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Beijing Eaps Consulting, Inc.


Submitted By Sdthompson5
Words 1185
Pages 5
Beijing EAPS Consulting, Inc.

Co-Conducting a Project Plan
The case starts off with Mr. Zheng, the chief executive officer (CEO) of Beijing EAPS Consulting, Inc., overhearing a conversation between two of his employees. Mr. Yang, the training department manager and Ms. Song, the project manager were not in sync on their current roles and how they are able to relay information to the other. A project manager is a single person tasked or has the responsibility to plan, direct, and integrate the work efforts of his or her staff to achieve the project goals. Project managers may administratively report to functional or departmental managers or program managers with respect to their projects or those who act as subcontractors to program managers; report to program managers while managing resources from functional groups; or report directly to the executive management. The project manager is the person responsible for ensuring that the project team completes the project. The project manager develops the project plan with the team and manages the team’s performance of project tasks. It is also the responsibility of the project manager to secure acceptance and approval of deliverables from the Project Sponsor and Stakeholders. The project manager is responsible for communication, including status reporting, risk management, escalation of issues that cannot be resolved in the team, and in general, making sure the project is delivered in budget, on schedule, and within scope (Cornell University, 2013). Once Mr. Zheng heard of this miscommunication, the structure hierarchy was a concern to him. Currently within the company, project managers and departmental managers were on the same hierarchy. A project involves a set of interrelated tasks with a single, definable purpose, end-item, or result, usually over a fixed period, with a cost, schedule and

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