The key to be success is to perform you well in front of people. It is a skill to perform your strengths and hide weakness as much as you can. Therefore understand more about intrapersonal effectiveness, which is the ability to recognize, understand and express emotions and feelings. (Maltby, 2010, p.41) is extremely important, no matter for studying and working. In this portfolio, I will use the result of Schutte’s Emotional Intelligence Scale and the Five Factor Mode, as known as Big five model, to reflect and set goals to improve myself. According to Goleman(1996), “emotional intelligence is a combination of personal qualities, including self-discipline, patience, motivation, optimism, and ability to control anger—and “people skills,” such as empathy, the ability to listen, and the ability to offer constructive rather than hurtful criticism.” It shows that having high emotional intelligence can improve effectiveness of different aspects, for example individual and team (McShane, Olekalns & Travaglione, 2010). Knowing more about personality, an organized combination of attributes, motives, values, and behaviours(Sigelman & Rider, 2009) which indicated by Big five model is also important. Big five model is a combination of OCEAN, which is the abbreviation of Openness to experience, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness and Neuroticism. Openness to experience means people who are curious, open-minded and have wide interest. People scoring high in conscientiousness are well-organised, hardworking, efficient and self disciplined. Sociable and energetic are the characteristic of a extraversion person. An agreeable person usually cares about others and tries to help all in need. Neuroticism person usually feel anxious and stressful.
Refer to my result, I got 25 marks for emotional intelligence, self awareness for 21, self management for 46, social