nurs Manag 9(5):273–80 LaschingerHK,AlmostJ,Tuer-HodesD(2003)Workplaceempowermentand magnethospitalcharacteristicsmakingthelink.J Nurs Adm 33(7–8):410–22 MaslowAH(1954)Motivation and Personality. HarperandRow,NewYork MaslowAH(2000)The Maslow Business Reader.JohnWileyandSons,New ork Y MoodyRC,PesutDJ(2006)Themotivationtocare:applicationandextension of motivation theory to professional nursing work. J Health Organ Manag 20(1):15–48 MurphyL(2005)Transformationalleadership:acascadingchainreaction.J Nurs Manag 13(2):128–36 NorthousePG(2010)Leadership:Theory and Practice.5thedn.SagePublications, London OshagbemiT, Gill R (2004) Differences in leadership styles and behaviour across hierarchical levels in UK organisations. Leadership Organization Development J25(1):93–106 Porter-O’GradyT(1992)Transformationalleadershipinanageofchaos.Nurs Admin Q17(1):17–24 Porter-O’GradyT (1997) Process leadership and the death of management. Nurs Econ15(6):286–93 RaffertyAE, Griffin MA (2004) Dimensions of transformational leadership: conceptualandempiricalextensions.Leadership Quart 15(3):329–54 RalstonR(2005)Transformationalleadership:leadingthewayformidwivesin the21stcentury.RCM Midwives8(1):34–7 RiahiS(2011)Rolestressamongstnursesattheworkplace:conceptanalysis. J Nurs Manag 19(6):721–31 RolfeP(2011)Transformationalleadershiptheory:whateveryleaderneedsto know.Nurs Leader9(2):54–7 RoyalCollegeofNursing(2009)Breaking Down Barriers, Driving Up Standards. The Role of the Ward Sister and Charge Nurse. RoyalCollegeofNursing,London Salanova M, Lorente L, Chambel MJ, Martínez IM (2011) Linking transformationalleadershiptonurses’extra-roleperformance:themediating roleofself-efficacyandworkengagement.J Adv Nurs 67(10):2256–66 ScherbCA,SpechtJK,LoesJL,ReedD(2011)Decisionalinvolvement:staff nurseandnursemanagerperceptions.West J Nurs Res33(2):161–79 SimicI(1998)Transformationalleadership—thekeytosuccessfulmanagement oftransformationalorganizationalchanges.Facta Universitas1(6):49–55 SofarelliD,BrownD(1998)Theneedfornursingleadershipinuncertaintimes. J Nurs Manag6(4):201–7 SpreitzerGM,PerttulaKH,XinK(2005)Traditionalitymatters:anexamination oftheeffectivenessoftransformationalleadershipintheUSandTaiwan.J Organ Behav 26(3):205–27 Stordeur S, Vandenberghe C, D’hoore W (2000) Leadership styles across hierarchicallevelsinnursingdepartments.Nurs Res49(1):37–43 SullivanEJ,DeckerPJ(2009)Effective Leadership and Management in Nursing. 7th edn.PearsonEducation,UpperSaddleRiver,NewJersey Sullivan E, Garland G (2010) Practical Leadership and Management in Nursing. PearsonEducation,Harlow,Essex SurakkaT(2008)Thenursemanager’sworkinthehospitalenvironmentduring the1990sand2000s:responsibility,accountabilityandexpertiseinnursing leadership.J Nurs Manag 16(5):525–34 Stone AG, Russell RF, Patterson K (2004) Transformational versus servant leadership:adifferenceinleaderfocus.Leadership Organ Dev J25(4):349–61 ThyerGL(2003)Daretobedifferent:transformationalleadershipmayholdthe keytoreducingthenursingshortage.J Nurs Manag11(2):73–9 TichyNM,DevannaMA(1986)The Transformational Leader.JohnWiley,New York Tomey AM (2009) Nursing leadership and management effects work environments.J Nurs Manag17(1):15–25 TrofinoAJ(2000) ransformationalleadership:movingtotalqualitymanagement T toworld-classorganisations.Int Nurs Rev47(4):232–42 WangG,OhIS,CourtrightSH,ColbertAE(2011)Transformationalleadership andperformanceacrosscriteriaandlevels:ameta-analyticreviewof25years ofresearch.Group Organization Manag36(2):223–70 WardK(2002)Avisionfortomorrow:transformationalnursingleaders.Nurs Outlook 50(3):121–6 WebergD(2010)Transformationalleadershipandstaffretention:anevidence reviewwithimplicationsforhealthcaresystems.Nurs Adm Q34(3):246–58



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...EDU 675 Week 3 Assignment Ongoing Analysis and Reflection NEW To Buy This material Click below link Ongoing Analysis and Reflection Action research methodology can provide valuable assessment information regarding the outcome of your research. The major purpose of this assignment is to begin to identify significant themes that are becoming evident in the implementation of your action research project and your data collection. The key is to begin to discover trends in your data without making premature decisions; however minor adjustments can be made next week. Action research provides correlative and data driven information that can be used to make positive changes in the teaching and learning environment (Buczynski & Hansen, 2014); Mills, 2014). Additionally, thinking about the key stakeholders and their role in your research is important as well. In summary, this assignment is a preliminary interpretation of the various data obtained thus far. Without committing to initial assumptions, you are to begin to identify the key patterns that are emerging. To prepare for this assignment, view the Silva (2011) video, Action Research @ a Glance. Next, construct your written assignment to meet the content and written communication expectations stated below. Content Expectations •    Video Reflection (2 Points): In at least one paragraph, reflect on the knowledge you gained or...

Words: 436 - Pages: 2

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Edu 675 Week 3 Assignment Ongoing Analysis and Reflection Ne

...EDU 675 Week 3 Assignment Ongoing Analysis and Reflection NEW To Buy This material Click below link Ongoing Analysis and Reflection Action research methodology can provide valuable assessment information regarding the outcome of your research. The major purpose of this assignment is to begin to identify significant themes that are becoming evident in the implementation of your action research project and your data collection. The key is to begin to discover trends in your data without making premature decisions; however minor adjustments can be made next week. Action research provides correlative and data driven information that can be used to make positive changes in the teaching and learning environment (Buczynski & Hansen, 2014); Mills, 2014). Additionally, thinking about the key stakeholders and their role in your research is important as well. In summary, this assignment is a preliminary interpretation of the various data obtained thus far. Without committing to initial assumptions, you are to begin to identify the key patterns that are emerging. To prepare for this assignment, view the Silva (2011) video, Action Research @ a Glance. Next, construct your written assignment to meet the content and written communication expectations stated below. Content Expectations •    Video Reflection (2 Points): In at least one paragraph, reflect on the knowledge you gained or...

Words: 436 - Pages: 2

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Acc 561 Accounting Week 1 to 6, Assignment, Wilyplus, Dq, Final

...ACC 561 Accounting Week 1 to 6, Assignment, WilyPLUS, DQ, Final Purchase here Product Description ACC 561 Accounting WEEK 1 Individual Assignment, Financial Statement Review Paper Individual Assignment, Wileyplus BE1-7, BE1-8, BE1-9 Discussion Question 1 and 2 WEEK 2 Individual Assignment, Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 Individual Assignment, Wileyplus E13-5, E13-6, E13-8, E13-9 Learning Team Summary Learning Team Reflection Discussion Question 1 and 2 WEEK 3 Individual Assignment, American Corporation Analysis Individual Assignment, Wileyplus BE15-5, E16-1, E17-9 Discussion Question 1 and 2 WEEK 4 Individual Assignment, WileyPLUS BYP17-2 Managerial Analysis Individual Assignment, Wileyplus BE18-1, BE18-7, BE18-11, E19-2 Learning Team Summary Learning Team Reflection Discussion Question 1 and 2 WEEK 5 Individual Assignment, Costing Methods paper Learning Team Assignment, CVP and Break-Even Analysis Paper Individual Assignment, Wileyplus E20-2, E20-5, BE21-4, E22-5 Learning Team Deliverable Discussion Question 1 and 2 WEEK 6 Individual Assignment, Wileyplus E23-1, E23-2 Learning Team Summary Learning Team Reflection ACC 561 Final Exam WileyPLUS (30 Q & A) ACC 561 Final Exam 2 (30 Q & A) ACC 561 Final Exam 3 (54 Q & A) ACC 561 Final Exam 4 (54 Q & A) ACC 561 Final Exam 5 (54 Q & A) ACC 561 Final Exam 6 (52 Q & A) ACC 561 Final Exam 7 (45...

Words: 4411 - Pages: 18

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Acc 561 Accounting Week 1 to 6, Assignment, Wilyplus, Dq, Final

...ACC 561 Accounting Week 1 to 6, Assignment, WilyPLUS, DQ, Final Purchase here Product Description ACC 561 Accounting WEEK 1 Individual Assignment, Financial Statement Review Paper Individual Assignment, Wileyplus BE1-7, BE1-8, BE1-9 Discussion Question 1 and 2 WEEK 2 Individual Assignment, Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 Individual Assignment, Wileyplus E13-5, E13-6, E13-8, E13-9 Learning Team Summary Learning Team Reflection Discussion Question 1 and 2 WEEK 3 Individual Assignment, American Corporation Analysis Individual Assignment, Wileyplus BE15-5, E16-1, E17-9 Discussion Question 1 and 2 WEEK 4 Individual Assignment, WileyPLUS BYP17-2 Managerial Analysis Individual Assignment, Wileyplus BE18-1, BE18-7, BE18-11, E19-2 Learning Team Summary Learning Team Reflection Discussion Question 1 and 2 WEEK 5 Individual Assignment, Costing Methods paper Learning Team Assignment, CVP and Break-Even Analysis Paper Individual Assignment, Wileyplus E20-2, E20-5, BE21-4, E22-5 Learning Team Deliverable Discussion Question 1 and 2 WEEK 6 Individual Assignment, Wileyplus E23-1, E23-2 Learning Team Summary Learning Team Reflection ACC 561 Final Exam WileyPLUS (30 Q & A) ACC 561 Final Exam 2 (30 Q & A) ACC 561 Final Exam 3 (54 Q & A) ACC 561 Final Exam 4 (54 Q & A) ACC 561 Final Exam 5 (54 Q & A) ACC 561 Final Exam 6 (52 Q & A) ACC 561 Final Exam 7...

Words: 981 - Pages: 4

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Edu 390 Successful Learning/Edu390Dotcom

...EDU 390 Entire Course (UOP) For more course tutorials visit EDU 390 Week 1 Individual Assignment Reflection Paper on Becoming a Teacher EDU 390 Week 1 DQ 1 EDU 390 Week 1 DQ 2 EDU 390 Week 1 DQ 3 EDU 390 Week 2 Individual Assignment Teacher Work Sample Reflection Paper EDU 390 Week 2 Learning Team Assignment Parent and Community Involvement Product and Presentation EDU 390 Week 2 DQ 1 EDU 390 Week 2 DQ 2 EDU 390 Week 2 DQ 3 EDU 390 Week 3 Individual Assignment Teaching Portfolio Chart EDU 390 Week 3 DQ 1 EDU 390 Week 3 DQ 2 EDU 390 Week 3 DQ 3 EDU 390 Week 3 Individual Assignment Professional Growth Plan I EDU 390 Week 3 Learning Team Assignment Professional Organizations Chart *************************************************** EDU 390 Week 1 DQ 1 For more course tutorials visit How could you use reflection to improve yourself professionally? *************************************************** EDU 390 Week 1 DQ 2 For more course tutorials visit Which of the three standards in Domain Four of the University of Phoenix Teacher Education Program Standards do you consider the most important characteristic of a professional educator? Explain your answer. *************************************************** EDU 390 Week 1 DQ 3 For more course tutorials visit Week 1 DQ3 What do you think will be the most challenging domain or standard to address in the Professional...

Words: 319 - Pages: 2

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...EDWARDES COLLEGE PESHAWAR Department of Professional Studies ASSIGNMENT COVER SHEET Student Name: Subject Name: Assignment #: Assignment Title: Issue Date: Date(s) Returned to Student: Student Declaration 1. I certify that this assignment is entirely my own work, except where I have given fully-documented references to the work of others, and that the material contained in this assignment has not been submitted for assessment in any formal course of study. 2. I understand the definition and consequences of plagiarism. My assignment will be cancelled and failed if it is copied from another student, book or internet website. Assignments to be submitted as per specified due dates as published in assignment briefs. Faculty policy requires that assignments are to be submitted to your lecturer/ tutor in class or in faculty office. In case of late submission please attach the late submission form, signed by the head of department or tutor. Student Signature Date: Formative Deadline: Date(s) Submitted: Summative (Final) Deadline: Subject/Unit Number: College Number: Tutor Name: Qualification: Semester: □ HND Computing □ HND Business □ EDSML For Tutor Use Only Date / Time _______________________________ Signature __________________ □ Late Submission Note: - Attach this part with your assignment x-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------x Edwardes...

Words: 3216 - Pages: 13

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Accg340 Assigment

...TUTORIAL DAY & TIME TUTORIAL LOCATION TUTOR’S NAME GROUP MEMBER DETAILS STUDENT ID LAST NAME FIRST NAME(S) EMAIL CONTACT NUMBER(S) 1 2 3 4 5 ACCG340 Auditing and Assurance Services Session 2, 2013 Case Study Assignment 1 Case Study Assignment (20% of the total assessment) This assignment consists of two (2) separate components, a group based component and an individual component. The first component (group case study assignment) is based on Harvey Norman Holdings Limited and its controlled entities (ASX code HVN) and consists of a written report to be completed in groups. Groups of four (4) students are to be formed within your tutorial groups. Only one submission per group is to be made by the due date and time i.e. you should nominate one member to submit. The objective of the group case study component is to develop your communications skills and to test your ability to integrate skills learnt in this unit of study, i.e. to analyse a real company from the auditor’s perspective. The successful completion of this case study requires extensive research on HVN’s internal and external environments, operations, strategies and an analysis of the 2012 annual report (the 2013 annual report is not expected to be available until late September 2013 and as such students are not expected to use it for their assignment). You are expected to demonstrate ability to synthesise relevant background financial and non-financial information and apply analytical skills...

Words: 1568 - Pages: 7

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Acc 422 Week 3 Dqs

...422 Week 3 Discussion Questions - consists of: DQ 1: What is the purpose of depreciation? Does the book value of a fixed asset (cost minus accumulated depreciation) communicate to a user what the asset is worth? Explain why or why not. Should the financial statements reflect the value of fixed assets? Explain why or why not. DQ 2: What is an intangible asset? Should all intangible assets be subject to amortization? Explain why or why not. Why are some intangible assets not amortized? What is the implication to the financial statements? DQ 3: What are the different methods used to calculate depreciation? How does a company decide which method it should utilize? How does its choice affect the financial statements? Should companies standardize the method of depreciation to enhance comparability? Explain your answer. General Questions - General General Questions ACC 422 Week 1 Individual Assignment Disclosure Analysis Paper ACC 422 Week 1 WileyPLUS Week Two Assignment ACC 422 Week 2 Learning Team Assignment Weekly Reflection ACC 422 Week 2 Learning Team Textbook Assignments 1 ACC 422 Week 3 Individual Assignment WileyPLUS Week Three Assignment ACC 422 Week 3 Learning Team Assignment Textbook Assignments 2 ACC 422 Week 3 Learning Team Assignment Weekly Reflection ACC 422 Week 4 Individual Assignment WileyPLUS Week Four Assignment  ACC 422 Week 4 Learning Team Assignment Weekly Reflection...

Words: 361 - Pages: 2

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Acc 422 Week 3 Individual Assignment

...422 Week 3 Discussion Questions - consists of: DQ 1: What is the purpose of depreciation? Does the book value of a fixed asset (cost minus accumulated depreciation) communicate to a user what the asset is worth? Explain why or why not. Should the financial statements reflect the value of fixed assets? Explain why or why not. DQ 2: What is an intangible asset? Should all intangible assets be subject to amortization? Explain why or why not. Why are some intangible assets not amortized? What is the implication to the financial statements? DQ 3: What are the different methods used to calculate depreciation? How does a company decide which method it should utilize? How does its choice affect the financial statements? Should companies standardize the method of depreciation to enhance comparability? Explain your answer. General Questions - General General Questions ACC 422 Week 1 Individual Assignment Disclosure Analysis Paper ACC 422 Week 1 WileyPLUS Week Two Assignment ACC 422 Week 2 Learning Team Assignment Weekly Reflection ACC 422 Week 2 Learning Team Textbook Assignments 1 ACC 422 Week 3 Individual Assignment WileyPLUS Week Three Assignment ACC 422 Week 3 Learning Team Assignment Textbook Assignments 2 ACC 422 Week 3 Learning Team Assignment Weekly Reflection ACC 422 Week 4 Individual Assignment WileyPLUS Week Four Assignment  ACC 422 Week 4 Learning Team Assignment Weekly Reflection...

Words: 349 - Pages: 2

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The Core

...Rubrics for Movie Reflection: Stated Objective of Performance Unacceptable Acceptable Target Summary of Film Provided minimal or inaccurate summary of events that occurred during the film. Provided summary of events that occurred during the film. Provided detailed description of events that occurred in during the film. Reflection Did not include a reflection or provided insufficient reflection of the film. Provided a thorough reflection of events that occurred during the film. Provided extensive reflection about events that occurred during film. Description of how movie will affect future career. Did not include an explanation or provided insufficient explanation of how the information gained from this activity will help you as a future educator. Provided a thorough explanation of how the information gained from this activity will help you as a future educator. Provided an extensive explanation of how the information gained from this activity will help you as a future educator. Quality of writing Unclear, unorganized, with writing errors. Does not exhibit APA format: 12 point font, double-spaced, or fewer than 3 pages in length. Clear, organized, with no writing errors. Exhibits APA format: 12 point font, double-spaced, 3 pages in length. Clear, organized language, with no writing errors. Exhibits APA format: 12 point font, double-spaced, 3 pages in length. Exemplary expression Overall Movie Review Assignment Sheet: Analysis Grading Sheet Introduction: 5 –...

Words: 1041 - Pages: 5

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Self Evaluation Assessment Symbols/Color Marks

...Evaluated by Assessment Symbol/Color Date Yes No Self-Regulation Issues (to be completed by Instructor/Grader) A. The electronic version was submitted on time B. The front of the submitted assignment is this checklist with all Features self-assessed Required Items Yes No Checklist Item 1. The work meets all or nearly all expectations of Assignment_formatting.docx. 2. The work includes a Pre-Reflection and a Post-Reflection written in the first person. 3. The work is professional and ethical 4. All non-original work is properly quoted/paraphrased, and properly cited 5. All required items, (with...

Words: 1072 - Pages: 5

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Fin/571 Syllabus

...Activities Required Reading WileyPLUS Assignment: Fundamentals of Corporate Finance, Ch. 1 48 Reading WileyPLUS Assignment: Fundamentals of Corporate Finance, Ch. 2 25 Reading WileyPLUS Assignment: Fundamentals of Corporate Finance, Ch. 3 27 Website WileyPLUS Gradebook: Week 1 Gradebook ERR Week 1 Electronic Reserve Videos Recommended Reading Fundamentals of Corporate Finance, 2e Interactive/Tutorial WileyPLUS Assignment: Week 1 Vocabulary Activity 14 Interactive/Tutorial WileyPLUS Assignment: Week 1 Interactive Tutorials Activity Interactive/Tutorial WileyPLUS Read, Study & Practice: Week 1 Practice Interactive/Tutorial WileyPLUS Assignment: Week 1 Excel Resources Activity Video WileyPLUS Assignment: Week 1 Videos Activity 21 Assignments ASSIGNMENT STATUS FRIENDLY NAME TITLE DUE DATE POINTS UNREAD COMMENTS Participation Week 1 Participation Quiz WileyPLUS Assignment: Week 1 Practice Quiz Paper Business Structures Week2. Financial Statement Analysis. Jan 20 - Jan 26Week2 Financial Statement Analysis Jan 20 - Jan 26 12.6 / 13 points Tasks Review the Week 2 Study Guide. Objectives/Competencies Financial Statement Analysis 2.1Calculate financial ratios. 2.2Interpret financial ratio results against historical data and industry benchmarks. Learning Activities Required Reading WileyPLUS Assignment: Fundamentals of Corporate Finance, Ch. 4 81 Reading WileyPLUS Assignment: Fundamentals of Corporate...

Words: 1170 - Pages: 5

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...Columbia College Geography 100 Hodson | Winter 2016 GEOG 100: Introduction to Human Geography Mondays and Thursdays 2:00-3:55 (Section 14) in Room 320, 4:00-5:55 (Section 16) in Room 450 Instructor: Victoria Hodson Email: (see Emails, under Course Policies) th Office: Social Sciences Faculty Office, 5 Floor, Room 530 Office Hours: Monday 1-2pm, Tuesday 11am-12pm, Thursday 1-2pm, Friday 11am-12pm Course Description This course explores the basic concepts in human geography that are essential to understanding changes in the relationship between human societies, economic spaces and the environment. This course will look at issues located at the core of human geography: employment and spaces of production, cultural transformation, economic and ethnic disparities, migration, urban and rural landscapes, and environmental degradation among others. Course Objectives Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to: • • • Identify seminal theories and concepts within the field of human geography o Describe their relevance to understandings of space and society in a reflection paper Demonstrate the importance of geography and geographical concepts in everyday life o Discuss course material on a weekly basis with other students in class through facilitated discussion and group activities Required Readings and Class Material Text: Knox, P., Marston, S., and Imort, M. (2015). Human Geography: Places...

Words: 2327 - Pages: 10

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Ippe Question Paper

...Pharmacy Assignment #1: Prescription Label Assessment Student: Site: ___________________________ ______________________ Date: __________________________ Preceptor Signature: ______________ Print Name: ___________________________ 1. Items on the prescription label that are required by New Jersey State Law: 2. Items on the prescription label that are not required by New Jersey State Law: 3. Overall opinion as to the overall appearance and acceptability of the label in your pharmacy: 4. Reference(s) used for this assignment: . PRECEPTOR COMMENTS (OPTIONAL): Fairleigh Dickinson University School of Pharmacy Assignment #2: Over-the-Counter Medication Assignment Student: ______________________ Site: _________________________ Date: _____________________ Print Name: ________________ Preceptor Signature ___________________ Please use the respective forms on the following pages to complete this assignment: 1. Category 1: Cough/Cold and Allergies (REQUIRED) Reference(s) used for this assignment: 2. Category 2: Women’s Health (REQUIRED) Reference(s) used for this assignment: 3. Category 3: Please indicate the category you chose for this assignment.(Select ONE of the following: Pain/Fever; Constipation/ Diarrhea; Heartburn/Dyspepsia; Smoking Cessation) Reference(s) used for this assignment: PRECEPTOR COMMENTS (OPTIONAL): Fairleigh Dickinson University School of Pharmacy Assignment #2: Over-the-Counter Medication Assignment (cont...

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