believes self-efficacy benefits for their motivation for constantly learning new challenger in their lives. Zimmerman expresses he believes that self-efficacy differs from other several motivation concepts such as self-concept, locus of control and outcome expectations. This benefits students from participating in their own different interests. Comparing students with self-efficacy and one without self-efficacy. Students that has self-efficacy is more emotionally stable which means they can handle any kind of difficult situations in their lives. Student with no or little self-efficacy are going to have a hard time dealing with most situations. He states that self-efficacy helps the students with goal accomplishments. Zimmerman thinks that self-belief should be added to further their beliefs and make a vital role in their academic achievement with desired goals. The article is about a research study where verifying that discriminant validity is succeeded by students’ effort, persistence, emotional reactions and their activity choices. The…show more content… Bandura explained that self-efficacy is personal capabilities of individually is to the outcomes that achieve certain outcomes or from his own personal desired goals. Self-efficacy allows the students to control their own learning. In addition, Bandura debated the human motivation from personal outcome expectations. At the end, Bandura believes self-efficacy is the most important part of motivation. I agree with Bandura that self-efficacy is the most important part of motivation. I think if a student believes they can do something, they will do it no matter what. I think that similar concepts are mixed up. For example, self-efficacy and self-esteem is not the same thing. Self-efficacy is the belief about one’s capability to perform or achieve a certain goal. Self-esteem is an individual’s overall view of himself or herself as a