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Beowulf Grendel Character Traits

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Grendel is a lonely creature who tries to discover the true meaning of being human and the existence of humans. Through out this book the only thing Grendel has ever try to do was to understand the humans and how to connect with them. He doesn't want to be a lonely creature anymore. His tired of hearing his mom moaning,tired of talking to himself and tired of not knowing anything.

Grendel is represent different in John Gardiner eyes. Grendel is very intelligent smart and before he acts he thinks. His big and very strong. From the time he can see and walk he started to observe the Human race. He started to understand us. He started to figure out are life. How we talk, how we speak with one and other. How we build, how we survive. …show more content…
He doesn't like what the human do. He hates how this one tribe whose ruler name is Hrothgar. He hates how the tribes devastate the land how they destroy everything.How they drain the life out of the land out of the animals. That really gets on his nerves. From his eyes he see human race has monsters. From the time he started to observer the tribe he never really went down but one night he went down to listen to the human speaking and on that night he heard a man who the human called a shaper. A shaper is a person who tells stories about great strong soldiers. On that night he heard the shaper telling a story about Two Brothers which split all the world between darkness and light.And I, Grendel,was the dark side,he said in effect.(Pg.51).Its all lies, all lies. He breaks into the Mead Hall and tries to talk to the us but that’s when he remembers we can’t understand him But it was too late the soldier crab their sword and shields and they attack grendel. Grendel tries a second time but the soldiers kept coming. One spears came through it and one of them nicked me, a tiny scratch high on my left breast,but I knew by the sting it had venom on it.(Pg.52.) He went out of control and He struck at them.He crushed of the soldiers in his hug,then hurled it in their faces. Back in his cave he can hear the humans crying,yelling cursing him out. He yells its your fault for making me do such a …show more content…
Grendel became a Monster because us human were to blind by are judging and we judge him and since he only wanted to be friends with us that doesn’t make him a monster. That makes him a living being. Hrothgar tribe is to blame for all of the people they lost. The blood is on their hand not Grendel. Next time if a monster shows up on their front door. Instead of attacking like a bunch of wild wolf they should see what the monster does. Does the monster attack or does it try to connect with them. What happen with Grendel should be a life lesson for them. Hrothgar tribe would of never lost all their people if they didn’t attack Grendel. They should of tried to understand what Gendel was trying to say that

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