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Athletes Should Be Paid

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Dear Colledge President. Imagine working hard for hours every week and not earning a single cent? Thats what our colledge athletes go through in this day and age. People such as you, believe scholarships are enough to support the lives of these athletes, but these scholarships are barely enough to survive on. Televised games earn hundreds of thosands to millions of dollars, yet you insist on taking all when athletes scholarships are a fraction of this. I believe strongly that colledge atheletes should be paid for their hard work, for the many reasons that follow.

To start off, colledges steal identieties just to earn a bigger buck! "College Atheltes from several schools threated to unionize and demanded they be paid poyalties when video games were released containing their names and likenesess." From Source 1. Colleges are not just using their talents, they are using them, not only in video games, but in selling items such as team jerseys. In all other cases, these athletes pockets would be stuffed with cash, but beacause of your universities need and greed for this money, it goes into yours! Even if payment is not an option, college atletes should at the least get royalties from all the profits their identities have gotten colledges. …show more content…
"...many of these athletes are on scholarships....which average between $2,000 and $5,000 anually." From Source 2. The average cost of living for a college student for a year is $11,180 - $17,620 (U.S., so how on earth are college athletes supposed to survive on $2,000? The average college student gets nearly two times more, if were being generous, and they aren't supporting the colledge with one of their main sources of income! Just because somethings free, it dosn't mean it takes the

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