1. Consumer Profile:
_The number of males and females in a number of age groupings (2012):
0-14 years: male 2,050,403, female 1,946,829
15-64 years: male 7,532,611, female 7,326,120
65 years and over: male 1,451,869, female 1,707,744
_In Australia, for couple families with two incomes, the median income for those with children was $2,310 and those without children was $2,081.
_Literacy level: Australia has a very high literacy rate. About 99% of Australians are literate. 99% male and 99% female are literate. 2. Market:
_ Product “Sorbent” toilet tissues (50 cents/roll), a brand name run by the SCA Hygiene Australasia Consumer. On average, well over 5 million rolls of Sorbent are sold in Australia and New Zealand every week, enough tissue to go more than twice around the world. 3. Retailers:
_Woolworth is the largest supermarket/grocery chain in Australia, owns by Woolworth Limited. Woolworths Limited is the largest retail company in Australia.
_Woolworth has more than 3,000 stores across Australia that sell food, liquor petrol, general merchandise, home improvement and hotels. The company serves 24 million customers each week and is a committed business partner of many thousands local farmers, producers and manufactures. The company also offer shopping online for customers called “Homeshop”, it allows users to purchase their groceries online and have them delivered to their front door. 4. E-commerce:
_Online marketing would be viable as a channel into Australia because Australia is a developed country where people use technology every day and internet is a common part of their lives, e-commerce provides the convenience for busy customers so that they can buy their products online without stepping out their homes. In addition, e-commerce also provides opportunities for anyone in the world to view their product line and order their goods.