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Submitted By q8893696
Words 752
Pages 4
BA 3300 – BUSINESS CORNERSTONE Assessing Sweatshirts from Sweatshop

You will use the critical thinking skills you have been developing to identify violations of the Universal Intellectual Standards and Logical Fallacies in the essay, “Sweatshirts from Sweatshops” on pages 406-408 of your textbook.

On pages 387-402 of your textbook, you will meet Tanya, Kevin, Elise and Dalton, Tanya encounters a series of discussions—the first with Kevin and the second with Elise and Dalton. The textbook describes how to critically assess the arguments in these discussions (Kevin and Elise and Dalton). Use these ONLY as examples for how to use critical thinking skills.

In addition, you will want to review the Universal Intellectual Standards on pages 335-346 and the Logical Fallacies on pages 396-399 in the textbook.

Individual Exercise 1: You are to assess the arguments made in the essay, “Sweatshirts from Sweatshops,” found on pages 406-408.


Read “Sweatshirts from Sweatshops” on pages 406-408 and complete the following:

• Part 1 – Applying the Universal Intellectual Standards o Provide specific examples from the essay that violate one or more of the Universal Intellectual Standards on pp. 335-346 o Specify what is needed to correct the error. o Minimum of TWO errors must be correctly identified to earn a passing grade (35 points) on this part. To earn an excellent grade (50 points), you must correctly identify FOUR errors and specifically state what is needed to correct each. • Part 2 – Identifying Logical Fallacies o Provide specific examples from the essay that are considered logical fallacies from the list provided on pages 362-399 of the textbook. o Explain WHY the essay is flawed by describing the logical fallacy by name and applying the fallacy to the statement. o Minimum of

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