...Smoking has been very popular throughout the years all over the world. It’s quite common to see people smoke cigarettes on the street and other nonpublic areas. Smoking has been seen in the movies, TV shows and so forth, from which we could see how commonly it is applied in human behavior and life habit. I wouldn’t be surprised if my dad or uncle smokes, and from what I’ve noticed, the population of women that smoke increases nowadays. So here comes the question, why do people smoke cigarettes? Don’t they know the consequences? What are the good reasons people choose to smoke or what are the disadvantages? Smoking as we have heard of, is judged as an unhealthy behavior that could lead to a lot of diseases and impairment of the health. There are a lot of associations and offices that actually help people quit cigarettes because they are bad for our health. It would harm our lungs, heart and immune system by using cigarettes too frequently. Smoking cigarettes could cause cancer, chronic respiratory diseases, aging, lung, heart, stomach, kidney, nose, bladder, mouth and so forth of the diseases that could be deadly and dangerous. As we learned before, tobacco is the largest cause of preventable death now and for the past in world. Even second-hand smoke could be detrimental. For the health part, smoke is definitely the most dangerous. Due to the nicotine and carbon monoxide it has in it that could actually kill a person if using too much of the amount accumulatively. Smoking usually...
Words: 2360 - Pages: 10
...Task A 1. Ban smoking is something we all are familiar of. Mostly we have seen it in trains, busses etc. where there is a sign/sticker of a cigarette that has a line across it, meaning, “ smoking is not allowed”. The text “Benefits of smoke ban will be felt at once”, by The Observer of British newspaper Robin Mckie, involves different scientific studies of ban smoking and the effects of it. An international journal of science can conclude that there are improvements in the population of England after the ban smoking has taken place. One of the effects of ban smoking is that, it has become illegal to smoke in all enclosed public places, workplaces and owners/ managers of pubs, clubs and cafés fines up to 2500 pound if they allow customers to smoke their premises. The Europeans Commission has found that UK has the highest percentage of Europeans trying to quit smoking and 46 per cent are trying to stop and even more say they want to give it up. A UK epidemiologist Sir Richard Peto thinks that there are good news and bad news of smoking. The bad news is that non- smokers who breathe in second- hand smoke face a increased risk of getting lung cancer or heart disease. He also says that no matter how much ban smoking is taking place, that there will still be smokers and a lot of early deaths in the coming years. The good news of smoking which Sir Richard Peto points out that the situation of smoking is better than it use to be. Text two “Is this the end of English literature...
Words: 902 - Pages: 4
...Do you think that smoking is really that bad for you well truth is that It really is C. In 2011 18% of all high school students were smoking and most people start smoking when they are teens. D. 1. First I’m going to tell you about some reason that you don’t want to smoke cigarettes 2. I will tell you about different ways that you can quit 3. Lastly tell you about the effects of smoking cigarettes II. Body-The American cancer society says that smoking is the most preventable cause of death in the United States. A. There are many reasons that you don’t want to smoke or quit if you already do 1. Smoking is really bad for you but what is even worse is second hand smoke 2. Smoking caused you to have a. Yellow fingers b. Your clothes to smell bad c. Yellow teeth 3. Smoking cigarettes costs a lot of money a. In New York it costs 12.50 per pack b. Chicago 10.25 a pack c. Hawaii 9.73 per pack d. Nebraska 5.99 per pack B. With second hand smoke you effect all of your friends and family that are around you C. Second hand smoke is worse because it is not filtered and is a lot more harmful 1. Smoking shortens you life expectancy by a lot a. Smoking causes 1/3 of all caner related deaths b. Smoking causes 1/5 of all hear diseases related deaths 2. Smoking kills a. Smoking kills more people then alcohol, suicides, aids, homicides, and all illegal drugs combined. b. Smoking tobacco is responsible...
Words: 731 - Pages: 3
...Setting Introduction Like most people, you already know that smoking is bad for your health. But do you really understand just how dangerous smoking really is? Tobacco contains nicotine, a highly addictive drug that makes it difficult for smokers to kick the habit. Tobacco products contain many poisonous and harmful substances that cause disease and premature death. Smoking is the drawing of tobacco smoke from a cigarette, a cigar, or a pipe into the mouth – and often into the lungs – and puffing it out. The term usually refers to the inhalation of cigarette smoke, the most common form of smoking. Smoking is bad for your health and can cause negative health effects, such as cancer and disease. Smoking has significant effects on the body because of the nicotine in tobacco, the tars in tobacco, and smoke particles that are trapped in the lungs. Nicotine is poisonous. Its effect on the nervous system is one of the reasons why people have such a hard time giving up smoking. It may be the cause or one of the causes of many heart attacks and other conditions, including stomach and intestinal ulcer that are related to smoking. Tars are believed to be one of the major factors that lead to cancer and other types of cancer among smokers. Smoke particles are later absorbed by cells in the lining. This absorption may cause cells to function improperly and damage the lining of the lung. Smoking harms our health because of its effects on the nose, throat, and lungs. Smoke – filled air increases...
Words: 410 - Pages: 2
...Affiliation Cigarette smoking is estimated to cause more deaths than all other controlled substances combined each year. Cigarette related illnesses are believed to cause more than 400,000 deaths in the United States each year (Jha, 2014). People choose to smoke a cigarette without considering the adverse effects it will have on them. Cigarettes should be made illegal because they are addictive, very harmful to the smokers, the people who inhale second-hand smoke and the environment. Cigarettes should be made illegal because they cause different kinds of cancer. Cigarette smoking is known to be one of the main contributors of the deaths caused by cancer. It causes lung, throat, oesophagus, nose, and stomach cancer among others with cigarettes causing ninety percent of all lung cancer issues. The cancer harm caused by smoking should be one of the reasons why cigarettes should banned (Jha, 2014). Smoking affects not only the smoker alone but also the people who inhale second-hand smoke and the surrounding. Second-hand smoking is said to cause more harm than smoking the cigarette itself. The smoke also pollutes the environment to a big extend. It would not be unfair to allow people who do not smoke to face adverse effects of smoking because of second-hand inhalation of smoke. Cigarettes are bad for the mouth and teeth. They cause tooth decay that makes the teeth wear away. The smoke also stains the teeth leaving them yellow and causing the mouth to have a bad smell that is irritating...
Words: 393 - Pages: 2
...Deadly Butts More than ten times as many Americans have died prematurely from cigarette smoking than have died in all the wars fought by the United States during its history (CDC). At first, one would find this hard to believe when they think about all the wars this country has been through over the years and the fact that many people have died from something as simple as cigarettes. However, when one looks at the research and statistics, the damaging effects of smoking are not so hard to believe anymore. It is estimated that in the United States there are currently 36.5 million adults who smoke cigarettes (CDC). As a result, there are millions of people that have the risk of many serious and irreversible health effects that could result...
Words: 967 - Pages: 4
...amongst ______ students to get their insights on smoking and also their personal experiences with it. We divided the questionnaire for smokers and non-smokers. We managed to get a total of 50 participants in which 60% were non-smokers and 40% were smokers. The questions regarding smoking facts were answered by both sides. Both smokers and non-smokers seem to have just a slight understanding on what smoking really does to the body and to those around them. Based on the findings, we recommend that students be exposed to the real dangers of smoking. We suggest exhibitions, competitions, talks or maybe even a health class. TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS-----------------------------------------------------vi EXECUTIVE SUMMARY-------------------------------------------------------vii I. INTRODUCTION-------------------------------------------------------1 Background Statement of the Problem Purpose of the Study Scope II. RELATED LITERATURE-------------------------------------------- III. PROCEDURES--------------------------------------------------------- IV. FINDINGS AND ANALYSIS---------------------------------------- V. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS----------------- REFERENCES LIST------------------------------------------------------------- APPENDIX—SURVEY INSTRUMENT------------------------------------ LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS TABLES 1. EFFECTS THAT ARE CAUSED BY SMOKING------------------------------- 2. MEDIA...
Words: 6513 - Pages: 27
...Rhetorical Analysis of the Anti-Smoking Advertisements Joshua Martinez DeVry University ENG-112-64585 Anti-smoking advertisements occasionally pop up throughout our society which is often showing the viewers the harmful effects of tobacco through startling images. This advertisement uses the elements of ethos, pathos, and logos in order to make people rethink about smoking. The video advertisement uses children to make a point across by showing real scenarios on the effects of smoking. It shows that the commonplace for smoking, in today’s time, is acceptable for teenagers to smoke and jump to an assumption that children are starting to try it. Once the children are introduced into this advertisement pathos is also introduced. It shows that the innocent can be tainted with smoking and brings in fear to the audience. Ethos falls into play when the children are appealing to the adults that they want a lighter to smoke. Children are viewed as innocent and when a child wants to do something that destroys that innocence, adults, try to stop it. We tend to believe people whom we respect. One of the central problems of this advertisement was the children asking the adult for a cigarette which created the audience something that is worth seeing. When the kids asked for a lighter, pathos gets involved as the adults asks the children if they are being serious and refuses to give them one. The adults then respond with various reasons why smoking cigarettes is unhealthy...
Words: 672 - Pages: 3
...the past, many people think that smoking is a sign of coolness, but in fact it just damages the health. For a long time, researchers have been researching on cigarettes to find out what ingredients are contained in them. Cigarettes contain nicotine which is an addictive substance that makes smokers feel hard to quit. Smoking is not only a bad habit but also wastes money. Therefore, smoking is considered as the destruction of health. First of all, smoking damages the lungs, the heart and causes other diseases, in addition; you will learn several reasons why we need to ban smoking. The most important reason why we need to ban smoking is the effects of it on smokers and second-hand smokers. According to statistics tracked by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about 400,000 Americans die each year from diseases caused by cigarette smoking. The biggest killers are lung cancer and other smoking-related cancers, and heart disease. Tobacco causes more deaths than AIDS, illegal drug use, alcohol abuse, motor vehicle injuries, suicides and murders combined. In addition, over a 5 year-period, 2 million Americans die because of smoking cigarettes and tobacco. To non-smokers, breathing the air from smokers is terrifying because they only take the bad smoke from them. They even get a higher rate of diseases from that smoke. Thus, to the children, breathing the smoke the risks increase for childhood illness such as asthma and ear infections. Smoking affects the health of pregnancy...
Words: 761 - Pages: 4
...Question How do the heroes smoking in supernatural effect the perception of smoking as a social norm in young people today. Stereotyping the Smoker: Adolescents' Appraisals of Smokers in Film McCool, J. P., Cameron, L., & Petrie, K. (2004). Stereotyping the smoker: Adolescents' appraisals of smokers in film. Tobacco Control, 13(3), 308-314. This is a research article on how to asses demographic factors and film smoking stereotypes in adolescents and the potential influence of smoker stereotypes on smoking susceptibility. They based this study on different demographics such as ethnicity, and gender. Using two groups aged 12 and 16 they conducted a questionnaire. They found that younger adolescents and males where more likely to view smoking in image based stereotypes; While older adolescents and females where more likely to see them in emotional stereotypes. Well finding correlations in both for an increased susceptibility to smoking the image based stereotypes where stronger. But both groups where seeing smoking as an accepted norm either to look cool or sexy, or as a relaxer when stressed or depressed. Interesting to note was that susceptible non-smokers and young adolescence where more likely to report greater time spent watching films. They concluded with that although adolescent group differences are important to appraisals of smokers in film, image stereotypes were found to be associated with smoking susceptibility. Adolescent perceptions of smoking imagery in film McCool...
Words: 1259 - Pages: 6
...Who is the most vulnerable to the cigarette marketing ads? Kids and teens are by far the most vulnerable. Especially vulnerable are those children who have low self-esteem, low academic achievement, no goals and low social status. Kids with these problems are more likely to be prone to give in to the pressures of siblings, peers and the media. To try to discourage teens from beginning the habit, most states have raised the taxes on cigarettes. Some, such as the District of Columbia have raised it to a high of 25 cents per pack.5 On the other hand, the states where smoking is a major cash crop such as Kentucky and Tennessee, only have a tax of 2.5 cents per pack, so they don t discourage kids from buying.6 Cigarettes contain over seven hundred (700) chemical additives. Some of the chemicals you are less likely to know about are the heavy metals, humectants, casting agents, pesticides and insecticides added into a cigarette. The more well know chemicals are tar, Carbon and nicotine. Tar is released when you light a cigarette and the tobacco begins to burn. The cigarette reaches about 1600-1800 degrees Fahrenheit on the ash ends and can reach up to 2000 degrees Fahrenheit in the center.7 Tar is very harmful to the human respiratory system because it collects and clogs up the bronchi and it contributes a great deal to cancer and respiratory diseases. The Carbon in a cigarette is extremely dangerous. Government regulations only permit the level of Carbon to be at the maximum 50ppm...
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...Alita Abram English Lac. 1 The Effects of Smoking Tobacco. Why do you choose to smoke something that causes harm to your body? How does it make you feel while using tobacco? Do you feel like smoking tobacco is affecting your body? Smoking tobacco can do all kinds of harmful things to the human body. For example you can get lung, stomach, mouth, voice box, bladder, and kidney cancer. Tobacco can change you vision, teeth, mood stimulation, skin and can affect your unborn child. I used to be a heavy smoker until my grandmother died from lung cancer. When she died, it made me think twice about smoking. It’s not really hard to quit smoking. I stopped and so can you. Here are some examples of how you can quit smoking cigarettes. From my experiences, I suggest a vapor pen I use a vapor pen and I haven’t picked up a cigarette in four weeks. A vapor pen is just nicotine oil which comes in different levels. This includes a 0 percent nicotine oil, depending on how heavy of a smoker you are. Instead of a bad nasty taste, you can have a wonderful, flavorful taste every time that you inhale. It does not hold a nasty, skunky odor. In fact, you don’t smell it at all. Nicotine gum is another method to help you stop smoking. Nicotine gum can be addictive and may increase heart rate, increase blood pressure, oral irritation, dental pain, hiccups, heartburn, nausea and indigestion. The nicotine patch is another way of quitting tobacco. It may cause dizziness, headaches, nausea, vomiting...
Words: 541 - Pages: 3
... IRN 9047136049 COM/150 02/10/2013 Tracey Fida Smoking cigarettes is a habit many people have these days, and fortunately those numbers are going down. If compared with the 1940’s, the number of smokers had a huge decrease nowadays. Mendes (2011), “Gallup and Healthways find the national smoking rate stuck at 21%. Although this is much lower than the historic highs of around 40%, Gallup found from the mid-1940s to the mid-1970s, there remains significant variation across states, with smoking levels in many states still at 25% or higher. The number of Americans who smoke has fallen to 20 percent, tying the all-time low first recorded in 2009.” (8). However, the health problems it brings to the smokers and their surroundings still a big concern and something people need to learn more about. Unfortunately, what some non-smoker does not realize is how bad that smoke is for them as it is for the smoker, the reason they are known as involuntary or passive smokers once they are breathing in the second hand smoke taking in the nicotine and toxic chemicals the same way smokers do. When a non-smoker sees somebody smoking a cigarette the first thing that crosses their minds is how bad that habit is, not juts because the harmful effects it causes to the smoker's health, but the odor impregnated in the clothes, the bad breath, and the smoke exhaled. Secondhand smoke (SHS), also known as Environmental Tobacco Smoke...
Words: 1965 - Pages: 8
...The Cause and Effects on Smoking In earlier times, tobacco was called herba panacea- meaning cure-all herb. People used to believe Tobacco had medicinal value. Some people even believed that smoking cleaned out the lungs. A French Ambassador named Jean Nicot brought Tobacco plants to Portugal in 1559, telling friends it was useful in treating wounds, asthma and cancer. The words nicotine and nicotiana came from Jean Nicot's last name. Did you know that in spite of the dangers, many people still become smokers. Many young people begin smoking as an act of rebellion or independence. Most adults smoke for relaxation and pleasure, and to satisfy a craving for nicotine. The purpose of this essay is to discuss three effects of cigarette smoking; such as its the leading cause of many life-threatening diseases, the appearance of premature aging on the body, and the extra cost of living. The effects of smoking on human health are serious and in many cases, deadly. Smoking harms nearly every organ of the body. There are approximately 4,000 chemicals in cigarettes, hundreds of which are toxic. The ingredients in cigarettes affect everything from the internal functioning of organs to the efficiency of the body's immune system. Not only does smoking increase a persons’ chances of developing lung cancer but many other cancers as well; including lip, oral, pharynx, esophagus, larynx, pancreas, cervix, bladder, and even kidney. The effects of smoking on the body can also include...
Words: 516 - Pages: 3
...1. Ban smoking is something we all are familiar of. Mostly we have seen it in trains, busses etc. where there is a sign/sticker of a cigarette that has a line across it, meaning, “ smoking is not allowed”. The text “Benefits of smoke ban will be felt at once”, by The Observer of British newspaper Robin Mckie, involves different scientific studies of ban smoking and the effects of it. An international journal of science can conclude that there are improvements in the population of England after the ban smoking has taken place. One of the effects of ban smoking is that, it has become illegal to smoke in all enclosed public places, workplaces and owners/ managers of pubs, clubs and cafés fines up to 2500 pound if they allow customers to smoke their premises. The Europeans Commission has found that UK has the highest percentage of Europeans trying to quit smoking and 46 per cent are trying to stop and even more say they want to give it up. A UK epidemiologist Sir Richard Peto thinks that there are good news and bad news of smoking. The bad news is that non- smokers who breathe in second- hand smoke face a increased risk of getting lung cancer or heart disease. He also says that no matter how much ban smoking is taking place, that there will still be smokers and a lot of early deaths in the coming years. The good news of smoking which Sir Richard Peto points out that the situation of smoking is better than it use to be. Text two “Is this the end of English literature?” by a...
Words: 361 - Pages: 2