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Background Study of Sex Workers


Submitted By markshim
Words 3368
Pages 14
Background of Study Prostitution is the performance of sexual acts for payment. It exists throughout the world, largely in urban areas. Some prostitutes work for themselves. Others work for men known as pimps or for woman called madams. Some prostitutes seek customers on streets and in other public places and this happen especially in developing countries where poverty is the main reason. (Shedlin, Michele G, World Book p.15, 2007) The idea of sex workers fighting for their human rights is a foreign concept to most people, even those who identify politically as progressives or feminists. Sex workers have lived on the margins of society through most of human history, and despite the prevalence of this work all over the world, sex workers are often treated as less than human, both in cultural attitudes and public policy. In fact, it cannot be said enough: sex workers are people—friends, neighbors, family members, wage earners, and parents—and they deserve the same human rights as everyone else.

Feminists and advocates of all stripes have argued that they want to work for the human rights of sex workers, often without an analysis of what human rights for sex workers might look like. While many people would agree that access to human rights includes the right to be free from harm, to have access to health care and housing, and to seek safe employment that pays a living wage, there is fierce debate as to what any of this actually means. (
In many parts of the world, sex workers have been among the groups most vulnerable to and most affected by HIV since the beginning of the AIDS pandemic. After more than a decade of research and intervention in sex work settings there is a substantial body of knowledge on the behaviours

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