...LIBERTY UNIVERSITY ONLINE Biblical Worldview AN ESSAY SUBMITTED TO PROFESSOR LARRY BROWN BIBL105-B13 OLD TESTAMENT SURVEY BY CAR FEBRUARY 2015 Since I first started reading the Bible I have looked at the first 11 chapters of Genesis as merely a historical text to tell how God created the world, His grace, His love, His justice and His Holiness. However after reading it with an eye toward how it influences my world view and how I see the natural world, the human identity, human relationships and civilization I see there is a wealth of information overlooked in most people’s basic understanding of what could be considered the most important 11 chapters in the Bible. As we see from the beginning of the Book of Genesis a triune God created the entire natural world and all living things in six days. According to Moses writing he meant six twenty-four hour periods, this is based on the fact Moses used the word “Yom” for day in this book. “Yom” as used in other parts of the Bible refers to a day as a twenty-four hour period by this we can be sure Moses wasn’t referring to a day as some other period of time. Based on this God is showing us we are to work six days and rest on the seventh or Sabbath as seen in Genesis 2:2-3 (NIV) “Then God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done.” These first 11 chapters also show us the fallacy in evolution as the Bible clearly states He created all living things...
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