...Industry Surveys Retailing: General Jason Asaeda, Department & General Merchandise Stores Equity Analyst JUNE 2013 Current Environment ............................................................................................ 1 Industry Profile .................................................................................................... 12 Industry Trends ................................................................................................... 13 How the Industry Operates ............................................................................... 23 Key Industry Ratios and Statistics ................................................................... 29 How to Analyze a Retail Company ................................................................... 31 Glossary ................................................................................................................ 36 Industry References ........................................................................................... 37 Comparative Company Analysis ...................................................................... 38 This issue updates the one dated November 2012. The next update of this Survey is scheduled for December 2013. CONTACTS: INQUIRIES & CLIENT RELATIONS 800.852.1641 clientrelations@ standardandpoors.com SALES 877.219.1247 wealth@spcapitaliq.com MEDIA Marc Eiger 212.438.1280 marc.eiger@spcapitaliq.com S&P CAPITAL IQ 55 Water Street New York, NY 10041 ...
Words: 29060 - Pages: 117
...2nd Floor 90 Pitts Bay Road Pembroke HM08 Bermuda http://www.tyco.com T Ict I ati nat nal t99 1 A An u e R t T y c o y n oe r n t e r o n ailo L t d . L1 d . 9 9 9n9n u a ln R a lp o re p o r t The Zurich Centre Ty c o I n t e r n a t i o n a l L t d . 19 99 Annual Report Get to know we are the world’s largest supplier of electronic and electrical connectors WE ARE THE WORLD’S LARGEST INSTALLER AND SERVICER OF we are the world’s largest producer of FIRE AND SECURITY industrial valves SYSTEMS w e h a v e g row n o u r ea rni ng s a t a 35% com pounded r ate for the past fi v e y ear s we lead the burgeoning global market in undersea fiber optic telecommunications W E H AV E 1 8 2 , 0 0 0 EMPLOYEES IN OVER 80 COUNTRIES AROUND THE we are a global leader in disposable health care we achieved sales of over $22 billion in fiscal 1999 we do not make toys . . . and never have 1 1. telecommunications and electronics If you knew Tyco last year, look again. The Company has evolved into a leader in the fast-paced, high-tech world of electronics. Our merger with AMP, the world’s largest maker of electrical connectors, and the acquisition of Raychem, a leading manufacturer of high-performance electrical components, created the nucleus for the formation of Tyco Electronics Corporation, the world’s largest supplier of passive electronic components. The diverse capabilities of AMP and Raychem, combined with...
Words: 41553 - Pages: 167