...Critical Thinking Paper Instructions Before you begin writing your paper, you should first consider which formatting style that you will be using. In this course, we allow you to choose the one that you are more familiar with, or the one that will ultimately be the style most often used within your major. (See Formatting Style document) This is a research paper, not a Discussion Board Forum, so it is expected that your paper will be formatted and cited using one of the following styles: current APA, MLA, or Turabian format. Requirements: 1. Cover page – This is the first page to be included in your paper (based on the formatting style that you will be using, see the sample papers in Blackboard). a. APA: For this course, a Summary or Abstract is not required. b. MLA: This format does not require a title page, but does have a specific format for Ssudent information. 2. Content pages – These pages will contain your content and fulfill the requirements as listed below. c. Be sure to complete the minimum word count (500–1,000 words). i. Do NOT include the question as part of your word count Use only your answers. ii. Direct quotations must be short and limited. iii. Include your word count at the bottom of the paper. iv. NOTE: Submissions totaling fewer than 250 words will not receive credit. d. Quotations and material used from other sources must be cited using current APA, MLA or Turabian. You...
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...of the Biblical view of the world and compares it other works in the Ancient Near East of that time with the development of the Bible. This is done by an in-depth analysis of the underlying beliefs inherent in mythology and the Biblical text. Of primary significance is the author's portrayal of the Biblical insistence on monotheism and divine transcendence compared to the polytheistic underpinnings of mythology. The author compares the ethically based Biblical view of the divine/human relationship with the ritualistic and magical view of that relationship found in mythology. With these and other comparisons (and with due consideration given to the various similarities between Israel and her neighbors), the author gives an excellent overview of the subject matter of the thought. In The Bible Among the Myths,Oswalt takes the conversation further by illuminating the fact that Israel's faith couldn’t have simply evolved out of nowhere. Oswalt shows that the surrounding Ancient Near East cultures had a worldview known as Continuity. This view maintained that all things that exist are a part of each other (such as the gods, nature, and humanity), the existence of polytheism, that the gods could be manipulated through nature and natural artifacts(which was the point of idol worship), the significance of magic, the obsession with fertility which led to sexual imitation rituals, and that the gods were formed from chaotic matter. Oswalt then explains Israel's worldview which was...
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...Worldview Assignment Part One: What is worldview? Worldview can be defined by three elements. The first being on how we see the world around us, such as people, places or things. The second view is how we make day to day decisions. Lastly, is our philosophy on life? How do we respond to the world around us? When we make decisions how do they make us feel? We base our morals and beliefs from our worldview. Part Two: Articulate the biblical/Christian Worldview. There are five questions that articulate the biblical/Christian worldview. Below I will list these five questions and give a brief overview. Also I will give scriptures to support the relevance of these questions. The Question of Origin: Where do I come from? If we were not created by God we would not exist. Genesis 1:1 states we did not exist until God created us. Also Psalms 24:1-2 gives clarity to the question of origin. Christians believe that God wholes the world in his hands and by his hands we were created. The Question of Identity: “Who am I?” and “What does it mean to be me?” As Christians we were created in the image of God. The bible states this in Genesis 1:26-27. We are the only ones created by the hand of God. We as Christians can use the bible for answers about our identity. Only the one who created us can know us before we were born. Jeremiah 1:5 gives clarity to this statement. The Question of Meaning/Purpose: The question of meaning/purpose ask “Why do I exist?” This is an important...
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...Critical Thinking Assignment Instructions Overview: 1. Answer the following questions in 2 clearly separate parts I, II (500 words). 2. Be sure to answer every question. 3. Meeting the minimum word count as required for each part (I, II) is important. a. Do NOT include the question as part of your word count b. Direct quotations should be short and limited 4. Quotations and material used from other sources should be cited using current APA, MLA, or Turabian formatting (whichever corresponds to your degree program). 5. Check your work for spelling and grammatical errors. 6. Be sure to do your own work, do not plagiarize. I. Part One: (250 words) 1. Select ONE of the worldviews (Secular Humanism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam) that have been considered in the course content. 2. Using course content and/or sources outside of the course, complete the following- How would the worldview that you selected answer: i. The Question of Origin - ii. The Question of Identity - iii. The Question of Meaning/Purpose - iv. The Question of Morality - v. The Question of Destiny - * An overview of these questions can be found in chapter 4 of the Weider & Gutierrez text Consider. II. Part Two: (250 words) 3. Compare and contrast your selected worldview’s answers (as given in Part One) to a Biblical/Christian worldview. 4. Do not just copy and paste, but you...
Words: 532 - Pages: 3
...Overview: 1. Answer the following questions in 2 clearly separate parts I, II (500 words). 2. Be sure to answer every question. 3. Meeting the minimum word count as required for each part (I, II) is important. a. Do NOT include the question as part of your word count b. Direct quotations should be short and limited 4. Quotations and material used from other sources should be cited using APA or Turabian. 5. Check your work for spelling and grammatical errors. 6. Be sure to do your own work, do not plagiarize. I. Part One: (250 words) 1. Select ONE of the worldviews (Secular Humanism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam) that have been considered in the course content. 2. Using course content and/or sources outside of the course, complete the following- How would the worldview that you selected answer: i. The Question of Origin - ii. The Question of Identity - iii. The Question of Meaning/Purpose - iv. The Question of Morality - v. The Question of Destiny - * An overview of these questions can be found in chapter 4 of the Weider & Gutierrez text Consider. II. Part Two: (250 words) 1. Compare and contrast your selected worldview’s answers (as given in Part One) to a Biblical/Christian worldview. 2. You may wish to refer back to your Worldview Assignment from Module/Week 3. i. The Question of Origin – ii. The Question of Identity – iii. The Question of Meaning/Purpose – iv. The Question of Morality – v. The Question of Destiny - * An overview of...
Words: 279 - Pages: 2
...WORLDVIEW PAPER INSTRUCTIONS Before you begin writing your paper, you should first consider which formatting style that you will be using. In this course, we allow you to choose the one that you are more familiar with, or the one that will ultimately be the style most often used within your major. This is a research paper, not a Discussion Board Forum, so it is expected that your paper will be formatted and cited using one of the following styles: current APA, MLA, or Turabian. Requirements: 1. Cover page – This is the first page to be included in your paper (Based on the formatting style that you will be using, see the sample papers in Blackboard). a. APA: For this course, a Summary or Abstract is not required. b. MLA: This format does not require a title page, but does require a specific format for student information. 2. Content pages – These pages will contain your content and fulfill the requirements as listed below. a. Be sure to complete the minimum word count for each Part (I, II, and III). i. Do NOT include the question as part of your word count. ii. Direct quotations must be short and limited. iii. Include your word count at the bottom of each section of the paper (Part I,II, and III). iv. NOTE: Submissions totaling fewer than 250 words will not receive credit. b. Quotations and material used from other sources must be cited using current APA, MLA or Turabian format. You must include in-text citations and a Bibliography/Reference or Works Cited...
Words: 672 - Pages: 3
...A DIVISION OF LOXAFAMOSITY The Bible and Childbearing ABORT73.COM PO BOX 9291 - MOSCOW, ID - 83843 Overview: Even though the Bible has nothing directly to say about abortion, it has plenty to say about pregnancy and childbearing. One way to address the issue of abortion is to compare the place of childbearing in the Bible to the place of childbearing in a worldview that accepts abortion. Thus, an appropriate question to ask is: does the practice of abortion, the deliberate termination of a pregnancy, fit well with or sharply conflict with childbearing in the Biblical worldview? (1) Childbearing in Creation The significance of childbearing in the Biblical story becomes apparent starting in the first chapter of Genesis. Genesis 1:26-28 [26] Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth.” [27] So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. [28] And God blessed them. And God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth.” Observations • “Be fruitful and multiply,” a command to bear children, is the very first command given to human beings. • There is a connection...
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...Colorado Christian University College of Adult and Graduate Studies HIS111A, History and Literature of Ancient Israel Course Syllabus (3 semester credits) Course Description Academic Catalog Description This course provides an overview of the historical development and fulfillment of God’s sovereign plan for both the people and the land of Israel. General Course Description This course focuses on the content, background, message, and significance of the books of the Old Testament. Required Textbooks and Course Materials You will need a standard translation of the Bible (NIV, NASB, NKJV, NRSV are acceptable). Paraphrases such as The Living Bible or The Message are not acceptable for this class. If you are using a Bible other than the translations listed, you need to secure permission from your professor. Arnold, B., & Beyer, B. (2008). Encountering the Old Testament (w/CD) (2nd ed.). Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House. [ISBN: 978-0801031700] Clowney, E. (2013). The unfolding mystery (2nd ed.). Phillipsburg, NJ: P&R Publishing. [ISBN: 978-1596388925] Optional (but Recommended) American Psychological Association. (2009). Concise rules of APA style (6th ed.). Washington, DC: Author. [ISBN: 978-1-4338-0560-8] Student Learning Objectives 1. In this course the student will obtain a basic understanding of major themes that emerge from a reading of the Old Testament. 2. The student will be able to articulate...
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...Study Guide: Lesson 3 The Importance of Philosophy for Christians Lesson Overview In our last lesson for this module/week, we examined why developing the philosophical mindset is important for people in general. In this lesson, we want to ask that question specifically for Christians. What value does philosophy have for Christians? We will begin by examining the biblical basis for developing a philosophical mindset. We will discuss the biblical mandate for philosophy and three elements in fulfilling that mandate. We will then survey a number of roles that philosophy functions for Christians. Finally, we will examine the role that the Bible plays in doing philosophy. Tasks Read and take notes from chapter 3 of Philosophy: Critically Thinking about Foundational Beliefs, “What Athens has to do with Jerusalem: The Importance of Philosophy for Christians.” As you read, make sure you understand the following points and questions: • Know the historical and literary background to Col 2:8. Paul starts this passage off with a Greek term “blepete” meaning “beware” or “be on your guard.” Then follows this with a strange phrase that literally means “to be carried off as booty” but here is probably meant more like “kidnap” The literal wording here is actually “philosophy and vain deceit” knowing the historical and literary context of this passage one can see that Paul is not condemning philosophy in general. He is contrasting two kinds of philosophy: one that is based...
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...------------------------------------------------- Critical Thinking Assignment Part One: The origin of life can be confusing because Hindus worship many gods and have many sects. However, Hindus all believe in Braham and see him as God. They believe he is impersonal and an impersonal force. (Halverson p.1) Hindus believe that God and the universe are the same. (Weider/Gutierrez p.65) (Hindson/Caner p.265) Hindus believe that all life form is manifested from God. Hindus often worship plants and animals because they are a source of food. “Mankind should not be viewed or valued as superior in species”. (Weider/Gutierrez p.66) “Humans and animals have a similar essence and should be regarded as partnership in search of eternal oneness”. (Weider/Gutierrez p.67) The Hindu religion has four goals in the meaning/purpose of life. Pleasure, wealth, harmony and liberation. The first two consume the individual as it causes evil and suffering. The other two fulfill the individual. True salvation is to abandon the evil desires (pleasure and wealth) and become liberated (moksha). (Hindson/Caner p.263) Hindus believe that they should release all evil desires and egos and therefore they live through spiritual practices. Yoga, mental discipline and good deeds to all life forms. (Hindson/Carner p.264) Hindus believe in karma and by doing good deeds you receive good karma. Hindus believe in reincarnation, which is where you are born again in a new different body. (Merriam-Webster)...
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... Abstract Not every client will be of the Christian faith. With that known, proper integration of psychology, spirituality and theology is imperative to have a successful and healthy therapeutic relationship. There are many theorists with distinctively diverse approaches. The Gestalt experiential family therapy process allows professionals the flexibility to individualize their procedures while maintaining an unyielding theoretical background. The way one views integration has a lot to do with their worldview, which determines their use or lack of use of spiritual methods in counseling as well as help the professional deal with on-Christian counselees. This manuscript provides a synopsis of the history of the Gestalt experiential family therapy framework, the leading figures, and in conclusion an overview of how a personal worldview interacts with the Gestalt theory. keywords: Gestalt, integration, experiential family therapy, worldview Family Counseling Approach Research Gestalt Family Therapy Introduction The experiential model or experiential approach to family therapy has many innovators. The symbolic experiential approach pioneered by Carl Whitaker highlights how the therapist provides counselees different ways to accept and deal with issues (Goldenberg and Goldenberg, 2013). Satir (1967) emphasizes the importance of communication in conjoint family therapy. For Whitaker, the symbolic experiential model is a multigenerational...
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...I. The Bible and Myth Chapter 1. The Bible in Its World 2 Chapter 2. The Bible and Myths: A problem of Definition 3 Chapter 3. Continuity: The basis of Mythical Thinking 4 Chapter 4. Transcendence: Basis of Biblical Thinking 5 Chapter 5. The Bible Versus Myth 6 PART II. The Bible and History Chapter 6. The Bible and History: A Problem of Defition 7 Chapter 7. Is the Bible Truly Historical? The Problem of History (1) 8 Chapter 8. Does It Matter Whether the Bible is Historical? The Problem of History (2) 9 Chapter 9. Origins of the Biblical Worldview: Alternatives 10 Conclusions 11 Introduction Oswalt starts with a concise and well-written introduction that is compelling reading. He shares some very revealing personal information dating back to the 1960s, when he attended Asbury Theological Seminary. Oswalt quickly points out that one of the main points the book will focus on is determining if “the religion of the Old Testament [is] essentially similar to, or essentially different from, the religions of its neighbors.” In the introduction, he provides a brief overview of scholarly thought regarding the Old Testament literature and Ancient Near East literature and how perspectives have changed over the last 50 years. Oswalt states at the time he was introduced to the subject, scholars believed...
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...doctrine of the immaterial nature of man are fundamental cornerstones within the Christian worldview that promulgate a rational coherent, consistent doctrine that when properly taught can equip Christians today with important theological knowledge that facilitates their pursuit of effective ministry. Divided into two separate topics, I will subsequently expound upon the Christian doctrine of creation and the doctrine on the immaterial nature of man, outlining the theological definition, biblical foundation, and practical application for each. II. Doctrine of Creation a. Theological Definition The doctrine of creation propagates that an eternal, infinite and immaterial Triune God created ex nihilo, or out of nothing, the universe and everything within it. God created the “heavens, the earth, the fish, the various kinds of species of animals, and man as the crown of His creation” (Townes, Origin). This doctrine asserts that there was no preexistent material existed before creation, emphasizing God’s existence alone before creation, and affirming His infinitude, eternality, self-existence, self-sufficiency, omnipotence, and omniscience. This doctrine is derived from God’s general revelation and special revelation (Holy Bible) to mankind, and is the absolute essential, fundamental doctrine for the Christian worldview in its formulation of the attributes of God. b. Biblical Foundation Before we begin our exegesis, it must be noted that there are mainly two prominent...
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...Old-Earth Geology and its Ramifications for Life in the 21st Century” Introduction: This paper is a review of Dr. Terry Mortenson’s 2003 article entitled “The Origin of Old Earth Geology and its Ramifications for life in the 21st Century”. This review is designed to give readers an overview of what Dr. Mortenson’s article is about, the article’s strong points, and the areas in which the author could have strengthened his position. In addition to these points, I will be sharing my own personal view points on the authors’ article including the subject matter being discussed. II. Overview and Main Points: The article we will be looking at was written to give readers an idea of the varying opinions held by society regarding the age of the earth. The author Dr. Terry Mortenson will review several geological scholars and other experts in the field as well as analyzing their various opinions. The author will build a case that scientific deduction regarding the age of the earth starting in the 18th century has been very subjective and was influenced by the scientists’ training and religious world views. The author builds a case that most every opinion on the earth’s age goes against the grain of traditional biblical teaching on the earth’s age. The main point of Dr. Mortenson’s article is the idea that scientific opinions about the earth’s age have changed significantly starting in the 18th century until modern day. Mortenson makes a case that the disintegration of conventional and traditional...
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...Abnormal Psychology - Depression Liberty University Abstract This paper explores depression in abnormal psychology through literature focusing on its history, causes, treatment, prevention, cross-cultural issues, and a Biblical worldview. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) has various categories of depression, and it offers particular criteria for the treatment of the different forms of depression. The introduction gives the reader an overview of depression and how it influences the health of an individual in a negative manner. Through its historical context, it is possible to review the progress mankind has made in coming up with effective ways of dealing with depression. Under causes, depression is indicated as being caused by various environmental, psychological, and biological factors. Treating depression necessitates timely medical attention, but it can be prevented through ideal health habits such as exercise and relaxation. Various cross-cultural issues about depression are highlighted, with Christianity offering a spiritual insight into the causes and treatment of depression. Keywords: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), bipolar disorder, neurotransmitters, antidepressants, psychotherapy, cross-cultural diagnostics Introduction Under abnormal psychology, depression is considered a serious illness with a negative influence on both the mental and physical health of an individual. Depression influences...
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