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Bartter Syndrome Case Study

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Pages 4
Problem based learning bartter syndrome

Name: Sarina
Surname: Mirzaei
Student No.: 17701411
Year 1 committee 2

Unknown words:
• Meconium: The first intestinal discharges of the newborn infant, greenish in color and consisting of epithelial cells, mucus, and bile. (1)
• Hyponatremia: Abnormally low concentrations of sodium ions in circulating blood. (1)
• Hypokalemia: The presence of an abnormally low concentration of potassium ions in the circulating blood; occurs in familial periodic paralysis and in potassium depletion due to excessive loss from the gastrointestinal tract or kidneys. The changes of hypokalemia may include vacuolation of renal tubular epithelial cytoplasm with impairment of urinary …show more content…
Which systems are affected and how?

Potassium and sodium are very important in creating the action potential of neuronal and cardiac cells, as well as in transferring material from the cell membrane. So effect these systems.
Barttar syndrome is a renal tubular disease characterized by metabolic alkalosis, hypokalemia, and tubular pulp associated with loss of salt, and precipitated in infancy or early infancy. Lack of weight gain is one of the most important findings in neonatal bardia syndrome. Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors are one of the healing therapies for improvement in these patients, which may be associated with complications such as hypotension and renal dysfunction.

4. Compare the test result with normal values?

As I had Reconciling her height and weight to baby girl’s growth chart
For 3rd month girl her weight should be (4.6 - 7.4) kg so she has normal weight
About her height should be (55.8 - 63.8) cm so she has normal height too

Her pulse rate is a little high

Her respiratory rate is again normal (4)

5. What is the treatment or is there anyways of

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