...Abstract Advanced Audit & Assurance often creates the question on practice of ethics in professional activities. The purpose of this report is to review Threats to Compliance with the Code of Conduct by Professional Accountants. With the expanding business in the modern world, issues arise on professionalism of Independent and Internal Auditors. Is it whether the Professional Accountants follows the ethical code provided by the International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants in order to provide true and effective financial reports to the internal and external users? Professionals are expected to conduct themselves at a higher level than most others members in the organization. The International Accounting Bodies has emphasized the conceptual...
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...INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ON AUDITING 200 OBJECTIVE AND GENERAL PRINCIPLES GOVERNING AN AUDIT OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Effective for audits of financial statements for periods beginning on or after June 15, 2006)∗ CONTENTS Paragraph Introduction .................................................................................................... 1 Objective of an Audit of Financial Statements .............................................. 2-3 Ethical Requirements Relating to an Audit of Financial Statements ............. 4-5 Conduct of an Audit of Financial Statements ................................................ 6-9 Scope of an Audit of Financial Statements .................................................... 10-14 Professional Skepticism ................................................................................. 15-16 Reasonable Assurance ................................................................................... 17-21 Audit Risk and Materiality ............................................................................. 22-32 Responsibility for the Financial Statements ................................................... 33-36 Determining the Acceptability of the Financial Reporting Framework ......... 37-48 Expressing an Opinion on the Financial Statements ...................................... 49-51 Effective Date ................................................................................................ 52 ∗ ISA 315, “Understanding...
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...Introduction Overview The skills and knowledge measured by performance assessment VLT2 are derived from a survey of information security professionals from around the world and are also based on the many different information security and assurance frameworks (ISO 27001/2, COBIT, ITL, etc.). The results of this survey were used in weighing the subject areas and ensuring that the weighting is representative of the relative importance of the content. The Security Policy and Standards subdomain focuses on creating organizational security activities and policies; assessing information security risk; and implementing and auditing information security management programs, information assurance certification programs, and security ethics. Watch the following video for an introduction to this course: Competencies This course provides guidance to help you demonstrate the following 3 competencies: Competency 427.3.2: Controls and Countermeasures The graduate evaluates security threats and identifies and applies security controls based on analyses and industry standards and best practices. Competency 427.3.3: Security Audits The graduate evaluates the practice of defining and implementing a security audit and conducts an information security audit using industry best practices. Competency 427.3.4: Certifications and Accreditations The graduate identifies and discusses the Information Assurance certification and accreditation (C&A) process. Course Mentor Assistance As you prepare to successfully...
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...Half Empty Bill is facing an ethical dilemma due to his engagement partner’s inappropriate behaviour in preparing the working inventory documentation. The information is no longer accurate as Greg has overlooked using the updated figures from Bill and Bill’s measurements presented a discrepancy of 10% between what he observed and the client’s book value. Bill has also discovered that this is not the first time this discrepancy has been discovered. At a previous audit carried out by government officials, the same discrepancy was highlighted but again, not reflected in the client’s documentation. Bill faces several ethical issues here, specifically with his code of conduct from here onwards. If Bill fails to act, his integrity, objectivity and professional judgement could be called into question. Also, as an auditor, he is accountable to act in the interest of the user of the information (not specifically the client). As an auditor, he should comply with relevant professional ethical requirements relating to this audit engagement. As stated CAS/ISA 200.24-25 requires auditors to obtain enough evidence to justify opinions, the information has to be reliable and relevant (not just sufficient). He should obtain reasonable assurance that the financial statement taken as a whole is free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. Bill also needs to demonstrate competence, objectivity and due professional care in this Operational Audit. Greg is accountable for the documentation...
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...users (public). These disclosures will be discussed in light of the collapse of Health International Holdings (HIH). The HIH collapse warranted a Royal Commission investigation and also recorded the biggest corporate collapse in Australia's history. Corporate failures of similar magnitude such as Enron and Parmalat have occurred elsewhere and sparked large scale investigation and media scrutiny. In all of these corporate failures, the level or absence of disclosure has had a lot to do with the unexpectedness of the collapse. This paper analyses the HIH collapse within a Foucaldian framework to demonstrate the need for accountants and auditors to work together so as to avoid criticism of the profession arising from unexpected corporate failures in the future. INTRODUCTION The purpose of this paper is to analyse the collapse of HIH and the role of its auditor, Andersen, within a Foucauldian framework encompassing archeology and genealogy of power and knowledge. The mythical Jedi force is used as a metaphor for power attained by the accounting profession through its claim to superior knowledge and skill to be applied in the public interest. Accordingly, the force includes professional ethics. The dark side is used as a metaphor for the collapse of HIH because accounting standards and practices, the accounting profession's power base, were used to conceal impending collapse resulting in the escalation of losses to policy holders, creditors and the general public. Regulatory responses...
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...___________________________ Date: ____________________________ Introduction: Penetration testing also known as pen testing is the act of testing a PC framework, network and Web application to discover vulnerabilities that an aggressor could take advantage.Pen tests could be mechanized with software applications or they can be performed physically. The procedure incorporates gathering data about the objective before the test (observation), recognizing possible points, endeavoring to soften up (either for all intents and purposes or seriously) and reporting back the discoveries. The primary target of penetration testing is to decide security shortcomings. A pen test can likewise be utilized to test an association's security approach consistence, its representatives' security awareness and the association's ability to distinguish and react to security episodes. [1] The penetration test doesn't stop at just revealing vulnerabilities but it also check the following stride to effectively misuse those vulnerabilities with a specific end goal to demonstrate (or negate) true assault vectors against an association's IT resources, information, people and the physical security. An infiltration test takes into consideration different assault vectors to be investigated against the same target. It is basically the mix of data or vulnerabilities over various frameworks that will prompt an effective trade off. [2] Tests to Check the Vulnerability: 1. Network Vulnerability Scanning: Routinely planned network...
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...Auditor Independence and Non-Audit Services: A Literature Review Vivien Beattie University of Stirling and Stella Fearnley University of Portsmouth TABLE OF CONTENTS Page List of tables and list of figures About the authors v vi List of abbreviations vii Executive summary ix Part 1 Auditor independence 1 Introduction 1 1.1 1 1.2 The ‘problem’ of non-audit services (NAS) 1 1.3 The current UK regulatory and professional environment 2 1.4 Motivation for this study 3 1.5 2 The role of audit in regulating capital markets Structure of report 3 Auditor independence 4 2.1 Introduction 4 2.2 Definitions of auditor independence 4 2.3 Economic models of auditor independence not including NAS 5 2.4 Models of auditor pricing and independence in the presence of NAS 5 2.5 2.6 Economic power models of auditor independence Moral psychology, ethical reasoning and independence 8 8 2.7 Broader based studies into auditor decision making 9 2.8 Summary and comments 11 Part 2 Current regulatory frameworks 3 Auditor independence and NAS: analysis of current regulatory frameworks 3.1 Introduction 13 13 3.2 Regulation of auditor independence 13 3.3 Independence in professional and legal regulatory frameworks 13 3.4 3.5 Independence and NAS Overall economic dependence 19 22 3.6 Small companies 22 ...
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...Role of Internal Auditors in the Anti-Corruption Battle John FlahertyThe Challengeh Bribery, and other illicit payments are contrary to the public good. They thwart the competitive process and circumvent laws, regulations, and procedures put in place for the public good. They divert funds from owners, shareholders, and are usually paid as fees, commissions, or are paid without record. The cost to the public totals millions of dollars annually. The US Government is aware of almost 100 cases in which foreign bribes undercut the ability of US firms to win contracts valued at $45 billion in the 12 months before May 1995. "Corruption occurs when someone has monopoly power over a good or a service, has the discretion to decide whether or not you receive it and how much you receive, and lacks accountability." (Robert Klitgaard, Controlling Corruption, 1988). The level of corruption in international business transactions continues to be a critical problem. Companies need both the motivation and the governance practices to discontinue these payments Role of Internal Auditors in the Anti-Corruption Battle John FlahertyThe Challenge Bribery, and other illicit payments are contrary to the public good. They thwart the competitive process and circumvent laws, regulations, and procedures put in place for the public good. They divert funds from owners, shareholders, and are usually paid as fees, commissions, or are paid without record. The cost to the public totals millions of dollars...
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...Osman Email: Intan@ucsiuniversity.edu.my | 7. | Tutor: | Associate Professor Dr Intan Osman | 8. | Mode of Delivery: | LectureTutorial | 9. | Objectives: | * To provide students with a valuable source of reference on issues surrounding corporate misconducts and ethical principles and theories * To provide an understanding of how ethical theories can be applied in everyday individual and corporate undertaking. * To develop students’ appreciation of how an ethical manager may influence or drive a company towards being a responsible corporate entity. | 10. | Learning Outcomes: | Knowledge * To gain the background information on ethical principles and theories * To link the day-to- day events and issues faced by corporate to ethical dilemmas * To develop a strong appreciation of a range of significant issues, and case studies which demonstrate ethical dilemmas faced by large and small corporations * To select and apply theories effectively in resolving social responsibility problems and ethical dilemmas * To develop an awareness of rights of the shareholders and stakeholdersPractical skills * To impart reasoning and analytical skills needed to apply ethical principles onto business decisions.Social Skills and responsibilities * To appreciate, accommodate and tolerate cultural differences through group...
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...This paper will address and analyze the different ethical issues and the questionable accounting practices that occurred to one of the largest accounting firms in the United States. We will look and review the mandated requirements for legal compliance (from Chapter 4) and determine which requirements apply to the Arthur Anderson case. Then we will discuss how the issues with the Arthur Anderson case may have played out differently if the Sarbanes-Oxley Act had been enacted in 1999. Next we will determine and discuss which elements of the framework for ethical decision making in business (from Chapter 5) played the biggest role in the Anderson case. Explain your reasoning. Lastly, we will discuss how the situations at Arthur Anderson may have played out differently if their senior management had displayed the habits of strong ethical leaders. Provide specific examples to support your response. Introduction Known as one of the Big Five the Arthur Andersen firm was founded in 1913 by Arthur Andersen and his partner Clarence Delany. The company name was very synonymous for their integrity, ethics and trust, which is necessary for an accounting firm to have and stand by. Our textbook states, “Andersen set standards for the accounting profession and advanced new initiatives on the strength of its then undeniable integrity (pg. 348). Andersen once shown a strong character but with the rise of many high-profile companies filing for bankruptcy, that same...
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...Division of Local Government and School Accountability 110 State Street, 12th floor Albany, New York 12236 Tel: (518) 474- 4037 Fax: (518) 486- 6479 or email us: localgov@osc.state.ny.us www.osc.state.ny.us October 2010 Table of Contents Who’s Responsible.............................................................................................................. 2 The Origin - Committee of Sponsoring Organizations ......................................................... 4 Integrated Internal Control Framework - The Big Picture ..................................................... 5 The Five Essential Elements of the Internal Control Framework ........................................... 6 Limitations of Internal Controls ..........................................................................................15 The Impact of Information Technology ...............................................................................16 The Role of Internal Auditors and Audit Committees ..........................................................17 Conclusion ....................................................................................................................... 20 Additional Resources .........................................................................................................21 Central Office Directory ................................................................................................... 22 Regional Office Directory .........................
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...well as for other amounts that require estimation. Where ISA 540 2 addresses only accounting estimates involving measurement at fair value, the term “fair value accounting estimates” is used. *Accounting records—The records of initial accounting entries and supporting records, such as checks and records of electronic fund transfers; invoices; contracts; the general and subsidiary ledgers, journal entries and other adjustments to the financial statements that are not reflected in formal journal entries; and records such as work sheets and spreadsheets supporting cost allocations, computations, reconciliations and disclosures. Agreed-upon procedures engagement—An engagement in which an auditor is engaged to carry out those procedures of an audit nature to which the auditor and the entity and any appropriate third parties have agreed and to report on factual findings. The recipients of...
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...Integrated reporting. • CG in other organisations (e.g. public sector, NGOs). • Ethical and CSR theories – applied to scenarios. • Types and forms of CG (e.g. rules based, principles based, insider, outsider systems, UK Corporate Governance Code, Paper P1 LSBF SoX). • Governance: • Agency theory, stakeholders, Mendelow. – Role of Board. – Unitary/two tier. • Board structures, CEO/chairman, directors, NEDs, – Chair role/CEO chair split. committees. – Induction/performance appraisal. – Reward systems. • Internal control and business risk, Turnbull. – Family based structure. • Ethical theories and business codes – Kohlberg, Gray, Owen – Global standards in governance. and Adams, Tucker, AAA. – Stakeholder classifications. • Professions and the public interest. • Control: • Corporate social responsibility, corporate citizen, footprints – Objectives of a sound system. and sustainability. – COSO failures. – Reasons for internal audit. • Integrated reporting, social and environmental auditing. – Internal control disclosure. • Risk management: Paper P1 Kaplan – Risk committee or risk manager. – Strategic/op/static and • Corporate governance comparison of approaches – public v dynamic risk. private sector. – Risk diversification. • Conflict of interest and independence. – ALARP. • Stakeholders and stakeholder claims. • Ethics: • Function and importance of internal audit. – Absolute/relative, consequential. – Grey, Owen and Adams. • Risk...
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...Ethics Audit Framework Essay # 3 Stephen Randall Texas A&M University – Central Texas Professor: Marshell J. Silva Ethics Auditing Ethics auditing by definition, an ethics audit is a “systematic evaluation of an organization’s ethics program and/or performance to determine its effectiveness.” This concept of ethics auditing is fairly new and few companies have conducted an ethics audit. However, performing such audits will likely become more mainstream as recent legislation encourages greater ethical accountability for companies to demonstrate they are abiding by the law and have established programs to improve their ethical decision making. The U.S. Sentencing Commission (the “Commission) has amended the Federal Sentencing Guidelines for Organizations (“FSGO”) whereby an effective compliance and ethics program must “exercise due diligence to prevent, detect, and report criminal conduct and otherwise promote an organizational culture that encourages ethical conduct and a commitment to compliance with all applicable law." The Commission noted there are seven minimum requirements of an effective ethics program, standards and procedures to prevent and detect criminal conduct; Responsibility at all levels of the program, together with adequate program resources and authority for its managers; Due diligence in hiring and assigning personnel to positions with substantial authority; Communicating standards and procedures, including a specific requirement for training...
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...responsibilities of a CPA must be outlined and understood as well as what the differences between a review and an audit are. With the examination of a subsidiary that has been established as a corporation there are certain questions that arise such as: What is the methodology used in determining deferred taxes, What it t he procedures for reporting accounting changes and error corrections, and What is the rationale behind establishing the subsidiary as a corporation. The draft below outlines my response to the questions that have been provided. CPA Professional Responsibility As an accountant I am expected to maintain a high level of ethical conduct that must go above and beyond society’s law. The motivation behind such a high level of ethical conduct lies in the need for a significant level of public confidence in the value of the services that are provided by the accounting profession, in spite of the person who is behind providing the services. It is my responsibility as a CPA to conduct myself in a manner that has been set forth by the AICPA’s Professional Code of Conduct. This code of conduct outline’s required behaviors in relation to accounting responsibilities, the Public Interest, Integrity, Objectivity and Independence, Due Care, Scope, and Nature of Services (AICPA 2006-2011). Difference between a Review and Audit The differences between an audit and a review objection are rather significant in accordance with GAAP standards and review objectives in accordance...
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