Bender's Notes: The Two Definitions Of Nationalism
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Two definitions of nationalism:
Bender’s Notes: A powerful unifying force drawing together people who share common bonds such as language, culture, religion and heritage.
Also a divisive force in large empires where culturally distinct people may seek to create their own independent states.
Patriotic feelings, an extreme form of this, especially marked by a feeling of superiority over other countries. advocacy of political independence for a particular country.
A deep devotion to one’s nation
A unifying force within a country
However, it can also cause intense competition among nations, with each seeking to overpower the other.
Book definition: The belief that people’s greatest loyalty should not be to a king or an empire but to a…show more content… The Ottomon Empire controlled the Balkans, which included Greece. Still the Greek people always remembered their ancient history and culture. The Greek people were not rebelling against the tyranny of the Ottomon Empire. They were trying to reconquer their own individual liberty, which others in Europe already had, like France, England and Spain. They were willing to fight for their rights and esteemed culture and to govern themselves. They said they would rather die than live under this tyrannical government. These Greek descendents were proud of their heritage, and were willing to fight to the death for…show more content… Nationalism helped to unify Germany while ethnic groups in Austria-Hungary tore that area apart. In 1861, Bismarck takes control . There were over 300 German states, including Austria and Prussia. After the Congress of Vienna, there were only 39 states. The smaller number of German states encouraged nationalism among them. Wilhelm wanted more military but the bund (parliament) refused. He then names Junker, Otto Von Bismarck chancellor. Otto Von Bismarck used realpolitik, realism not idealism. Had policy of blood and iron. 3 wars united Germany, Denmark, Seven weeks war, Franco-Prussian war. Austro-Prussian war was vs denmark. Prussia took schleswig and austria took Holstein. Austro-Prussian war, prussia claimed that austria was mistreating germans in holstein, which led to a war between the 2, and prussia had a much stronger military. Prussia won holstein, and started german nationalism in the process. The third war, the franco-prussian war- most of the protestant states were unified, but southern catholic states remained with austria or independent. They needed to unite these remaining countries, they did this by having Bismarck reword the Ems Telegram in a way that provoked the french to start a war. France declared war and promptly lost. Then alsace-lorraine; southern german states enter united